Russian microelectronics for space: who produces what
In connection with the well-known events in the news, there were reports that the United States banned the supply of microelectronics for Russian satellites and military equipment.
Such a development of events can negatively affect the state of the Russian aerospace and defense industry, because the annual import of electronics for the space industry is two billion dollars, and these are chips that are critical for the performance of satellites. Some officials (see the article by reference) have already begun to panic and talk about buying electronics in China, which supposedly arranged for the production of everything necessary. But I want to talk a little about which chips are developed and manufactured for the space industry in Russia. I must say right away that this review in no way claims to be complete and will relate specifically to microcircuits (and silicon), while space needs are not limited to them - passive components, microwave devices, power discrete elements and much, much more are needed, which is also partially imported, and partially developed and produced in Russia. To describe all this is an absolutely impossible task, and not really necessary, because the purpose of this review is not to describe everything that is, but to show that not everything is as bad as it seems to alarmists. The specifics of the industry are such that almost all really important information is closed, but it was still possible to dig up something interesting.
A small digression is a reminder: microcircuits for working in space should be resistant to radiation. About why this is so and how exactly radiation affects electronic devices, you can read here and here .
The main problem of using imported components in the aerospace and military industries is that these components are usually not designed to work in such conditions (that is, they are ordinary consumer goods, originally intended for irons and refrigerators). This situation developed in the nineties, when there was simply nothing else, and what was was worth more than space hardware developers could afford. That is why the terms of the active functioning of Russian satellites are still very seriously behind American or European ones. For example, the beautiful American on-board computer RAD750 (standing on the Curiosity rover) was never sold to Russia, and its analogues were not in Russia until recently. So the import problem did not arise yesterday, and it was started a long time ago. In 2007, the federal target program "Development of the Electronic Component Base and Radio Electronics" for 2008-2011 was adopted. Then the final year of the program was 2015, and soon you and I should see its results, which include the replacement of imported components in the space and defense industries by Russian developments.
There are lists of chips to be replaced, but they are, unfortunately, classified. In open sources you can find information(link to download pdf) that the number of positions in these lists is hundreds or even thousands (and these are only microchips, not to mention passive elements such as high-precision resistors, which are even more). The situation is complicated by the fact that hardware developers in the overwhelming majority of cases want to be made “exactly the same, but Russian” (that is, they are copying foreign developments up to pin compatibility), while the list can certainly be reduced several times due to development of a set of systems on a chip, common to all developers and customizable to the needs of specific users. This also includes the unification of data transfer interfaces (which is currently absent) and other fairly obvious measures. Work in this direction, as far as I know, is ongoing, but you understand
Actually, a review of developers and manufacturers of microcircuits for the space industry (and partially military, since they are quite closely interconnected) should start with production, because there are significantly fewer of them in Russia than there are developers, and it is in this area that the gap from abroad is disastrous. I will not dwell in detail on factories with design standards of more than half a micron, because they are hopelessly outdated, and some new developments are being carried out on them except from hopelessness. Nevertheless, they do a lot of things, first of all - microcircuits of a small degree of integration, power electronics, microwave, etc. But there are only four factories with more or less modern design standards.
PS Here , by the way, you can read the view abstracted from space two years ago.
The Micron Zelenograd plant (here is a post with beautiful pictures) declares the availability of technologies on its website :
1) 180 nm volumetric technology with EEPROM - a technology already well known to developers, which employs almost everyone who has this opportunity. On it, for example, chips for Moscow metro tickets are made. The presence of an EEPROM is useful for applications such as embedded microcontrollers, which are needed not only for space, but also for “civilian” applications. Design kits are available to developers.
2) 250 nm silicon on an insulator (SOI) - separate developments are already underway on this technology, but I have not heard about finished products. The technology, apparently, is a partial port of 180 nm to silicon wafers on an insulator. Design kits are available to developers.
3) 180 nm SOI - declared in 2012, in practice nothing new has been heard about it for quite some time. That is, it is in development, but when it will be ready for design is not very clear. In any case, I have not found such information anywhere.
