Banana - Wikipedia
A banana is an elongated, edible fruit - botanically a berry - produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa. In some countries, bananas used for cooking may be called "plantains", distinguishing them from dessert bananas.
banana | Origin and meaning of banana by Online Etymology Dictionary
Banana-skin is from 1851, banana-peel from 1874, both originally with reference to them being left carelessly on the ground and liable to cause a pratfall when trodden upon. The alleged injury was the same in each case, paralysis of the lower limbs, caused by slipping on a banana peel.
The History and Domestication of Bananas
Bananas produce vegetative suckers at the base of the plant which can be removed and planted separately. Bananas are planted at a typical density of between 1500-2500 plants per square Origins of Agriculture at Kuk Swamp in the Highlands of New Guinea. Science 301(5630):189-193.
The origin & history of the banana briefly explained
Banana: origin & history. Everybody already ate one: a banana. We can find the origin of the banana some thousands of years ago. The first banana fruits are supposed to be cultivated by the first peasants in our human history, some ten thousand years ago.
The History of Bananas as Food
The original banana has been cultivated and used since ancient times, even pre-dating the cultivation of rice. While the banana thrived in Africa, its origins are said The yellow sweet banana is a mutant strain of the cooking banana, discovered in 1836 by Jamaican Jean Francois Poujot, who found one...
History of Bananas - Nutrineat
History of Bananas. Banana, a delectable yellow fruit and immensely rich in vitamins and minerals, is one of the favorite fruits across the world. Banana is known as the poor man's food or fruit, because it is a part of the common man's diet and also contains important nutrients.
Banana - New World Encyclopedia
Banana is the common name for any of the very large, tree-like, herbaceous plants comprising the genus Musa of the flowering plant family Musaceae, characterized by an above-ground pseudostem (false stem) with a terminal crown of large leaves, and hanging clusters of edible, elongated fruit.
The origin of bananas? - ViralHall
The origin of bananas? Do you know what the most similar species is to humans? That's right, it's the chimpanzee. We share 98.8% of our DNA with them. But maybe you've also heard we share 50% of our DNA with bananas. Can you see the similarity. Where the hell do bananas come from?
Origin Of Banana
Origin Of Banana While we all know that bananas are very good for health, and though they are widely used all over. The western countries got the taste of this fruit in the latter half of the 19th century. Since the fruit could not be transported far and wide, only people at the sea coast could enjoy...
Banana — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
The word banana is thought to be of West African origin, possibly from the Wolof word banaana, and passed into An alternative approach divides bananas into dessert bananas and cooking bananas, with plantains being one of the subgroups of cooking bananas.[37] Triploid cultivars derived solely...
Banana | Origin and Distribution
Origin and Distribution. Edible bananas originated in the Indo-Malaysian region reaching to northern Australia. They were known only by hearsay in the Mediterranean region in 'Mysore', also known as 'Fillbasket' and 'Poovan', is the most important banana type of India, constituting 70% of the total crop.
Evolution of the Banana | From a Fruit With Seeds to the Cavendish...
How did the Cavendish banana become the most popular banana on the planet? Find out in the 'Evolution of the Banana'. Popped Secret: The Mysterious Origin of Corn — HHMI BioInteractive Video.
The Origin of the World Banana | History Forum
The banana is mentioned in documents written for the first time in history in Buddhist texts of about 600 BC Alexander the Great is known to have eaten bananas in the The name, Pacová, can be written in several ways: pacova, pakova, paková or pacoba. Its origin is Tupi-Guarani and means: banana.
What is the origin of banana? - Answers
The word 'banana' is apparently derived from the Arabic word 'banan' means 'finger'. That's why a bunch of banana is called a 'hand' & a banana in The word banana (in botany Musa Sapientm: the fruit of the wise men) is of West African origin, from the Wolof language, and passed into English...
All About Bananas | Producers, Where They're Grown & Why They...
All you need to know about bananas: from origins and early trade to where they're grown, how they're harvested and which companies produce them. Bananas are one of the most consumed and cheapest fruits worldwide: they are the most traded fruit and the fifth most traded agricultural product.
