Droidcon Moscow 2014

    If you work with the Android platform, then it will be rash to miss one of the largest Droidcon Eurasian conferences , which will be held for the first time in Moscow on April 11-12, 2014. Droidcon annual conferences have been held since 2009 around the world. They gather under one roof Android developers and telecom and IT industry experts, united by the common idea of ​​developing new forms of application of the Android platform.

    In April, David Ostrovsky (+ Dawid Ostrowski ), our program manager for developing and collaborating with developers in Central and Eastern Europe, will come to Moscow specially for Droidcon from the Polish office of Google .

    The program of the two-day conference: lectures and reports from market experts and developers from Russia, the UK, Germany, France, Poland, Romania, Macedonia, as well as a barcamp, hackathon and gadget show.

    On the first day at Droidcon Moscow 2014, you will hear speeches by speakers from leading IT corporations on the following topics:
    1. Business applications (Mikhail Dudarev, founder of the jCardSim project, co-founder of Licel).
    2. Monetization of Android applications (Tim Messerschmidt, lead development evangelist, PayPal Europe).
    3. Integration of applications into Google services (Dawid Ostrowski, Program Manager for Developer Relations in Central and Eastern Europe, Google).
    4. Innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems (Thibaut Rouffineau, Wireless Industry Partnership, and Apptual).
    5. Cross-platform application development (Jose L Ugia, Android Head at 6Wunderkinder and co-founder of Momenta).
    6. Mobile advertising in Android applications: platforms, monetization, management (Alex Negara, serial entrepreneur and founder of the Google Developer Group Moldova).
    7. Responsive Design (Joanna Chwastowska, Senior Google Engineer from Poland).
    8. Augmented reality (Vitaliy Zasadny, a mobile developer, one of the founders of the Google Developers Group and Gamedev Community in Lviv).
    9. Google Glass and applications for them (Alexey Isachenko, founder of the Google Apps Russian community and representative of the Google Developers Group community in Moscow).
    10. Robotics (Dmitry Suvorov, co-founder and IT Director of Vikron).
    11. The ecosystem of the Google community (Aigul Zagidullina, community manager of the Google Developer Group in Germany and Russia).

    The program of the first day (April 11) will be completed by a competition for developers of Droidcon Moscow Hackathon . Presentation of the projects, the hackathon final, the award ceremony will be held on April 12.

    The organizers of Droidcon Moscow in Digital October were Apps4All, together with the non-profit Google Developers Group .

    Register for the conference and follow the events of Droidcon Moscow 2014 using the hashtag #DroidconMoscow.

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