3D gypsum and other team ideas from Tolstoy Camp, and also - do you need it?

    For several weeks, experts from Yandex and other companies helped the participants in our workshop create, develop and launch their projects.

    Today, on the day when we announce the recruitment for the next Camp, we decided to talk with some of the cool guys that were this time about why they came, what happened, and who benefits. There will be stories from three teams:

    • Zdravprinta - a service for creating individual fixators that are printed on a 3D printer and are designed to replace gypsum at certain stages of recovery.
    • Globerland - a service that allows you to find translators and intermediaries in other countries.
    • Gipis is an application that helps runners plan their workouts and prepare for marathons. Even before the camp, he had 150,000 users.


    Fedor (project leader): There is an opinion that the idea is worth nothing. I had a hypothesis that this is not so - this is one, but two - I have a firm belief that the developed idea is worth a lot. Before Yandex, there was only an idea. He came to Yandex, found the guys, helped to develop. Now this is an idea that is worth it.

    What does it consist of? Replace gypsum at certain stages of treatment with an individual fixative - anatomical, individual, made according to the scan of a person. We found out that in Russia in the year 350 thousand people are at risk of complications from fractures due to the fact that they themselves remove plaster ahead of time. They do this because there are problems with hygiene - nothing can be washed under the plaster, the skin suffers and itches. Neither rulers nor knitting needles help. And people take off their cast. The minimal complication from this is that the fracture heals 1.5-2 times longer, pain, discomfort are felt longer. The obvious solution is to give them some other way of fixing.

    We have to process the registration of the product, then - filing a patent for medical technology. All this will be connected with hands, orthopedics, traumatology. There are a lot of prospects - from bone replacement to plastic surgery.

    At Kemp, we have assembled a scanning system that is accurate enough to be used by a traumatologist. And we did this not for $ 40,000, but for less than $ 1000. Thanks to Sasha, we applied for certification. Sasha takes away from me all the tasks that I simply can’t cope with, because I’m such a spinning top, spinning and can’t cope with some basic things where perseverance is needed.

    Sasha (manager and developer):For me, Kemp’s concept was very strange: you need to get the right people together in one place and these right people will do something. But it actually works. Our team is an example of this.

    Fedya: There are things related to your own comfort zone. If you do not get out of it, magic will not happen. At Kemp, for example, a lot of time is devoted to methodology and research. It was difficult for me to perceive all this, but in the end, the efforts benefited, although not everything was applicable to our project.

    Sasha:Any person who wants to do something needs to imagine a situation when he will have a hard time. Camp is two months of full working days. You need to plan your time and money, take a vacation at work, devote yourself to something. In fact, it is very cool, it gives new thoughts, it opens up new horizons. I think it's worth it.


    Masha (project leader): Two years ago, I lived in China and worked as a business intermediary. This experience allowed me to see what problems people face abroad. When I returned to Russia, I realized that not only those who travel to China have them. So I got the idea to create a marketplace for searching and offering translation services abroad. I came here with her. And the first task at Kemp was to formulate his idea so that other people wanted to work on it. I was able to convince Anton and Vanya that the idea was workable.

    We want to create an international platform for solving business problems abroad. If there is a business that wants to make purchases in a certain country, it will need the help of a translator, purchasers, people who will conduct market research - it will need many, many small services, without which the business will either lose money on the foreign market, or in general will not be able to operate there.

    Ivan (manager): There are agencies that provide similar services, but their business model does not scale. They have manual labor, order processing and their distribution between translators. Agencies can’t grow simply because along with the growth in turnover, they will increase costs. Our costs do not grow in proportion to revenue growth.

    Masha:Without Yandex, there wouldn’t be anything right now, because it’s mainly people and the support of experts. Our team has three mentors with whom we work very closely.

    This is Ilya Kurylev , Yandex.Market director Lesha Avdey and ResumUp director Zhenya Barulin. It is interesting that each of them has its own point of view, and we are forced to accept all the good from everyone. I just amazed every time Natalya Zverek. She arranges such master classes at which every time I understand that I need to change everything in myself.

    Anton (developer):At Kemp, I also became aware of my mistakes. For example, before I did not try to find out if someone really needs what I do. Usually the idea just came, it became interesting, and I picked it.

    Masha: Ilya Krasinsky helps us a lot in terms of metrics . Metrics are very important for the development of any project, and its consultations are so valuable that we really understand what things we need to work on. You could probably have done all this without Yandex, but there is a chance that without it, nothing would have started or developed very slowly, not in this form - well, in general, we would not have met without Yandex.