The Origin of Bananas - Originopedia
Cultivated in the tropics, the origin of bananas has been traced back to Southeast Asia. It was in this manner that bananas accompanied slave traders toward the west. They eventually arrived in Guinea on the west coast of Africa, where they were cultivated.
banana - Wiktionary
From Wolof banaana, via Spanish or Portuguese. (Received Pronunciation) enPR: bə-näʹnə, IPA(key): /bəˈnɑːnə/. (General American) enPR: bə-năʹnə, IPA(key): /bəˈnænə/. Rhymes: -ɑːnə, -ænə. Hyphenation: ba‧na‧na. banana (countable and uncountable, plural bananas).
The banana fruits develop from the banana heart, in a large hanging cluster, made up of tiers (called hands), with up to 20 fruit to a tier. This system eliminated almost all the difficulties and inconsistencies of the nomenclature system of bananas based on Musa sapientum and Musa...
Banana General Information
ORIGIN: Asian tropics. DESCRIPTION Back To: Menu Bar The banana plant is a large perennial herb with leaf sheaths that form trunk-like pseudostems. The plant has 8 - 12 leaves that are up to 9 ft long and 2 ft wide. Root development may be extensive in loose soil in some cases up to 30 ft laterally.
Where do bananas come from? | MakeFruitFair - Campaigning for fair...
The origins of the banana are convoluted and complex. Although bananas started to be traded internationally by the end of fourteenth century, it wasn't until 1834 that the fruit was mass produced.
The Origin of Bananas
[Source: Anne Vézina]. 'Where our bananas come from' (1962) was published in the 'New Scientist magazine'. In it, Norman Simmonds wrote that to answer the question on where cultivated varieties of banana come from, "we must go back to Malaysia several thousand years ago...
Geographic Origins & Benefits of the Banana - Farmfolio
Emerging Markets / July 30, 2018. Geographic Origins & Benefits of the Banana. Bananas are a type of edible berry from the Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana strands that originated in the South Asia region that spans from India to Australia.
Banana - Origin and production
The origin of the banana tree is the Southeast of Asia, although the commercial culture originated in the Canary Islands, Spain, place where they are still produced. From this origin it begun a long journey towards all the tropical and subtropical areas of the world.
Banana | Definition of Banana by Merriam-Webster
Banana definition is - an elongated usually tapering tropical fruit with soft pulpy flesh enclosed in a soft usually yellow rind. How to use banana in a sentence. 2 : any of several widely cultivated perennial often treelike herbs (genus Musa of the family Musaceae, the banana family) bearing bananas in...
Bananas have changed radically over time
Banana loaders unload a car of bananas of the first shipment at the United Fruit Company docks for transfer to a waiting ship in Puerto Cortes, Honduras on Sept. A 19th-century banana plantation in Jamaica, the origin of the first imported bananas. Wikimedia Commons.
(PDF) The Bananas: Botany, Origin, Dispersal
the origin of Polynesian bananas. Overall, isozymes have been under-. utilized as genetic markers in Musa. The grouping of bananas as bananas and plantains is. rather arbitrary. For instance, FAO does not report plantain production. in any of the major Asian banana producing countries (India...
Banana | Definition of Banana at | Origin of banana
Banana definition, a tropical plant of the genus Musa, certain species of which are cultivated for their nutritious fruit. They include pandemic classics — banana bread and dalgona coffee, our old friends — but also some favorite dishes I didn't get a chance to peek into the kitchen and watch Sammy or...
etymology - Why does "bananas" mean "crazy"? - English Language...
I wanted to know how and when the word "bananas" came to be associated with "crazy". There was nothing detailed on Etymonline, but thanks to OED, I came to know that this book is the origin of this usage.
Genetics unravel the origin and domestication of the banana
Despite the existence of effective measures to control banana Xanthomonas wilt in Uganda, the country's banana fields witnessed a sudden resurgence of New studies from Bioversity International and partners have shed light on the diversity, origin and domestication of this crop that provides...