Introducing Gem. Part one
Good day!
Every hacker, and indeed a programmer, sooner or later begins to think about writing their libraries. He begins to get bored of dragging the same pieces of code into other projects. In Ruby, gem 's are the cure for this disease . So let's get to know him better.
To start, it would be nice to find a dusty file with the extension .rb . Have you found? Ok, move on.
Next, we need to create a file called hello-world.gemspec , where, as you probably guessed, hello-world is the name of your future gem.
Our next step will be to fill out this file itself (so to speak, a specification file). Its content should look like this:
Great, but so far we have nothing to collect! Why? We forgot to create helloworld.rb . Let's fix our mistake immediately:
Fuuuuh! Now that we have a minimal set of files, we can begin to build our gem with you. To build it, we must use the command
If this operation is successful, the output will be a file called hello-world-1.0.gem . That's it, our gem is assembled.
Do you want to share your gem with other people? If so, then you can easily do this with the following command:
After executing this command, we should see the following:
Alas, we will not see this. Do you know why? Because you and I are not yet registered with RubyGems. You can do it here .
Now repeat the push command and everything will be ok.
Now our gem will be able to install any rubist(at least from Australia) by running the command
After the installation is completed, we will write the following code and execute it:
As a result, we will see the cherished
Actually, we inherited it on RubyGems. You have not forgotten about this? Delete our gem with the following command:
Yes, and from our list of gems you can delete. Play and stop!
That’s the end of the tale, and whoever listened is well done.
Today we met a truly wonderful tool called gem . Now you know that if something happens, gem will definitely come to your aid.And Chip, Chip, Chip ... And Dale hurries to us ...
Every hacker, and indeed a programmer, sooner or later begins to think about writing their libraries. He begins to get bored of dragging the same pieces of code into other projects. In Ruby, gem 's are the cure for this disease . So let's get to know him better.
Where to begin
To start, it would be nice to find a dusty file with the extension .rb . Have you found? Ok, move on.
Next, we need to create a file called hello-world.gemspec , where, as you probably guessed, hello-world is the name of your future gem.
Our next step will be to fill out this file itself (so to speak, a specification file). Its content should look like this: do |g| = 'hello-world' # имя нашего gem'a
g.version = '1.0' # его текущая версия
g.summary = 'This is the first gem in my life.' # описание... сами знаете чего
g.files = ['lib'/helloworld.rb'] # список файлов = 'krovatti' # и, разумеется, автор... как же без него...
Great, but so far we have nothing to collect! Why? We forgot to create helloworld.rb . Let's fix our mistake immediately:
class HelloWorld
def initialize
puts "Hello, World!'
Fuuuuh! Now that we have a minimal set of files, we can begin to build our gem with you. To build it, we must use the command
gem build hello-world.gemspec
If this operation is successful, the output will be a file called hello-world-1.0.gem . That's it, our gem is assembled.
Wait a minute
Do you want to share your gem with other people? If so, then you can easily do this with the following command:
gem push hello-world-1.0.gem
After executing this command, we should see the following:
Pushing gem to ... Successfully registered gem: hello-world (1.0)
Alas, we will not see this. Do you know why? Because you and I are not yet registered with RubyGems. You can do it here .
Now repeat the push command and everything will be ok.
All over the world
Now our gem will be able to install any rubist
gem install hello-world
After the installation is completed, we will write the following code and execute it:
require 'rubygems'
require 'hello-world'
inst =
As a result, we will see the cherished
Hello World!in our console.
Stop it!
Actually, we inherited it on RubyGems. You have not forgotten about this? Delete our gem with the following command:
gem yank hello-world -v 1.0
Yes, and from our list of gems you can delete. Play and stop!
gem uninstall hello-world -v 1.0
Today we met a truly wonderful tool called gem . Now you know that if something happens, gem will definitely come to your aid.