Russian developers will release a product compatibility catalog

The idea is already being implemented - representatives of ARPP have begun to create a catalog of ready-made stacks compatible with each other Russian software, included in the Register of domestic software, which oversees the Ministry of Communications. Reports about it Cnews.
It should be noted that the catalog itself has no legal force, which means that it will not be an alternative to the Registry, but rather an addition. Officials using these two tools will be able to use a wide range of solutions for their tasks. The ARPP argues that it is the lack of information about the compatibility of Russian products is an obstacle to the normal import substitution. The public sector simply does not have the time and resources to understand integration issues, which can be very difficult.
So far it is unclear whether the stacks will be completed commercial products that are worth buying entirely. The main purpose of the catalog is to give the customer an understanding that he will be able to supplement the purchased software in the future with various modules, as well as integrate it with another software from different stacks. Preliminary work began back in May of this year, and a Committee for the integration of Russian software was created to solve the problem.
According to the representatives of the committee, the catalog will save customers of the public sector millions or billions of rubles. The project will be financed from the ARPP budget and additional contributions from various companies. According to the plan, the catalog in finished form may appear in the first half of 2019. According to ARPP, the idea has aroused interest in the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Competence Center for Import Substitution in the ICT Field, which is headed by Ilya Massuh.
As an example of compatible software, one can cite such a “bundle” as the CED “Delo” in combination with the “My Office” package, as well as the Postgres Pro DBMS, the Basalt OS, the Baikal processors. The second option - CED "Business" in combination with the package "My Office", as well as the DBMS Postgres Pro, OS Red OS, platform "Rosplatformy", "Scala". The third is CommuniGate, OS Basalt, platform Baikal. And the last one presented is the “My Office” package, Postgres Pro DBMS, Bazalt OS, Rosplatforma.
Work tasks of domestic companies can be solved now by such stacks of domestic software as “Civil Service Workplace”, “Corporate Communications Core”, “MFC Automation”, “Enterprise Management Workplace”, “Server Virtualization Platform and Distributed Data Storage” .
An interesting nuance is that the conclusion of the developers of the catalog will be related only to the compatibility of the products, but not to the quality of the stack. Compatibility data collection will be carried out with the help of software development companies.
Natalya Kasperskaya is the Chairman of the Board of Directors She argues that the not very high popularity of domestic solutions among customers, primarily caused by the possible incompatibility of such solutions with the existing infrastructure, which is often composed of imported elements. Kaspersky commented on the plans of her organization in the following way: “the most important task is to unite the efforts of all developers, and ARPP initiated this process”.
It is worth noting that in March of this year, Nikolai Nikiforov, who at that time held the post of head of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, claimed that the registry was quite a successful product. According to him, the registry is being developed and replenished, and thanks to the catalog, domestic developers have received additional demand, which amounts to several tens of billions of rubles. “This is a very important systemic measure that allows them to continue the development of import substitution,” said Nikoforov.
The fact that domestic software is really actively used by customers, including the public sector, experts doubt. So, according to some experts, the level of import substitution in the software is different. So, among antiviruses, it makes up to 95% (thanks to Dr. Web and Kaspersky). But in the database sector everything is much worse - the same PostgreSQL accounts for no more than 5-7%. Office solutions of domestic developers also occupy 5-7% of the market at best.