Ibm and red hat

    I wear hats and galoshes. It’s so convenient for me, it’s comfortable in me - dry and warm. Traveling around the world, I try to find a hat store in every big city where I have to stop for more than a day. A hat store is not just a place where hats are sold - different, good or bad, cheap or expensive. For me, a hat store is, first of all, the place where hats of their own production are sold.

    In Vienna there is an elegant “Nagy Hüte”, in Munich - “Breiter”, in London - the stiff “Bates Hats” and the democratic “Laird & Co.” Hatters. " I discovered each of these hat houses after a special search, and in each of them I bought at least one hat sewn by local craftsmen.

    Founded by Magyars “Nagy Hüte” has been making hats since 1924, not so long ago they became part of the hat empire “Stetson”. The London “Bates Hats” has not changed its address on Jermine Street since 1898, a fashionable Westminster street where shirts, boots and hats have been sewn since the 17th century. Very young (by the standards of London) “Laird & Co. Hatters ”does not disdain democratic caps and berets, but for picky buyers it keeps a second store and a separate trademark -“ Laird London ”. Munich “Breiter” was founded in 1863 and today it is the fifth generation business of the Bavarian hatter, capturing a fair share of the European market for hats.

    Going to visit New York, I set about studying the “situation” in the “hat market” of the City of the Yellow Devil. In total, I discovered several dozen hat stores in New York, most of which either specialized in ladies hats or did not produce hats on their own. And only one company - “JJ Hat Center” - met all my requirements.

    “JJ Hat Center” dates back to 1911. Now this is a hat business owned by the third generation of the O'Toole family - Aida O'Toole and her son Sean, who have been managing the company for the past seventeen years. Most recently, they created the new brand “Pork Pie” and opened two new brand stores - in East Village and Brooklyn. It is worth noting that “pork-pie” is also the name of the hat style.

    A gamer (gambler), she’s also a pork-pie hat with a low cylindrical top, the top is even, around the edge is a pinch like a pie, hence the name (pork-pie - pork pie). Appeared in the middle of the 19th century. For many years, it was the urban man's style in Britain, and it was also worn by American soldiers during the Civil War. In the 20th century, it became part of jazz and blues culture. At the end of the 60s, she returned to England from Jamaica with the workers who were imported to rebuild the country after the Second World War, and became part of the Ska and fashion subcultures.

    The main store and office of the “JJ Hat Center” is located on 5th Avenue, between 31st and 32nd Streets. I was very surprised when I discovered that on this very spot, in the same building, in 1927 the store of the International Business Machines company was opened - the very current Blue Giant, which recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of the mainframe - the most powerful and a reliable serial server in today's global IT industry.

    But in those distant 20s, high-performance servers in the modern sense of the word were still very far away. In a store in No. 310 building on 5th Avenue, meat grinders, coffee grinders, dial-up phone recorders, punch card recorders, and automated postal scales were all sold, which was then produced by International Business Machines, very recently (until 1924 years) called the “Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR)”.

    Since then, of course, the building has changed significantly - the charming second floor, clearly visible in the photo of 1927, is no more, the facade is taken in gray marble. But the internal staircase leading from the first floor of the store to the second has been preserved, and a modern photo is proof of this.

    The assortment of the “JJ Hat Center” store is huge and varied: bowlers, fedors, spanks, cylinders, “artistic” berets, caps, trilby, homburgs - any colors and styles. Among all this diversity, I noted Fedora hats of exceptional red color. Red Hat - Red Hat is a former IBM store. All this has developed in my single chain. Who knows, maybe that is why modern IBM computers are so open to working with the Red Hat Linux operating system? Who knows, how to know ...

    I didn’t leave empty-handed from the “JJ Hat Center” store - I became the owner (user?) Of a black spanking share, on the label of which proudly stands out “Made in New York”.

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