We invite you to CocoaHeads Moscow on December 5

    Winter has come, which means that after a couple of months Apple will present the long-awaited Apple Watch. In order for the developers to prepare for launch, the Watch Kit was introduced in November , which allows you to write applications that use all the features of the watch. Therefore, one of our speakers, Zimin Alexander , will share his opinion on the Watch Kit, tell you how and what to eat with, and show an interactive demo. Since this is a completely new Kit, Alexander hopes to translate his report into a discussion where everyone who has time to look at this tool will express his thoughts or share his experience.

    The second speaker will be Alexander Cherny with the equally relevant topic " Trilateration using iBeacon. "IBeacon - is a technology introduced by Apple in iOS 7, which allows the transmission between wireless devices - beacons -. And the device that supports Bluetooth LE On the use of this technology for navigation inside buildings and facilities provided for this iOS, and tell Alexander.

    Familiar the reports will expand the round-table workshops, in which three to five experts will share their experience with a particular technology so that they can gather the most interested people around them, answer in detail requests and confirm your words with an example of code. Also these 45 minutes you can just spend time in communication with friends.

    This Friday among experts will be:
    • Independent developer Stanislav Zhukovsky , who will talk about the difficulties and pleasures of Indie-dev life in Russia.
    • Alexander Zimin will accompany the Watch Kit report with a large number of examples.
    • Marat Saytakov will show that it is difficult to develop a system keyboard for iOS using the Chars unicode keyboard as an example.

    imageFrom the good news: now at each meeting we will play two licenses for AppCode , an alternative IDE for development for iOS. Thanks to JetBrains.

    Also, after the meeting, we will try to gather in one of the neighboring pubs. Negotiations are currently underway, since finding a place for 20-30 people on Friday night is not so simple.

    The meeting will begin at 19:00 at Leningradsky Prospekt 39, building 79. As usual, do not forget to bring your passport with you. To participate, you must register . We are waiting for you! An online broadcast of the event will also be organized , and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and hear answers from speakers - just send them to @CocoaHeadsMSK. Video recordings of reports will be added to the youtube channel of the meeting.

    For more convenient communication, we started using the Slack service . At the moment there are more than 90 people, there are active discussions where you can always find people of our community, ask a question and express your wishes. To participate in Slack, you must request an invite by writing an email to cocoaheadsmsk@gmail.com .

    If you have never been to our meetings - watch our video!

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