4) 90 nm volumetric. Most recently, Micron licensed Cadence physical verification software for this technology. No mention of specific developments on it has yet been found, only general words that they are underway.
5) More recently, in the news, mentions of 65 nm technology have appeared, but everything is still at the level of test crystals there. Serial production is promised this year .
An important thing that is worth noting is a quote from the Mikron site: “More than 50 companies from 12 countries of the world acted as suppliers of equipment and materials, partners for creating infrastructure.” This is something that is often overlooked when speaking about overcoming the import ban on domestic production - a huge number of spare parts and consumables are also imported, and a ban on their import can be more effective than a ban on importing finished microcircuits. I hope that this will not happen in the near future, and that there will be money and resources to organize the production of consumables in Russia.
Angstrem (and Angstrem-T), Zelenograd
1) 1.2 microns silicon on sapphire (KNS) - technology for thousands of years, but it is still in demand (apparently by conservative military customers for chips with high radiation resistance, for which reliability and verification of decisions is more important than their timeliness).
2) 0.6 μm, bulk silicon, silicon on sapphire, silicon on the insulator, the possibility of manufacturing EEPROM, BiCMOS, IGBT. Apparently, a good process for power electronics.
3) “Created” technologies with design standards of 350-250 nm.
4) “Created” technologies with design standards of 130, 110 and 90 nm.
The history of the "creation" of technologies at Angstrem is long, difficult, and not yet resolved. The process and equipment of 130 nm were purchased from AMD, 90 nm - from IBM. Every year for five years they have been saying that everything will be on the verge, but so far nothing.
Regarding radiation resistance, the Angstrem website, by the way, has written the most delirious nonsense about the fact that their silicon on sapphire is the only suitable technical process in Russia and that practice has shown the impossibility of manufacturing radiation- resistant circuits using technologies less than 250 nm. Let's see what happens when they launch 130 and 90 nm :-) They are unlikely to learn physics, but the presence of production practice can have a positive effect on the understanding that in the states chips for space are already being designed at 45 nm, and in Russia at 65 (though foreign) .
Scientific Research Institute for System Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow The
factory of the NIISI RAS is located on the territory of the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow and has technologies with design standards of 500, 350 and 250 nanometers on bulk silicon and SOI plates. Initially not intended for large-scale production and is positioned as a “research factory of the Academy of Sciences”. Most of the microcircuits manufactured here were developed by NIIIS, but the factory also works with external customers, for example, the Voronezh NIIET, which manufactures its radiation-resistant microcontrollers here.
There are no other details, and the last open publications about the factory date from almost the time of its opening.
Integral, Minsk
Minsk "Integral" is considered by our military and other authorities to be a domestic enterprise with all the ensuing circumstances. Interesting, isn't it?
The main technologies of Integral are old, with design standards of 0.8 microns and more, however, in the past few years, Belarusians have independently designed and launched 0.5 and 0.35 micron technologies on bulk silicon and SOI. They have only three metals (which is not enough for a microprocessor), however, Integral develops on them SRAM microcircuits with a capacity of 1 Mbit and high radiation resistance, as well as analog microcircuits.
The reports from scientific conferences also featured technologies of 0.18 microns and 0.5-0.25 microns BiCMOS, flash memory (the only one in the CIS?) And FRAM.
The vast majority (if not all) of the development on its technology, "Integral" conducts independently.
That's all. Looks a little sad, don’t you? Yes, radiation-resistant electronics for space do not always require the same design standards as ordinary ones, and a lag of several generations is not very scary (the Curiousity rover at 250 nm works fine), but still new BAE systems are developed using 45 nm technology, and we have not yet reached the commercial development of 90 nm. On the other hand, five years ago there was practically nothing of this, and today Russian factories have very real opportunities to provide cosmonautics with microelectronics of their own production.
