Certification of goods in the Russian Federation or 9 circles of hell
Today I would like to once again raise the topic of what excellent conditions have been created in our country for doing business. Some time ago I ran into a certification issue.

One fine day, we decided that it would be nice to organize our own equipment supplies for the development of the project (which I will discuss in another hub in due time). We contacted the manufacturer of the product we were interested in (namely, it was a certain model of mobile phone) and ordered a sample for the test. At this stage, of course, no problems arose. it looked like a regular private person order from an online store. We were satisfied with the quality and decided to order a little more devices so that we could show them to customers and evaluate the degree of interest. And then, as they say, it started.
Then we still did not understand the law and did not know that such a party could not be carried out in any way as devices for personal use. At the post office, we were given a notice that we needed to come to the customs office of the city of N and solve the issue of compliance of the goods with sections 2.16 and 2.19 of the unified list of goods to which bans or restrictions on the import or export by member states of the customs union within the Eurasian economic community in trade with third countries.
Having gathered our strength, we went to the customs office (let's call it “A”). What did they tell us there? Nothing. Local workers reported that they had not encountered such cases and sent us to another department (let's call him “B”).
It's nice, you know, to feel like a soccer ball sometimes.
In department “B” we were met by people whom our case no longer surprised. It is a pity, they did not really know what to do with us. Thus, we were sent to the third customs office (“C”), while asking to prepare a printed page from the site on which we ordered the goods and the statement on the transfer of funds.
The department “C” told us that such a quantity of goods does not fall under the category “for personal use” and we need to declare the goods. But for this you need to contact the central customs post.
It should be noted that the central customs post of the city N is 30 km from the city N itself! We realized that probably this would not end there. Because We didn’t have a desire to travel 30 km with or without us, we decided to request a consultation all in the same department in order to immediately understand what we need to take with us.
Consultation is carried out at a certain time in the customs department by internal telephone (!). Yes, yes, you need to come to the department so that a local employee sitting somewhere in the same building consults you by local telephone. Only the third time I managed to persuade an employee to come down to me and give me a live consultation. The consultation itself lasted about an hour. During the discussion, other specialists were invited, and together we discussed the characteristics of the equipment and what documents are needed for customs clearance. Unfortunately, the consultants also could not fully understand what documents and certificates are needed for our phones, but we were able to make at least a rough list, which is the result. We determined that for the preparation of the declaration it is necessary to prepare the following:
• payment of customs duties;
• payment of customs taxes;
• payment of customs duty.
What kind of customs duties and taxes needed to be paid, experts could not say, because we ourselves must know this, "after all, this is your product." In general, I had to independently determine the HS code and pay all duties and fees according to this code.
When we finally arrived at the customs post, it turned out that we had not prepared all the documents. Because we made out the parcel as goods for non-commercial use, it was necessary to have a tax certificate stating that the recipient is not an individual entrepreneur (the certificate is made in tax within 5 days).
Next, you had to write a statement. There are no templates. There is a law that states how this statement should look, and then spin as you want. Interestingly, they demanded that I provide imei devices that I had not even received at that time. He wrote another statement in which he detailed how difficult it is to guess an imei phone from a distance. The guys got angry, but gave up.
As a result, we provided:
• a statement;
• receipts on payment of customs duties and taxes;
• tax certificate;
• a printout of the seller’s website page with characteristics and price,
they took the parcel and, full of happiness, went home.
There was no limit to our glee. I walked for a week with a smile never leaving my face, proud of my perseverance.
We showed the phones to customers. Everyone was satisfied. It is time to make a large order and, of course, place it on the company as a commercial party. It turns out that until that moment there were flowers!
So, the task: there is a certain model of a cell phone that must be legally imported and sold on the territory of the Russian Federation. Question: What documents and certificates are needed for this?
Frankly, we still do not have a solution to this problem. I really hope that perhaps someone from the Habrachians experienced in this field will help us understand Zen and, finally, achieve our goal.
I spent a lot of time searching for any information on this topic and - here's a paradox - the more I read, the less I understood. On various sites and forums written completely different, and sometimes directly opposite things. In legal acts, also try to figure it out! After all, in our country it’s like: they released an act, then they released another, supplementing it, then another to emphasize something there, and then they released a new one that cancels everything that was written before it. And then another one. And so that life does not seem to be honey. As a result, you are left alone with dry clerical words that contradict each other and contribute to the hair loss of the reader.
