3-2-1-Let's go! Microsoft Developer Tour in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

    In anticipation of the launch of Windows 10, the release of Visual Studio 2015 and the update of our cloud services Azure and Office 365, we decided that it was very important for us to personally communicate with the developers: to tell something useful ourselves and listen to the developers on the spot. Therefore, we decided not just to hold events in various cities, but to go on a technological expedition to the cities of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

    We will do events, hackathons, evening gatherings, meet with individual companies, students and startups. For the expedition, we even prepare a specially equipped trailer!

    From mid-March to the end of April, our trailer will travel through the largest cities, where we will hold 13 conferences and 4 hackathons:


    City Schedule:
    • March 18 - St. Petersburg (+ online broadcast)
    • March 21 - Minsk
    • March 25 - Rostov-on-Don
    • March 28 - Krasnodar
    • April 1 - Samara
    • April 4 - Nizhny Novgorod
    • April 8 - Kazan
    • April 11 - Perm
    • April 14 - Yekaterinburg
    • April 17 - Chelyabinsk
    • April 22 - Novosibirsk (+ online broadcast).
    • April 25 - Tomsk
    • April 28 - Astana

    At the event, you will receive reports on Windows, Web and Cloud topics from leading experts in the field of development:

    Application development:
    • Universal applications for the Windows platform
    • Game development for the Windows platform
    • Cross-platform application development
    • Development cycle management

    Web development:
    • New ASP.NET
    • Web Development in Visual Studio
    • Applications for Microsoft Office (365)
    • JavaScript / TypeScript and HTML

    Cloud Development:
    • Microsoft azure
    • Cloud backend for mobile applications
    • Azure for IoT
    • DevOps in the cloud

    Also at events, you can visit the exhibition of the latest models of devices for Windows, get acquainted with partner offers and chat with experts in an informal setting. And selected participants will receive an exclusive opportunity to get into our trailer.


    In addition to the main program of events in four cities, we conduct night hackathons:

    • March 21-22, Minsk - Game Hackathon
    • April 4-5, Nizhny Novgorod - IoT Hackathon
    • April 11-12, Perm - Mobile Hackathon
    • April 25-26, Tomsk - Mobile hackathon


    In addition, everyone has the opportunity to receive unique souvenirs from the Microsoft Developer Tour! You just need to make a creative photo against the background of our trailer and put it on social networks with the hashtag #devtourcontest. Details of the competition will be available on the site from March 15.


    You can follow the expedition, as well as register for an event or hackathons in your city, on the site - msdevtour.ru , where the diaries of the tour participants will also appear, a unique guide for developers on "IT" places in Russia will be presented, as well as A player will be available for online broadcasts in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

    Registration for events is already open!

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