Now about the developers. There are many more than manufacturers, but until recently it was normal practice to produce chips developed in Russia somewhere abroad, for example, in Taiwan (TSMC), in Germany (XFAB) or in Israel (Tower). At a time when there was nothing better than 0.8 microns in Russia, even the military turned a blind eye, believing that "developed in Russia" = "Russian." Now the times have changed somewhat, and Russian developers are increasingly making their products at Mikron (that is, there are not only chips for the metro there).
It should also be noted that the vast majority of Russian microelectronics developers are somehow tied to budget money and large orders, especially space or military ones, and there are few purely commercial orders. On the other hand, a significant share of the profit of several enterprises (for example, VZPP-Mikron and Angstrem) is made up of exports. However, I digress from the main topic of the review, so I will limit myself to the observation that the products presented below are far from all that is produced, and for many companies the space theme is not the main one.
Milander, Zelenograd
CJSC PKK Milander, based in Zelenograd, is a company with twenty years of history and, more important for us, with the most detailed website among all Russian microelectronic companies. Here it was possible to find this:
1645RU2T - 64Kbit static RAM (SRAM). In serial production since 2008.
1645RU5U - Static RAM (SRAM) with a capacity of 4 Mbps. OCD ends in 2014.
Judging by the years of production, the first microcircuit is produced using some completely old technology, the second - 180 nm (probably on the Micron).
According to the link (warning, traffic), you can find pictures of radiation-resistant 8-bit microcontroller 1886VE10 (analog pic17), information about which is why the site is not present.
Technology - Micron 180 nm, in terms of resistance, a full stuffing of ring transistors and multi-transistor memory elements. There is no exact data in the public domain, but a chip with such protection methods must withstand a nuclear explosion, not like a long-term flight in space.
1645RT2U is a one-time programmable ROM (antifuse) with a capacity of 256 kbps. OCD was commissioned in 2013.
Here you can see how it looks. Design standards, judging by the open crystal, 680 nm.
5576РТ1У is a one-time programmable ROM (antifuse) with a capacity of 1 Mbit. The design and development work was commissioned in 2013. Design standards are most likely 180 nm (Mikron technology).
For other Milandra microcircuits, radiation resistance has not been declared, however, for example, in the news on the website you can find the following line: “Parameters of resistance to special factors for the 1310PN1U microcircuit have been updated (significantly improved).” 1310 is an inductive power converter for which radiation resistance is not declared. If all microcircuits supplied with the fifth reception have at least some resistance to radiation, then Milander has a rather wide range of microcircuits for interfaces, power management and ADC / DAC.
The promising development of Milander is their first radiation-resistant and fault-tolerant microprocessor. It does not yet have its own designation and is presented at various conferences under the name " Processing-13". (link to download pdf) Click here for a presentation on the processor device and its design in terms of radiation resistance. There are interesting and controversial solutions there, but it looks impressive (with the exception of the joint work of the cores, perhaps).
The processor is a dual-core ARM Cortex-M4F with separate core modes and hardware duplication. The clock frequency is 100 MHz, SRAM 32 kB, ROM 128 kB, a wide range of interfaces and analog peripherals.
“Processing-13” will be produced at the German factory XFAB.
SPC "Elvis", Zelenograd
Elvis is currently actively promoting its own products in the space industry, actively cooperating with the Mikron plant in terms of technology and with the Submicron Research Institute in the production of space equipment. Elvis also participates in the international working group on the development of the SpaceWire data transfer standard, which the European Space Agency and, possibly, Roscosmos will be transferring to in the near future.
The trial swallow of Elvis in terms of aerospace applications is a memory chip 1657RU1U (SRAM 4Mbit), manufactured using foreign technology of 250 nm.
I wouldn’t like to ulcerate, but on the detailed page with information about the microcircuit (there would be more such ones) in the radiation resistance parameters you can find this: “total accumulated dose 330 krad, KTZ 500 krad”, and in the parameters recorded in the factors according to GOST (below tables), the figure is different. Which one - I will not say, because this GOST is secret, in contrast to the similar standards of our American sworn friends. In addition, there are rumors that the tests of the first microcircuits were carried out according to some specially trained methods, so there are some doubts that everything works really well.
