Changing the Mac OS X Leopard Theme

    A program has appeared that allows you to change themes in Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard"! Previously, only users of the previous version of OS 10.4 “Tiger” had such an opportunity.
    Meet: free Magnifique utility !

    I found a program that had already matured to version 2.1, in which a lot of useful things appeared:
    • Ability to download themes from the developer's site directly in the program window
    • Changing the design of the Dock (2D / 3D)
    • Preview topics
    • Etc.

    If you want your operating system to look like this:

    or like this:

    or even like that:

    Then download the latest version of the substitute for today from here:
    Magnifique 2.1 (2.5 Mb) and try it out!

    Finally: if you want to return to the standard Leopard design, immediately after installation download the Original Leopard r2 theme , since the program does not yet have a simple “Restore Default Theme” option. And after installing the original theme, it may happen that the theme does not apply completely (as in my case):

    In this case, you need to enter these commands in the terminal one by one:
    defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleUseCoreUI 1
    defaults write NSGlobalDomain CUIAllowDebugPrefs 0
    defaults write NSGlobalDomain CUIDisableArtFile 0

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    Successfully modify the interface!

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