SPB Frontend: September 2 will be a meeting of the front-end community in St. Petersburg

    On Tuesday, September 2, in St. Petersburg, the community of front-end developers SPB Frontend, in partnership with the Action Zone, opens a new season of meetings. Time: 20:00. Address: Ligovsky pr., Building 74, coworking "Action Area".

    SPB Frontend

    The program will include reports on the library of beautiful interfaces Famo.us , webpack (the future of the build system after Grunt) and PostCSS (the future after Sass and LESS).

    Report topics and speakers:

    1. Maxim Ryzhikov from JetBrains will talk about the new and quite sensational builder of Webpack modules.
    2. Sergey Efremov from ResumUP will complement Maxim and show how to move from rails asset pipeline to webpack without closing the project and rewriting everything from scratch.
    3. Artem Suschev from Stepic will demonstrate how to work with the new library to create insane (in a good way) Famo.us interfaces and how to make friends with Ember.js.
    4. Andrey Sitnik from Evil Martians will talk about PostCSS and why Autoprefixer would not be possible on Sass or Stylus.

    Make an appointment: vk.com/spbfrontend_new_season .

    You can subscribe to the announcements of this and future meetings in the SPB Frontend group .

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