MegaSlerm for engineers and architects Kubernetes

    After 2 weeks, Kubernetes intensives will start: Slerm-4 for those who are familiar with k8s and MegaSlerm for k8s engineers and architects.

    At Slurm-4 there were the last 10 seats in the hall. There are enough people who want to master k8s at a basic level.

    For Ops, who gets to know Kubernetes, starting a cluster and deploying an application is already a good result. Dev has even fewer requests: to understand how to optimize the application for working in a cluster.

    Engineers and architects have tasks of a different level:

    • is it possible to run the database in k8s, is it necessary to do this, that we win and lose from such an architecture;
    • which deployment approaches are obviously not suitable for k8s;
    • what security threats are k8s (for example, a developer can easily get admin access) and how to prevent them;
    • what infrastructure automation schemes does k8s allow and how to learn how to find and use them.

    If you have already reached this level, there are a lot of interesting things waiting for you at MegaSlerme.

    MegaSlerm: Advanced Kubernetes Course (May 31 - June 2)

    Designed for Kubernetes engineers and architects, as well as graduates of the basic course.
    We configure the cluster in such a way as to simultaneously start updating the cluster components and deploy to the cluster.

    Moscow and online participation.

    Price: 60 000 ₽
    (For those who decide to refresh the basics and go through Slerm-4, a discount of 15 thousand. Total for 2 intensives - 70 thousand)


    Topic # 1: The process of creating a failover cluster from the inside
    • Working with Kubespray
    • Installing additional components
    • Testing and Troubleshoot the cluster
    • Practice

    Topic 2: Logging in to the cluster using an external provider
    • LDAP (Nginx + Python)
    • OIDC (Dex + Gangway)
    • Practice

    Topic # 3: Network policy
    • Introduction to CNI
    • Network Security Policy
    • Practice

    Topic # 4: Safe and
    Highly Available Cluster Applications • PodSecurityPolicy
    • PodDisruptionBudget

    Topic # 5: Kubernetes. We look under the hood
    • Controller structure
    • Operators and CRD
    • Practice

    Topic # 6: Stateful applications in a cluster
    • Launching a database cluster using PostgreSQL as an example
    • Launching a RabbitMQ cluster
    • Practice

    Topic # 7: Keeping Secrets
    • Managing Secrets in Kubernetes
    • Vault

    Topic # 8: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
    • Theory
    • Practice

    Topic # 9: Backing up and recovering from failures
    • Backing up and restoring a cluster using Heptio Velero (formerly Ark) and etcd
    • Practice

    Topic # 10: Application Deployment
    • Lint
    • Template and deployment tools
    • Deployment strategies

    Theme №11: Practical work
    • Building a CI / CD for deploying applications
    • Cluster update

    MegaSlerm site

    Slurm-4 is a real intensive: about 150 participants, most of them see Kubernetes for the first time, a dense program, a lot of mistakes in practice. In general, the usual admin life is in full swing.

    MegaSlerm is different in all respects.

    Now 47 people have signed up for Mega. This is a calm, almost chamber event. A little fuss, a lot of hard work of thought.

    The vast majority of participants work with k8s. This means that a minimum of time is spent on the basics, and a maximum on interesting, complex issues.

    33 of 47 participants passed one of the previous Slurms, that is, our old friends. In particular, two Selectel employees who were on the first Slurm (August'18) and since then have been continuously working with k8s go to Mega.

    Traditional thanks to Selectel for the cloud for practice: if it weren’t for Selectel, participating in Slurm would cost 5 thousand more.

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