Top 10 internships for IT professionals


    Obtaining theoretical knowledge at the university is an important matter. But no less important is the opportunity to test them in practice, especially when it comes to such an applied field as information technology. If this is what you are looking for, then an internship during your studies or immediately after graduation is for you. And to make your search easier, we, StudyQA , have prepared a selection of the top 10 internships for IT professionals. When choosing programs, we took into account the status of the company and terms of payment.


    Amazon is a real giant, not only in terms of online sales, but also in terms of career opportunities. At the moment, the company offers internships mainly for software students in Canada and the USA. Bachelors and masters can apply for participation in the competition.

    The requirements for interns are the same: C / C ++ and / or Java, experience working with UNIX / Linux or Windows and, of course, the ability to solve assigned tasks.

    How to apply for participation: choose an internship on the official website and take part in the selection

    deadlines: regular recruitment of


    If you work in the field of information technology, then the name "Cisco" is familiar to you. This is an American company of international scale, engaged in network equipment. Cisco offers a comprehensive internship program focused only on programmers - “ IT University Program ”.

    Internships are available in the following locations:

    United Kingdom;

    If you study in MoscowMTUCI , you are lucky - you can take part in a special internship program from CISCO called CIIP. This internship lasts a year, and exclusively outstanding students from certain universities from around the world can participate in it. A complete list of universities participating in the program can be found here .

    How to apply for participation: choose an internship on the official website and take part in the selection

    Deadlines: regular recruitment of

    Hewlett Packard

    According to InternMatchHewlett Packard's internship program is among the highest paid. There is an opportunity to go on an internship to both America, Europe and Asia. The opportunity to listen to feedback from past interns before submitting is also available - just go to the official website and watch a couple of videos posted there.

    How to apply for participation: choose an internship on the official website and take part in the selection

    Deadlines: regular recruitment of


    Compiling a selection of internships, it is impossible to ignore Apple. And this is impossible for one simple reason - the number of internships for IT specialists there is simply huge. As locations offer various cities of the United States, China and several European countries.

    How to apply for participation:choose an internship on the official website and take part in the selection

    Deadlines: regular recruitment of


    Facebook is another giant in the world of information technology and your chance to gain practical experience. At the moment, programmers are offered to go to London, Dublin, Paris and several American cities. As standard requirements, there is the ability to cope with Apache, memcached, Squid, MySQL and knowledge of at least one programming language.

    How to apply for participation: choose an internship on the official website and take part in the selection

    Deadlines: regular recruitment of


    And this internship is for those who do not want to join the world of huge corporations. Buddyguard is a small security company in Berlin. Their main product, FLARE, is a device that can make decisions on its own. At the moment, they are looking for an intern who will work with them on machine learning algorithms. The trainee should be able to program in C / C ++ or Python and work with CNN, SVM, PCA, LDA algorithms.

    How to apply: send resume to

    Deadlines: as soon as possible


    In 2017, Intel entered the list of companies with the best internships, finding itself in twentieth place. At the moment, she offers two options for potential interns-programmers:
    Standard internships;
    Rotational programs for newly released (Information Technology Rotation Opportunities);

    For those who want to learn more about internships at Intel first hand, the company has published a special interview about internships.

    How to apply for participation: choose an internship on the official website and participate in the selection

    Deadlines: regular

    Google recruitment

    According to Vault , Google is an absolute leader in terms of prestigious internships. This year, the company scored 9.528 points out of 10, ahead of Apple and Facebook. Google offers internships in various areas of IT, from a standard specialist in software to a specialist in relations with programmers.

    How to apply for participation:choose an internship on the official website and participate in the selection

    Deadlines: regular

    Bosch recruitment

    Getting to know Bosch internships is best to start with the FAQ on their website - there you will immediately know when it is possible to apply, what is the minimum duration of the internship and what is the payment. If everything suits you, you can safely open the list of open vacancies and choose the internship that interests you.

    How to apply for participation: choose an internship on the official website and take part in the selection

    Deadlines: regular recruitment of


    Another internship in Berlin closes our list - this time at Allpago. Allpago is engaged in payment systems in Latin America and right now they are looking for a student programmer to join their team. Among the requirements are JavaScript, UI and PowerShell, the minimum duration of the internship is 3 months, the maximum is 12.

    How to apply: send a motivation letter, a resume and an extract with grades to

    Deadlines: as soon as possible

    More educational look for opportunities abroad on our website

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