1892VM8YA- A dual-core processor with a general-purpose core (compatible with MIPS-32) and a digital signal processing kernel. The clock frequency of 80 MHz, 480 MFLOPs for calculations with floating point, a wide range of interfaces - total quite serious machine turns out. The technology, like the previous memory circuit, is 250 nm CMOS (foreign).
Elvis is currently developing several similar processors based on 180 nm and 250 nm SOI micron technology, but the results have not yet gone into series. The newly developed Multibort chipset was recently presented at the New Electronics exhibition, and on the Elvis website I found this document (download link pdf)
The set contains more than twenty microcircuits with the year of the beginning of release until 2014: microprocessors, ADCs, controllers of external devices and switches, allowing to completely organize the data transfer network on board the spacecraft.
After working out solutions at foreign factories, Elvis makes all promising microcircuits completely in Russia at Mikron (design standards of 180 and 90 nm).
NIISI RAS, Moscow The
Institute of System Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NIISI RAS) has the largest experience among Russian developers of processors for space (since 2001) and produces a series of microprocessors with the COMDIV command system (which has some similarities with MIPS32). ( Wikipedia link , read the sources at the bottom of the page).
5890BE1T (KOMDIV32-S) is a 32-bit microprocessor with an integrated interface controller, 33 MHz, 500 nm SOI technology. Judging by open sources, it has long and successfully flies in spacecraft control systems.
5890VM1T is a 32-bit microprocessor with increased resistance to single failures. 33 MHz, 500 nm THD.
5890VG1T is a two-channel interface controller for the MIL-STD-1553 interface.
1900ВМ2Т (Reserve-32) is a 32-bit microprocessor with hardware tripling at the level of core components and protection against single failures. Clock frequency 66 MHz, technology 350 nm.
Static RAM (SRAM) 1 Mbps, access time 30 ns. SOI technology 350 nm.
The four processors mentioned above are mass-produced, and for 2014 and 2015, it announced the launch of four more processors.
1907ВМ014 - 32 bits, frequency 100 MHz, technology 250 nm. On the chip is the system controller, SpaceWire, Ethernet and the MIL-STD-1553 interface.
1907ВМ038 - 32 bits, frequency 125 MHz, technology 250 nm. On the chip are SpaceWire and Serial RapidIO interfaces.
1907ВМ044 - 32 bits, 66 MHz, 250 nm, built-in system controller, triple cores and increased resistance to single failures, SpaceWire.
1907ВМ028 - 64 bits, 150 MHz, 250 nm, built-in system controller, two cache levels (the others have one), Serial RapidIO, Ethernet.
All NIIIS processors based on SOI technology have sufficient absorbed dose resistance, sufficient for space applications, have no thyristor effect, and special measures have been applied (for all but 5890BE1T) to increase resistance to single failures (Hamming cache codes , special SRAM cells, hardware trimming at the level of component blocks of the processor core).
Here is another interesting article from the authors from NIISI in the American scientific journal Transactions on Nuclear Science - about a kind of radiant 32-bit K32R processor based on SOI technology.
In addition, NIISI also has such an OCD: “Development of a 128-bit high-performance microprocessor based on 0.25 micron SPS / SED structures compatible with the COMDIV architecture for digital signal processing systems,” code “Scheme-10”. That is, it is no longer 32 or 64 bits, but as many as 128. Work began in 2012.
STC "Module", Moscow
"Module" produces DSP processors with its own original architecture and computing modules based on its and other processors, including for space applications.
Main proprietary microcircuit of the “Module” DSP Neuromatrix (L1879VM1). Clock frequency 40 MHz, technology 0.5 microns (Samsung).
Micro assembly 2605VG1T - MIL-STD-1553 interface logic and transceiver with built-in memory.
