Positive Technologies invites students to the All-Russian Olympiad in information security

    Positive Technologies has become a partner of the second All-Russian Student Olympiad in Information Security. The Olympiad was organized on the basis of the faculty of cybernetics and information security of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and will be held April 26-28, 2014. Students of higher educational institutions aged 18 to 25 at the time of the event are invited to participate in the MEPhI Olympiad, students studying under the bachelor's program and specialty in the areas of training 10.0x.0x (090xxx) and 09.0x.0x (230xxx), seriously interested in protection issues information and passed competitive selection at the place of study (up to four people from the university). Master students can participate out of competition.


    Winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad will receive benefits upon admission to the magistracy in the areas of study of the Faculty of Cybernetics and Information Security of NRNU MEPhI.

    You can register for participation in the Olympiad on the website of NRNU MEPhI.

    We at Positive Technologies are happy to support such initiatives. The main task of the organizers of the Olympiad is to support talented youth and improve the quality of higher professional education in Russia - so our goals coincide. Our company develops a number of educational initiatives, in particular the Positive Education program, cooperates with more than 50 universities and helps talented children to take part in competitions of young scientists and information protection competitions organized by the company.

    Positive education- a special educational program of Positive Technologies company, within the framework of which participating universities are assisted in teaching students based on best practices and using modern means. The company's experts give lectures, conduct seminars and webinars for students. In addition, as part of the international forum Positive Hack Days, organized by the company, a competition of young scientists Young School is held, the winners of which can present the results of their research to a wide professional audience.

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