GameTutorials has made all of its 350 gaming programming lessons free.


    The site GameTutorials , known for its lessons in C / C ++ / Win32 / OpenGL / Direct3D / C # / Java, has opened all its materials for free study. All lessons have been tested for compatibility with Visual Studio 2013, in the very near future, lessons are expected on Unreal Engine and Unity Engine, in addition, outdated lessons on OpenGL and DirectX will be updated (the version of DirectX 9 is now described on the site).

    Most of the lessons cover the very basics, but some of the lessons cover creating full-fledged small games. The lessons themselves are source code, specially equipped with a lot of detailed comments. According to the promise of the authors of the lessons, if you go through most of the lessons, you will gain real knowledge, the acquisition of which usually takes several years.

    To view and download the lessons you will need to register.

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