1895BA1T is the logical part of the MIL-STD-1553
interface channel controller; 1879BA1T is the interface controller for connecting the computing processor with the MIL-STD-1553
interface NIIMA "Progress", Moscow
NIIMA "Progress" is one of the leading developers of GLONASS receivers and transmitters.
5512BP2F - a system on a chip with a microprocessor core and a base matrix chip, programmable for the needs of the user. Technology 180 nm ("Micron"), processor operating frequency 150 MHz, arithmetic coprocessor 50 MHz. The processor core - “Quark” of the KM211 company
“VLSI with MP core SnK Almaz-9” - the same set of peripherals with a different core and KNI technology 240 nm (“Micron”) to increase radiation resistance. Completion of OCD in 2014.
Design center “Soyuz”, Zelenograd
DC “Soyuz” is developing analog-to-digital base matrix crystals based on the “micron” THD 0.24 micron technology. The completion of the development work is scheduled for 2014 and 2015
5400BK1T, 5400BK2U - general purpose. 110k digital gates, 50k “analog” transistors, 56 op-amps, 56 comparators, 6 ADCs, 6 DACs, a voltage source and other units
5400TR014 - precision. 110k digital gates, 10k “analog” transistors, 3-op-amp, 2 ADC, 2 DAC, 2 UVC, voltage source, etc.
PS The base matrix crystal is a microcircuit of base cells without several top layers of metallization, with the help of which the cells can be connected in the way necessary for the customer. A kind of antediluvian analog FPGA. Still in demand, which is typical.
NPK Technological Center MIET, Zelenograd
NPK Technological Center MIET works with Mikron and has its own factory with design standards of 1.5 microns, where they successfully make radiation-resistant microcircuits of small degree of integration and basic matrix crystals, as well as semi-custom VLSI based on these BMKs - controllers of interfaces, external devices, transceivers, etc.
"Multiclet", Ekaterinburg
Ural Company "Multiclet" , developing its own original processor architecture, has announced the release in 2015, the radiation-quad microprocessor. There are no other details yet, as I understand it, production is planned abroad. A post on existing processors - here .
CTC "Electronics", VZPP-S, VZPP-Mikron, Voronezh
Voronezh enterprises are fragments of the once huge NPO "Electronics" and the Voronezh semiconductor device factory (VZPP). Its individual parts continue to work now, but it’s rather difficult to separate who does what, because there is very little information, and the data in the datasheets partially overlap. In order not to spray, I will list three enterprises - KTTS "Electronics" and two incarnations of the Voronezh semiconductor device factory - VZPP-S (s is the assembly) and VZPP-Mikron .
The main products of all three enterprises are FPGAs and microcircuits with a small degree of integration. With the second, everything is more or less clear: these are probably discrete elements of power electronics and logic microcircuits of the 1504, 1505 series, etc., produced probably from the Soviet times (at the corresponding design standards). Surprisingly, it is a fact: according to the Mikron site, the main source of income of the VZPP-Mikron is export, and the site of the VZPP-Mikron itself is generally English-speaking.
FPGAs are more and more interesting because they are obviously intended for import substitution of Altera products with which they are software compatible. Apparently, KTTS Electronics is developing them.
The capacity of the two FPGAs indicated on the websites is 50k and 200k gates; they are produced at the German factory XFAB. A few more FPGAs that are resistant to radiation are now being developed on the basis of Mikron technology.
NIIET, Voronezh
Another Voronezh enterprise operating for the space industry is OJSC NII Electronic Engineering ( NIIET ).
NIIET develops a wide range of microcontrollers (8-bit MCS-51, AVR, 16-bit MCS-96, C166), DSP (analogues of Texas Instruments), ADC / DAC and others. Production, judging by the declared capabilities of the enterprise - on XFAB.
There are three radiation-
resistant microcircuits in the enterprise catalog: 1830BE32U / 1830BE32AU - 8 bits, 12/16 MHz, 256 bytes of RAM (hardware-tied!), No ROM, functional analog of Intel 80C51FA
1874BE05T - 16 bits, 20 MHz, 488 bytes SRAM, functional analogue of Intel 196
All radiation-resistant microcircuits, unlike ordinary analogs, are produced in Russia, at the NIISI RAS factory using 0.5 micron SOI technology.
