mod_vhost_alias - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4
If mod_alias or mod_userdir are used for translating URIs to filenames, they will override the directives of mod_vhost_alias described below. For example, the following configuration will map...
ubuntu - Apache Virtual Host using mod_vhost_alias - Stack Overflow
SO to setup apache2, using mod_vhost_alias to have all domains point to a generic folder with the same name, but specific domains to point elsewhere, this is what you need to do.
mod_vhost_alias - Apache HTTP Server
Apache Module mod_vhost_alias. If mod_alias or mod_userdir are used for translating URIs to filenames, they will override the directives of mod_vhost_alias described below.
Apache module mod_vhost_alias
Module mod_vhost_alias. This module provides support for dynamically configured mass virtual hosting. Status: Extension Source File: mod_vhost_alias.c Module Identifier: vhost_alias_module...
Module mod_vhost_alias
Module mod_vhost_alias supports directives for the IBM® HTTP Server for i Web server. The module mod_vhost_alias provides support for dynamically configured mass virtual hosting.
Create dynamic virtual hosts in Apache HTTP with vhost_alias
Use mod_vhost_alias. Apache HTTP Server docs describe mod_vhost_alias thusly: This module creates dynamically configured virtual hosts, by allowing the IP address and/or the Host: header of the...
alias - Apache vhost_alias - how to set user per virtualhost?
I've followed the tutorial on mass virtualhost using mod_vhost_alias so that I can get stuff like this
Apache-mod_vhost_alias Download (RPM)
Apache-mod_vhost_alias Download for Linux (rpm). Download apache-mod_vhost_alias linux packages for Mageia, OpenMandriva, PCLinuxOS.
GitHub - lucaercoli/mod_vhost_alias_hostname: Apache module that...
mod_vhost_alias_hostname. An Apache module that stores the Host header of the HTTP request in the apache's scoreboard.
mod_vhost_alias - Serveur Apache HTTP Version 2.4
Module Apache mod_vhost_alias. Si les modules mod_alias ou mod_userdir sont utilisés pour traduire les URIs en noms de fichiers, ils l'emportent sur les directives du module mod_vhost_alias...
apache 2.2 - mod_vhost_alias + suEXEC: auto... - Server Fault
I successfully loaded mod_vhost_alias and suexec to manage my domains by directory, then I placed this configuration in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/001-vhostalias
mod_vhost_alias - Apache HTTP Sunucusu Sürüm 2.4
Apache Modülü mod_vhost_alias. URI'leri dosya isimlerine dönüştürmek için mod_alias veya mod_userdir kullanılmışsa bunlar mod_vhost_alias yönergeleri tarafından aşağıda açıklandığı gibi...
Apache vHost Alias DocumentRoot - YouTube
Contoh penerapan Apache vHost Alias DocumentRoot ---- VirtualHost *:80 ServerName localhost ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /var/www/html/laba...
mod_vhost_alias - Apache HTTP Sunucusu
URI'leri dosya isimlerine dönüştürmek için mod_alias veya mod_userdir kullanılmışsa bunlar mod_vhost_alias yönergeleri tarafından aşağıda açıklandığı gibi geçersiz kılınırlar.
mod_vhost_alias - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4
If mod_alias or mod_userdir are used for translating URIs to filenames, they will override the directives of mod_vhost_alias described below. For example, the following configuration will map...
mod_vhost_alias - Serveur Apache HTTP Version 2.4
Module Apache mod_vhost_alias. Si les modules mod_alias ou mod_userdir sont utilisés pour traduire les URIs en noms de fichiers, ils l'emportent sur les directives du module mod_vhost_alias...
mod_vhost_alias - Serveur HTTP Apache Version 2.4
Module Apache mod_vhost_alias. Si les modules mod_alias ou mod_userdir sont utilisés pour traduire les URIs en noms de fichiers, ils l'emportent sur les directives du module mod_vhost_alias...
PHP 5.6 и PHP 7 на русском: Apache mod_vhost_alias - Apache...
Apache mod_vhost_alias - Apache HTTP Server. Сайт посвящен документации по PHP. If mod_alias or mod_userdir are used for translating URIs to filenames, they will override the directives...
mod_vhost_alias - Serveur Apache HTTP Version 2.4
Module Apache mod_vhost_alias. Si les modules mod_alias ou mod_userdir sont utilisés pour traduire les URIs en noms de fichiers, ils l'emportent sur les directives du module mod_vhost_alias...
mod_vhost_alias - Apache HTTP Server
Apache Module mod_vhost_alias. If mod_alias or mod_userdir are used for translating URIs to filenames, they will override the directives of mod_vhost_alias described below.
mod_vhost_alias - Serveur Apache HTTP Version 2.4
Module Apache mod_vhost_alias. Si les modules mod_alias ou mod_userdir sont utilisés pour traduire les URIs en noms de fichiers, ils l'emportent sur les directives du module mod_vhost_alias...