    Denis (cofounder and CEO): The name Gipis came to me from the project of my friend, who already just had a repository in Redmine . And initially I did a project about planning, but not about running, but about losing weight. This story began with the fact that I sold my company, while working in which I grew very fat, because there was little activity. And we, with the very friend who made Gipis, began to make a service where a diet and physical activity were to be planned. In a week, 30 thousand users came to us, we attracted some money, but it turned out that the story about food could not be automated. Manual calorie counting bothers people very quickly, and in addition, the result is very much affected even from where, for example, there was a potato that a person ate.

    By the time it became clear that it was technologically impossible to solve, we had all lost weight and began to make a service about planning workouts. They asked the user what activities he preferred, and began to say, for example: play football for 27 minutes on Monday, and go for 12 minutes on Tuesday. But it was a plan completely unattached to life; people did not understand what their ultimate goal was.

    And then I started to run. Friends argued with me whether I would run five kilometers. As a result, I ran a half marathon, and I had a goal - a marathon. But after the half-marathon my legs hurt so much that I realized that I could not run without special training. I began to look for services that would be taught to run, but could not find.

    And then everything unexpectedly happened to me: Gipis, which had a planning service, runners with a large market, which may not be so noticeable in Russia, but in the USA. There are 250 million runners in the world and they have goals. Needs and our capabilities suddenly joined each other. We abandoned all kinds of activities, except running, left only planning and began to help people learn how to run and run any distances.

    Gipis creates personalized workout plans that adapt to your progress. That is, these are not template training programs prepared in advance without taking into account the characteristics of a person. Gipis planning is created specifically for you, taking into account physical data (weight, height, gender, body type) and your current level of training (analyzing your workouts and your running experience), and also adapts to your progress if, for example, you missed a run or You start running faster or slower than planned.

    The service is based on statistical models that are largely based on the research of the famous American runner Jack Daniels , who in the 80s was the first to build the relationship between running speed and human physiology and derived such a parameter as VDOT. The problem is that it was based on data from professional runners, members of the Olympic team. In addition, VDOT cannot grow indefinitely - human resources are limited. We applied Daniels models to ordinary people. It turned out thanks to Sergey Ilyukov , head of the Center for Sports Medicine of Finland. In Finland, regular medical check-ups of the entire population are regularly held, so there are ideas about what happens to ordinary people. Now we have models of Daniels and Ilyukov. When a person comes to us, he says, let's say that he can run five kilometers in 25 minutes. And we are building a plan from this point. He starts to run, we see the results and assign it to a particular group, and then we build a plan, adapting to the progress of the user himself and people like him.

    I went to Kemp to understand how to make a business out of some hobby, some idea that suddenly received attention in the services market. How to measure, how to sell, how to make monetization. And all this I got here. I realized what metrics to track, how to track them, how they relate to each other, what to pay attention to. It is very important that here we have learned to talk with people, ask what they really need. The first month in Kemp is customer development. We were very actively pushed: go talk, find out, conduct polls, test hypotheses. Gipis already had a slight advantage - we had a pool of users of 150,000 people. We could do mailing with questions. Thanks to all this, we have found our own way of monetizing - planning for specific competitions. These are understandable goals, they have deadlines and runners understand

    Here we met Denis Dovgopol , who, it turns out, had once worked with Fitbit, and it would be very useful for us to partner with them. Thanks to the runner from Austria, with whom we became acquainted when we did the interview in Gorky Park, we went to Dima Erokhin. He ran from Moscow to Sochi, preparing people for marathons, Gipis became very interesting to him, because he was regularly approached with requests to prepare for something. And you need to learn to run, because 50% of runners are injured in the first year of jogging.

    About the new camp

    In this year Tolstoy Startup Camp will be held from 30 June to 29 August. The workshop program consists of three stages: formulating an idea and gathering a team, testing hypotheses, creating a prototype. We do not have requirements for education, experience, country and place of residence. Prerequisites: age over 18 years, knowledge of the Russian language, the presence of your own laptop or other device for work.

    We do not limit the participants in the choice of ideas, the only requirement is that they must be relevant to the IT sphere. However, there are a number of areas in which we have deep expertise and will be most useful to you. These are geoinformation and search technologies, work with big data, the creation of mobile applications and web services for a mass audience.

    Anyone can lead a project by uniting a team around their idea. We are recruiting specialists in three areas just to ensure that people with all the necessary skills are in the workshop. All participants, regardless of their specialization, should be ready to solve any problems - especially at the first stages of work.

    If you are interested in how the training at Kemp goes, you can read the post by Suncheez , a graduate of the first Kemp. You can learn more about the rules of participation here . And if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

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