Infographics. Close-up


    Infographics every day is gaining new positions in design, in the media, in blogs. Why does Infographic design get so widespread?

    Why infographics?

    Firstly, it is an excellent visualization of data, and as you know 90% of information is obtained by a person through vision and only 10% through other senses. Secondly, simple and original visualization is much more understandable and better absorbed. I think this can continue indefinitely.

    Infographics are different, because they mean background or illustrated information presented by various visualization methods — using graphs, charts, histograms, mind maps (memory cards), timelines (one of the basic principles of animated infographics), etc. .

    Also worth mentioning is the concept of information density (data density). According to this criterion, infographics can be divided into two types:

    • "Unsaturated . " Simple, non-concentrated - built around a few digits
    • "Concentrated" Dense, complex - built (usually) as a combination of an image and a whole series of numbers.

    Examples of unsaturated infographics


    Examples of complex infographics


    Through various visualization methods, skillful authors manage to colorfully and simply present complex and boring numbers. Infographics are universal in terms of scope - economics, politics, sports and of course people, we are with you. Creating an infographic is not an easy process, as it goes through the following steps:

    1. Formulating the goal of creating infographics and determining the audience. The developed information design is usually intended for some target audience.
    2. Collection of a certain amount of data, material on the topic . The data is presented in various formats - text content, graphics, video materials, page tables and so on ...
    3.  Analytics and information processing  The collected material must be analyzed and processed, reduced to one denominator - usually these are unformed charts, histograms ... 
    4. Building accessible visualization, layout . All material is assembled, brought in a beautiful visual form. The format is selected (depending on the goals and the amount of data) - presentation, slide castes, one-page picture, video.

    Edward Tufty conducted an analysis of American publications for the concentration of information design. He invented a formula for calculating, he counted the number of digits and divided by the area involved:

    A source
    Average number of digits per 1 inch
    Scientific publications
    Wall street journal
    The economist
    New york times

    “The Wall Street Journal is on par with scientific publications, thanks to statistics on the movement of stock indicators. Mass publications are already going by a very wide margin, although Tufty considers this reduction for the masses unjustified - the educational materials of schools, colleges and universities are much more complicated, which means that the audience is accustomed to perceiving complex data, and mass publications lead to some degradation. ”

    The material was used in the satya

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