Simple Science - Experiment Digest # 30


    In parallel with the work on the third book, we continue to shoot experiments and today I am presenting the next digest “Simple Science”.

    In this issue:
    • We light the match with steam (the “Science 2.0” channel);
    • Artificial snow from diapers (channel "Science 2.0");
    • Secret balls (channel "Simple Science");
    • Salt ice (channel "Simple Science");
    • Cola and milk (from the second book, Simple Science).

    Light a match with steam

    Artificial snow from diapers

    Secret balls

    These balls are sold in garden shops and are used as soil moisturizers for indoor plants. This, in fact, is the same sodium polyacrylate from diapers (see previous experience). But we wondered how this material would behave if it was immersed not only in water. What we did - look at the video and in the final table of this experience.


    Salt ice

    The ice temperature can be from 0 degrees (Celsius) and lower, at 0 degrees the ice begins to melt. When we add salt, we lower the freezing temperature, and the ice begins to melt. The thread at this moment is immersed in the formed water. But the more water is formed, the lower the salt concentration and the higher the freezing temperature. Gradually, the thread is frozen into a piece of ice.

    It is to reduce the freezing temperature of water that roads are strewn with table salt in winter or with special reagents.

    Cola and milk

    We saw this wonderful experience in one of the Chinese videos and decided to include it in our book for children.

    Books "Simple Science"


    Books can be bought in our online store . Now the first two volumes are available, the third is slightly delayed with the release, however, the other day we will present several turns to your court.

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