In the table of promising radiation-resistant developments for the next two years, there are almost a dozen items, the most interesting of which are the DAC family, two DSPs and a microprocessor with SPARC architecture (an analogue of LEON3 processors widely used both in Europe and Russia, whose deliveries to Russia have recently stopped ) What is surprising by the way is that this processor does NIIET, and not for example the Moscow center of SPARC-technologies (MCST). Apparently experience in designing radiant-resistant products turned out to be more important than experience in designing SPARC.
And the last company on the list isMinsk Integral plant The Integral special-purpose
product line includes static and dynamic memory (the largest is 1 Mbit, both SRAM and ROM), small microcontrollers, interface microcircuits, BMPs and FPGAs, as well as power and discrete devices. The vast majority are on older technologies. Here are a couple of examples: 1655РР1Т - 256 kbps flash memory, sampling time 150 ns, recording time 10 ms. 1659RU1T - SRAM 256 kbps, sampling time 50 ns. SOI technology. 1666RE014 - FRAM 1 Mbps. 1881VG4T - 8-bit microcontroller (AVR) with built-in flash memory, SRAM and analog peripherals. Clock frequency 4 MHz. 1880BE1U - 8-bit microcontroller (MSC-51) with built-in 10-bit ADCs. Clock frequency 24 MHz.
1451BK2U - analog base matrix crystal.
5577CX3T is a one-time programmable FPGA for 2000 equivalent gates.
Everything is not as bad as it seems (and how it could be). There is a lot of work to create domestic electronics for military and space applications, and it is quite possible to do without American chips in the foreseeable future.
Still lagging behind, though not as catastrophically, as in "ordinary" microelectronics. Now, however, the question is not about catching up and overtaking, but about not being left with nothing. The question, however, is still not idle, because if someone on the other side of the border closes the supply of not ready-made chips, but supplies for the Micron plant, then everything will be covered with a copper basin.
The situation is complicated by the fact that consumers of electronics do not want to switch to domestic developments (and they can be understood, because, unfortunately, in terms of quality and especially technical support and documentation, Russian developments did not lie next to imported ones), and when they switch, they want to receive copies, which greatly inflates the number of chips that need to be developed. In order for Russian chip developers to be able to provide developers of on-board systems with everything necessary, a lot of work still needs to be done.
This may complete the review, but I have a small postscript about what else awaits us in the coming years. The vast majority of the works presented in the review are funded from the budget, which means that information can be found on the public procurement website. If you google it for a subject called “Processing-13,” you will find an extremely interesting document from May 2012 (link to download the file).
It has a lot of interesting things, for example, a closed competition, the Department of Conventional Arms Industry of Ammunition and Special Chemicals, where the works have no formulations, but only names. There is the work “Enhanced experimental-morphological and medical studies of composite bone-plastic materials for the effective regeneration of bone tissue” and there are several dozen works on radiation-resistant elemental base, which should be completed in 2014 and 2015. And this, I remind you, is one public procurement for May 2012.
We are interested in the procurement lots 110/11-ФЦП1-12.04ок, 111/11-ФЦП1-12.04ок, 112/11-ФЦП1-12.04ок, 117/11-ФЦП1-18.04ок .
OCD “Development of radiation-resistant SoC, which implements a fault and fault-tolerant 32-bit RISC processor with redundancy on a chip and a set of interfaces”, code “Processing-10”.
OKR “Development of a radiation-resistant three-core microcircuit of a signal microprocessor with six SpaceFiber ports”, code “Processing-11”. We see SpaceFibre - we say “Elvis”
OCD “Development of a high-performance 32-bit processor architecture SPARC V8 with increased resistance to ATS, four ports SpaceFibre, two ports CAN 2.0 B, integrated controllers PCI 2.2, Ethernet and USB 2.0”, code “Processing-12 "- and here is LEON from NIIET.