Desperate, I decided to contact the certification center. Fortunately, there are many of them in our country. I decided to call several companies and thus determine at least which papers I need (not to mention how to draw them up). In several places they told me that for the sale of such products they needed: a certificate from the Ministry of Communications, a PCT certificate and notification. Thank goodness the notification is ready. So, I think it is necessary to draw up the Ministry of Communications and the PCT. I decided to call several more places to request prices and find out who will be more profitable to work with. What was my surprise when I was informed at the next certification center that PCT certification was no longer mandatory, and its place was taken by the new-fangled EAC or certificate of conformity TR CU (technical regulations of the customs union). Googling a little, I found that the PCT is really no longer relevant. Maybe those certification centers that assured me of the need for a PCT live in a parallel universe ?? I would understand if in the pursuit of money they would impose on me a bunch of unnecessary certificates. This, in principle, I expected from them. But why palm off on me an unnecessary certificate and keep quiet about the one I need?
We are updating the list of necessary documents:
• Certificate of Conformity of Communications (Ministry of Communications);
• Declaration of Conformity TR CU.
I remember somewhere I read that the certificate of the Ministry of Communications is optional for devices manufactured outside the Russian Federation. I saw this all once, so I tend to not believe it.
The next interesting thing: in the certification center I was told that the registration of the certificate of the Ministry of Communications will cost 70,000 rubles (!). At the same time, having walked around the website of the Ministry of Communications, I found an online form for obtaining their certificate. If you issue this certificate yourself, the price, according to my preliminary estimates, will be about 30 thousand (up to 5000 for the state fee, the rest - for testing the sample in the laboratory). The numbers are very approximate, but still 70 thousand and close does not work.
According to a specialist of one of the companies, the declaration and certificate of TR TS cost 10 and 18 thousand rubles. respectively, which is already not so scary.
Friends, the minus is that, after such a long time, I still do not feel confident that I am on the right track and know everything that is needed. I invite everyone to join us in solving this problem and defeat the bureaucratic monster. Anyone who has experience in such procedures, welcome in the comments. If we still manage to understand together and comprehend the essence of being, we will gather a step-by-step guide for future generations.

One fine day, we decided that it would be nice to organize our own equipment supplies for the development of the project (which I will discuss in another hub in due time). We contacted the manufacturer of the product we were interested in (namely, it was a certain model of mobile phone) and ordered a sample for the test. At this stage, of course, no problems arose. it looked like a regular private person order from an online store. We were satisfied with the quality and decided to order a little more devices so that we could show them to customers and evaluate the degree of interest. And then, as they say, it started.
Level 1
Then we still did not understand the law and did not know that such a party could not be carried out in any way as devices for personal use. At the post office, we were given a notice that we needed to come to the customs office of the city of N and solve the issue of compliance of the goods with sections 2.16 and 2.19 of the unified list of goods to which bans or restrictions on the import or export by member states of the customs union within the Eurasian economic community in trade with third countries.
Having gathered our strength, we went to the customs office (let's call it “A”). What did they tell us there? Nothing. Local workers reported that they had not encountered such cases and sent us to another department (let's call him “B”).
It's nice, you know, to feel like a soccer ball sometimes.
In department “B” we were met by people whom our case no longer surprised. It is a pity, they did not really know what to do with us. Thus, we were sent to the third customs office (“C”), while asking to prepare a printed page from the site on which we ordered the goods and the statement on the transfer of funds.
The department “C” told us that such a quantity of goods does not fall under the category “for personal use” and we need to declare the goods. But for this you need to contact the central customs post.
It should be noted that the central customs post of the city N is 30 km from the city N itself! We realized that probably this would not end there. Because We didn’t have a desire to travel 30 km with or without us, we decided to request a consultation all in the same department in order to immediately understand what we need to take with us.
Consultation is carried out at a certain time in the customs department by internal telephone (!). Yes, yes, you need to come to the department so that a local employee sitting somewhere in the same building consults you by local telephone. Only the third time I managed to persuade an employee to come down to me and give me a live consultation. The consultation itself lasted about an hour. During the discussion, other specialists were invited, and together we discussed the characteristics of the equipment and what documents are needed for customs clearance. Unfortunately, the consultants also could not fully understand what documents and certificates are needed for our phones, but we were able to make at least a rough list, which is the result. We determined that for the preparation of the declaration it is necessary to prepare the following:
• payment of customs duties;
• payment of customs taxes;
• payment of customs duty.
