New Yandex.Market. What happened at the YaC / M conference, and why this could be an important step in the development of Runet

    Hello! My name is Alexey Avdey, I'm the head of Yandex.Market. Today I want to tell you what the main presentation at the last YaC / m was about and why the updated Yandex.Market will bring the e-commerce market in our country to a new stage of development.

    The market is changing the format. Now it will be not only a product search service. We will become an arbiter between sellers and buyers: we will guarantee the integrity of purchases and make sure that people no longer fear that their money will be stolen. In addition, based on MultiShip data, we will begin to show the timing and cost of delivery for each product in each region. We will allow even small players to use technologies that change the market.

    When we launched the product search service in 2000, we had 70 stores. The e-commerce market in Russia has received a strong impetus and is actively developing. Now more than 15,000 stores are connected to Yandex.Market, 80% of which are small. According to TNS Web-Index, about 20 million customers a month visit the service. The time has come when new tools are needed to continue this growth.

    A lot has happened over the years: we bought Multiship software and invest in its development , gained experience in quality control of stores and created technologies that will help not only us, but also users and partners. Which path we went through and what will happen next, read under the cut.

    Many Yandex services - not just Market - have helped grow the e-commerce market in Russia. Once upon a time, stores had big problems with the availability of goods, and prices for it were constantly changing. The quality service of the Market helped to tighten the quality of store information and collect feedback. Yandex.Metrica made web analytics and calculation of performance available to any store, Yandex.Direct facilitated access to customers, and Yandex.Webmaster helped beginners with search engine optimization.

    Buyer Protection System

    Buyer Protection will resolve disputes between the buyer and the store. If the buyer is not satisfied with the answer, he will be able to file a claim. Within three days after the filing of the claim, the store will have to resolve the issue. If this does not happen, the buyer will be able to attract an independent arbitrator from Yandex.Market. The arbitrator will communicate with both parties, request documents, additional information and make a decision. If the store is wrong, the buyer is guaranteed to return the money.

    Paid goods in Russia is not always easy to return. The Yandex.Market Quality Service, based on customer reviews, has previously paid attention to how stores comply with the laws and applied the sanctions provided for violators. But now each user will be able to directly contact us through a special interface - immediately after placing the order and another 14 days after delivery. Thanks to her, a person will be able to find out everything necessary about the order or solve a controversial issue by resorting to the help of an independent arbitrator.

    Buyers will be able to see the history of their orders, their statuses, payment and correspondence histories with stores.


    In addition, the online store is not always easy to negotiate with carriers - often you have to attract a few. We will solve this problem for both parties - MultiShip, the aggregator of Russian cargo carriers, with whom we started working at the beginning of the year, can take charge of the delivery itself.

    Now 83% of Runet’s audience live in the regions and this share is growing. A complex delivery system and distrust of those who will carry it out, very much affect the desire to buy or not to buy something on the Internet. A person does not understand how the goods will go and how long it will take. Now he will immediately see the terms for his region.


    Yandex has data and has machine learning. We will enable all stores to offer their products on the Market on an equal footing through a system of personal recommendations. And they are able to show not only commonplace dependencies like “phone - case”. As YaC bobuk told , at some point, sellers noticed that coffee makers are often bought with expensive plasma panels. And now, in large electronics stores, panels and coffee makers are located in neighboring areas. But real magic begins when sellers begin to consider factors that are outside of e-commerce. For example, the weather in the city of the buyer. If it rains tomorrow, you can pre-offer him moisture-proof shoe polish or rubber boots.

    There are three categories of sellers on the e-commerce market, as on almost anyone, large, medium and small. The former have large budgets for promotion, the creation of their own recommendation systems, a lot of their own data. But, as I said above, 80% of our partners on the Market are small shops that do not have such resources. By the way, only half of stores using Yandex.Metrica set goals in it. Of course, here you can still think that this glass is half full or half empty, but this omission of efficiency does not contribute. In addition, many stores burn money as a marketing budget, which does not guarantee them an increase in sales.

    Now, on average, in the market, stores pay from 2% of the commission for the attracted order and from 3% for processing money. In total, it turns out that in order to fulfill the order and receive the money, you need to pay from 5% commission for the order. Yandex.Market will take from stores only 3% of the commission in the amount for the order and money for it. This is the CPA (Cost Per Action) model that we already talked about. If the store wants, it can continue to be placed only on the CPC (Cost Per Click) model. His offers will be shown as usual - without the possibility of placing an order and payment. To make a purchase, the user will have to go to the store’s website.

    The goal of all our changes is to help Russian online stores solve their main problems: get rid of “hanging” money, not narrow down the circle of their customers because of difficulties with logistics, reduce the cost of attracting a customer and gain his trust. Similar problems are especially hard to overcome for small shops. Now they will have the same opportunities as the giants. And users will benefit.

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