Google still block the ill-fated movie in Russia
Despite the absurdity of the situation with the notorious video clip about Muslims, YouTube continues to block in different regions of the Russian Federation (not to mention Muslim countries). For a couple of days, several news appeared on Habr at once that the providers of different regions are blocking not access to the video, but the whole YouTube. Apparently, the Google leadership was tired of all this, since earlier today the leadership of the Russian division of the company announced its readiness to block the video.
True, the company planned to do this only if the video was recognized illegal by the relevant services. Almost immediately after this statement, the relevant services did add the video to the list of extremist materials, and now Google will block the video. When exactly this will happen is not yet clear. And whether providers of Dagestan and some other regions of the Russian Federation will unblock YouTube after blocking the video is not known.
As mentioned above, the situation is a little more than absurd, but many countries and their individual regions take everything very seriously. It is clear that Google is not profitable large-scale blocking of YouTube’s video service, and the company’s leadership is moving towards government services by blocking the video.
At the moment, the video in question is blocked in countries such as Egypt, Libya, Malaysia (Russia will soon be added). But YouTube is blocked in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan, Afghanistan.
Via rbc