What kind of customs duties and taxes needed to be paid, experts could not say, because we ourselves must know this, "after all, this is your product." In general, I had to independently determine the HS code and pay all duties and fees according to this code.
When we finally arrived at the customs post, it turned out that we had not prepared all the documents. Because we made out the parcel as goods for non-commercial use, it was necessary to have a tax certificate stating that the recipient is not an individual entrepreneur (the certificate is made in tax within 5 days).
Next, you had to write a statement. There are no templates. There is a law that states how this statement should look, and then spin as you want. Interestingly, they demanded that I provide imei devices that I had not even received at that time. He wrote another statement in which he detailed how difficult it is to guess an imei phone from a distance. The guys got angry, but gave up.
As a result, we provided:
• a statement;
• receipts on payment of customs duties and taxes;
• tax certificate;
• a printout of the seller’s website page with characteristics and price,
they took the parcel and, full of happiness, went home.
There was no limit to our glee. I walked for a week with a smile never leaving my face, proud of my perseverance.
Mission Completed. Boss !!!
We showed the phones to customers. Everyone was satisfied. It is time to make a large order and, of course, place it on the company as a commercial party. It turns out that until that moment there were flowers!
So, the task: there is a certain model of a cell phone that must be legally imported and sold on the territory of the Russian Federation. Question: What documents and certificates are needed for this?
Frankly, we still do not have a solution to this problem. I really hope that perhaps someone from the Habrachians experienced in this field will help us understand Zen and, finally, achieve our goal.
I spent a lot of time searching for any information on this topic and - here's a paradox - the more I read, the less I understood. On various sites and forums written completely different, and sometimes directly opposite things. In legal acts, also try to figure it out! After all, in our country it’s like: they released an act, then they released another, supplementing it, then another to emphasize something there, and then they released a new one that cancels everything that was written before it. And then another one. And so that life does not seem to be honey. As a result, you are left alone with dry clerical words that contradict each other and contribute to the hair loss of the reader.
Desperate, I decided to contact the certification center. Fortunately, there are many of them in our country. I decided to call several companies and thus determine at least which papers I need (not to mention how to draw them up). In several places they told me that for the sale of such products they needed: a certificate from the Ministry of Communications, a PCT certificate and notification. Thank goodness the notification is ready. So, I think it is necessary to draw up the Ministry of Communications and the PCT. I decided to call several more places to request prices and find out who will be more profitable to work with. What was my surprise when I was informed at the next certification center that PCT certification was no longer mandatory, and its place was taken by the new-fangled EAC or certificate of conformity TR CU (technical regulations of the customs union). Googling a little, I found that the PCT is really no longer relevant. Maybe those certification centers that assured me of the need for a PCT live in a parallel universe ?? I would understand if in the pursuit of money they would impose on me a bunch of unnecessary certificates. This, in principle, I expected from them. But why palm off on me an unnecessary certificate and keep quiet about the one I need?
We are updating the list of necessary documents:
• Certificate of Conformity of Communications (Ministry of Communications);
• Declaration of Conformity TR CU.
I remember somewhere I read that the certificate of the Ministry of Communications is optional for devices manufactured outside the Russian Federation. I saw this all once, so I tend to not believe it.
The next interesting thing: in the certification center I was told that the registration of the certificate of the Ministry of Communications will cost 70,000 rubles (!). At the same time, having walked around the website of the Ministry of Communications, I found an online form for obtaining their certificate. If you issue this certificate yourself, the price, according to my preliminary estimates, will be about 30 thousand (up to 5000 for the state fee, the rest - for testing the sample in the laboratory). The numbers are very approximate, but still 70 thousand and close does not work.
According to a specialist of one of the companies, the declaration and certificate of TR TS cost 10 and 18 thousand rubles. respectively, which is already not so scary.
Friends, the minus is that, after such a long time, I still do not feel confident that I am on the right track and know everything that is needed. I invite everyone to join us in solving this problem and defeat the bureaucratic monster. Anyone who has experience in such procedures, welcome in the comments. If we still manage to understand together and comprehend the essence of being, we will gather a step-by-step guide for future generations.