Emanation: перевод, произношение, транскрипция, примеры...
Перевод слова emanation, американское и британское произношение, транскрипция, словосочетания, однокоренные слова, примеры использования.
émanation — с французского на русский
EMANATION — EMANATION, a theory describing the origin of the material universe from a transcendent first principle.
Emanation | Definition of Emanation by Merriam-Webster
Emanation definition is - the action of emanating. How to use emanation in a sentence. b : an isotope of radon produced by radioactive disintegration radium emanation.
Emanation - definition of emanation by The Free Dictionary
Define emanation. emanation synonyms, emanation pronunciation, emanation translation, English dictionary definition of emanation. n. 1. The act or an instance of emanating.
emanation - перевод с английского на русский , транскрипция...
emanation Существительное. emanation / emanations.
EMANATION | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
emanation definition: 1. the act of producing something or of expressing a quality or feeling : 2. the act of producing…. Learn more.
emanation - Wiktionary
emanation (countable and uncountable, plural emanations). The act of flowing or proceeding (of something, quality, or feeling) from a source or origin. That which issues, flows, or proceeds from any object as a source; efflux; an effluence.
emanation ['emə'neɪʃ(ə)n] сущ. порождающее начало; (The action of emanating) истечение; (Something that emanates or is produced by emanation) порождение.
Emanations | Encyclopedia.com
Emanations Supposedly perceived by psychics and identified by some parapsychologists, but Source for information on Emanations: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology dictionary.
Emanations — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
🎦 Emanations. Quite the same Wikipedia. Just better. Emanations. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the Star Trek: Voyager episode.
Emanation definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Emanation definition: An emanation is a form of energy or a mass of tiny particles that comes from something. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
Emanations Russian Translation - Examples Of Use Emanations In...
Translation of Emanations in Russian. Dirty are sated with emanations it conformable layers. Нечистые насыщены эманациями им созвучных слоев.
Emanations (episode) | Memory Alpha | Fandom
Real World article(written from a Production point of view). Investigating mineral deposits on an asteroid, Harry Kim is trapped on an alien planet. The USS Voyager is investigating a new element, the 247th one known to the Federation, on a ring of asteroids around a class D planet.
EMANATION, a theory describing the origin of the material universe from a transcendent first principle. According to this theory, the universe, which is multiple, is generated from the One, which is unitary...
Emanations - Home | Facebook
Emanations, Budapest. 1,933 likes · 61 talking about this. Goa/Psy-trance and Hi-tech party nights by independent promoters. See more of Emanations on Facebook.
Behexen - Nightside Emanations (Full Album) - YouTube
BM from Finland.01 - Intro02 - Wrathful Dragon Hau-Hra03 - Death's Black Light04 - Circle Me...05 - We Burn with Serpent Fire06 - The Luciferian Will07...
Emanation Meaning | Best 7 Definitions of Emanation
Emanation Sentence Examples. The doctrine of emanation is correctly described as of oriental origin. They differ, however, fundamentally in this respect, that, whereas evolution regards the process as...
emanation | Origin and meaning of emanation by Online Etymology...
EMANATION Meaning: "act of flowing or issuing from an origin; emission; radiation; what issues, flows, or is given out from… See definitions of emanation.
Emanations | Haeiresis
Emanations by Haeiresis, released 11 November 2019 1. Contorted Transcendental Origins 2. Abrasive Emanations 3. Putrescinecclesia (Nekrokatarsis) „Emanations" is a second EP installment...
Emanation | Definition of Emanation at Dictionary.com
Emanation definition, an act or instance of emanating.
Emanation Synonyms: 41 Synonyms & Antonyms for... | Thesaurus.com
Find 41 ways to say emanation, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Emanation | Definition of Emanation by Oxford Dictionary on...
'the commission is an emanation of the state'. 'From a more accommodating perspective that regards psychic phenomena as emanations from a spiritual source, they can be viewed as complementary.'
Emanationism - New World Encyclopedia | Emanation and evolution
Emanation, Pantheism, and Creation ex nihilo. Some scholars classify emanationism with Emanation and evolution. The term "evolution" implies the development of one thing into something...
What does EMANATIONS mean?
Meaning of EMANATIONS. What does EMANATIONS mean? Information and translations of EMANATIONS in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.