Russian pilots again report GPS failures - now in the Russian Federation

    The day before yesterday morning, the first information appeared that on the night of the sixth to the seventh of August over the airspace of Nizhny Novgorod and Voronezh there was a massive loss of the GPS system signal. Various sources claim that emergency messages came from about a dozen aircraft of Transaero, UTair, and Orenburg Airlines. To date, alas, no particularly new information or comments have appeared, therefore I would like to ask the habro-community for an opinion about what happened - what are the technical reasons and should we expect similar events in the future?

    Earlier in the night from April 29 to April 30 of this year, a similar incident was recorded, then GPS receivers refused over the territory of Ukraine. The message came from the pilots of the flight en route from Moscow to Tell Aviv. Prior to this, a GPS refusal on April 24 at the Istanbul-Moscow flight 60 miles before the flight of Dnepropetrovsk, after the flight of the border "in the Belgorod region, the GPS operation was restored." Then the Federal Air Transport Agency warned airlines about the need to be prepared to use [in the airspace of Ukraine] "inertial systems, VOR / DME and others." We are not talking about the full operation of GLONASS, since the Russian Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft are mainly equipped with the appropriate equipment.

    Regarding the April incident, Aeroflot civil aviation pilot Vitaly Sokolovsky gave the following comment: “The GPS system is owned and operated by the United States, and I believe that this is not an accidental interference, but a deliberate shutdown of the GPS system by American specialists.” He noted that the signal can be jammed with the help of ground-based equipment, but Ukraine allegedly does not have it. “Allegedly” - as I understand it, the Federal Air Transport Agency has a different opinion on this matter. On July 25, the head of the department, Alexander Neradko, on the issue of the notorious catastrophe, stated the following: “Earlier, the Federal Air Transport Agency received information from the crews of Russian aircraft about failures in the operation of the GPS satellite navigation system during flights over Ukraine. It is necessary that the Ukrainian authorities provide information on whether the jamming means were used for GPS operation on the day of the incident. ” That is, the presence of such systems is not even questioned. But now everything is much more interesting, because failures are recorded directly on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    In April, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) also pointed out the need to use GPS alternatives, after the same reports of crashes during the flight of aircraft over the territory of Ukraine. A quote from Aeroflot’s source from ITAR-TASS: “In recent days, cases of disconnecting GPS navigation over the Black Sea and Ukrainian airspace have been identified, which most likely confirms US actions to block a certain area for receiving satellite signals.”

    According to the Federal Air Transport Agency, earlier the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) published an analysis of a similar situation that took place in 2011. Then, in the area of ​​flight information Incheon (South Korea), interference with GPS came from the territory of the DPRK, the situation affected more than a thousand aircraft of 16 states.

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