Yandex established a scholarship named after Ilya Segalovich

    September 13, Ilya Segalovich, co-founder and technical director of Yandex, would have turned 50 years old. By his birthday, we established a scholarship in his name at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Higher School of Economics, which was created this year with our participation. As we already said , the faculty program will largely grow from the School of Data Analysis, where iseg also worked on what the CS department will study .

    The scholarship will be able to get students and graduate students of the faculty. It was created to support and encourage people interested in science and technology. She will be issued for successes in studies and scientific activity. From the first year students interested in technology at the interface with science can conduct their projects and publish the results in Russian and international scientific publications, such as Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, Lecture Notes in Computer Science and others.

    The first meeting of students of Computer Science

    In the first year, the HSE and Yandex Faculty of Computer Science attracted the attention of a record number of Olympiad winners: 330 Olympiad applicants applied for 180 budget places. As a result, the HSE decided to increase the number of budget places, and in September 204 olympiads began their studies, among them fourteen winners of the final stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for students in computer science, mathematics and physics. Ilya himself once took second place at the All-Union Olympiad in Mathematics.

    In total, 3 million 420 thousand rubles are provided for the payment of scholarships during the year. This money will be distributed between ten undergraduate students, three graduate students and three graduate students. Within a year from the moment of awarding the scholarship, they will receive 10, 20 and 25 thousand rubles each month, respectively. In the future, when the faculty grows, there may be more scholarships.

    The first scholarship holders will be determined on the first birthday of the faculty - April 1, 2015. The decision on the appointment of the scholarship will be made by a competition committee of faculty teachers, among which are the leading developers of Yandex.

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