We invite you to Moscow Django MeetUp No. 22

    Ladies and gentlemen, on Thursday in the office of Mail.Ru Group the 22nd monthly meeting of Moscow Django MeetUp will be held! This time you will be able to hear the wise speeches of three speakers who will speak on very different topics. In the forefront of the speakers will be none other than Grigory Petrov (Digital October).

    Gregory regularly speaks at conferences for a reason. He believes that this benefits not only the developer community, but also himself. Especially for this meeting, Grigory prepared a report in which you will hear the programmer’s thoughts on public speaking, willpower, the need for a presentation and the key role of the hypocampus in the professional growth of an IT specialist. The report is divided into three parts:

    Why go to conferences and speak at them
    All kinds of conferences and meetings will be carefully considered from two points of view: guests and speakers. Why did they come to the event? What benefit do they plan to extract for themselves? How and for what purpose can the speaker take advantage of this?

    How to prepare a presentation
    In the second part, Gregory will briefly share his achievements in preparing for events: how, in his opinion, to make a presentation, what should be in it and what should not.

    How to speak
    In the final part, you will learn about a number of observations and techniques that can help you during your own speeches. Do I need to memorize the text? Where exactly and how to put fear of public speaking? What if the audience is fast asleep? Answers to these, as well as your own questions are waiting for you at the next meeting.

    The passing banner of the speaker will be picked up by the next speaker, Alexander Shvets (Blonde.ru). His presentation will be entitled:

    Web analytics in a big way or how to use Python at the forefront.
    It's no secret that advertising has always been not only the main source of investment for the Internet, but also one of the main catalysts for the development of web technologies. If you do not take the creative component, then everything else in modern advertising is pure mathematics. Advertising more and more from the category of annoying banners is moving into the category of convenient recommendation services. She must know everything about the user, foresee his desires. And the main problems are the processing of a large number of requests (save every step) and huge amounts of information (combine different sources). In tasks of this kind it is not customary to use Python. Often other languages ​​are used, more productive, but expensive to develop and maintain. The question will be raised about why this is unfair and how to rectify the situation.

    Alexander will tell you how, without writing a single line in C, you can build services to process millions of requests per second. How to organize deferred request parsing and pipeline or parallel processing. The described technique is suitable for processing almost any action that does not require an immediate reaction. Also, Alexander will tell you what, at what stage and where to store: in the file system, relational database or NoSQL-storage.

    The data collected needs not only processing, but also aggregation and consolidation, and Python is not only slow, but also voracious in memory. Nevertheless, such tasks are within his reach. How to use tools for scientific data analysis in production? Alexander will show how with the help of simple algorithms and using pandas (Python Data Analysis Library) you can connect gigabytes of data. The nuances of data serialization and other subtle points will be considered.

    In conclusion, it will be possible to talk about why all this is needed: how you can use the data for practical purposes, where you can move on. Also, the topic of buying by programmers will be slightly touched.

    And the last of the three speakers will be Sergey Likhobabin (Mail.Ru Group). Sergey will share his knowledge and experience in a report entitled:

    Managing access rights to Django objects
    • access rights at the facility level, why they are needed, what solutions exist, the main problems;
    • our solution and its capabilities, examples from life;
    • access restrictions in hierarchies of objects of various types.

    Often in our applications it is required to restrict user access to an object. But this seemingly trivial task over time acquires a huge number of nuances and problems that cannot be solved using the standard model of rights. How to show a paginated list of objects, taking into account visibility for each user, while not losing performance? What to do in case of complex hierarchies of nested objects? How to give rights to view or change one object to users from a specific city or unit?

    I will tell you how we solved these and other problems of managing the rights and visibility of objects and how our solution can be useful in your project.

    To participate in the meeting, you must register . Will also be availableonline broadcast .

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