Demo access to Drupal sites versions 5.0, 6.10 and 7.x

    Suppose you have never been "inside Drupal." And at the same time, you really want to climb in the Drupal admin panel and understand what they eat this system with. In that case, the links that I digged for you:

    In Russian

    1. Demo access to the site with Drupal version 7.x

    Login: demo
    Password: demo

    2. Demo access to the site with Drupal version 6.10

    Login: demo
    Password: demo

    3. Demo access to the site with Drupal version 5.0

    Login: admin
    Password: admin

    4. Access without authorization to - any visitor can upload a video file here.

    In English

    1. Demo access to the news site

    Login: demo
    Password: demo

    (Changes are deleted every hour.)

    2. A member of the Drupal community named Shaun posted data for demo access to the community site

    Login: Viewer
    Password: viewme

    3. Demo blog access

    Login: superadmin
    Password: superadmin

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