OCD "Development of a special resistant 32-bit RISC processor based on ARM architecture for equipment of special resistant telemetry, on-board computer, radar corrector of autonomous navigation systems KMOP-KNI with design standards 0.25 ... 0.3 μm", code "Processing-13" is " Milander ”, I wrote about the processor above.
OCD “Development of a radiation-resistant DSP microcontroller for electric drive control”, code “Processing-14” - this, it seems, is NIIET.
OCD “Development of a set of radiation-resistant VLSI for building CIS equipment, telemetry of spacecraft service systems”, code “Processing-15”.
OKR “Development and manufacture at the domestic production of microcircuits of special resistant mask ROM with a capacity of 8 ... 16 Mbit”, code “Serif-6”.
OKR “Development and manufacture at the domestic production of radiation-resistant VLSI SOZU with an information capacity of 4 Mbit with increased speed”, code “Sifting-8”.
OKR “Development and development of LSI RAM with ferroelectric (FRAM) memory elements with a capacity of up to 1 Mbit”, code “Serif-9”. Wow what. I wonder who does? Ferroelectrics are generally not susceptible to radiation and can work in space for a very long time. The only pity is that it is very slow.
OCD “Development of a 128-bit high-performance microprocessor based on 0.25 micron SPS / SOI structures compatible with the COMDIV architecture for digital signal processing systems”, code “Scheme-10”. DIVISION IS NIISI.
OKR “Development of a constructive-technological basis and a library of standard elements with technological standards of 0.25 μm SOI, ensuring the achievement of extreme levels of radiation resistance of at least 6 Units”, code “Scheme-12”.
OKR “Development of SF blocks of mass-produced microprocessors and microcontrollers of the 1867, 1830, 1874 series for radiation-resistant SOI technology”, code “Scheme-13”. These are the controllers of NIIET, copies of Intel's. So they will do radiant-resistant versions at Mikron or NIIIS.
OCD "Development of a non-volatile radiation-resistant one-time user-programmable logic matrix with a capacity of 30-50 thousand fans", code "Almaz-5".
OKR “Development of a number of radiation-resistant BMK: BMK-400 and BMK-1000”, code “Almaz-6”. This is the Soyuz design center, almost certainly. Those two BMK above.
OKR “Development of a number of radiation-resistant LSIs of a digital frequency synthesizer”, code “Digital-16”.
OKR “Development of an analog key microcircuit with a frequency band of at least 1 ... 2 GHz”, code “Digit-17”.
OCD "Development and development of special resistant DC-DC voltage converters", code "Power-7". Here are two examples that are very far from microprocessors. That is, another element base is being developed, which is very good.
OKR “Development of a radiation-resistant quadrature modulator for the operating frequency range 30-40 GHz”, code “Vysotka-13”.
OCD "Development of powerful radiation-resistant high-speed microwave switches, modulators, phase shifters and protective devices on pin diodes on SiC for dm and cm wavelength ranges", code "Vysotka-14".
OKR “Development of a model range of specialized VLSI for use in unified nodes of the SC service equipment”, code “Scheme-11”. Isn't that a "Multibort"?
OCD “Development of a series of optoelectronic devices designed for operation in extreme conditions, based on wide-gap semiconductor structures, multilayer heterostructures and their compounds”, code “Optron-4”. I don’t know who does this at all, in the review above there is definitely not. Maybe Svetlana? www.svetlanajsc.ru/index.php/ru
OCD “Development of a complex functional VLSI of a 16-bit micro-converter with built-in hardware implementation of information encoding / decoding algorithms”, code “Complexity-12”.
OCD “Development of a VLSI kit of the“ system on a chip ”type for a low-power Glonass / GPS navigation receiver”, code “Complexity-13”. This is almost certainly NIIMA Progress.
OCD "Development of a set of chips for controlling explosive devices of small-caliber ammunition", code "Complexity-14." But purely military development.
OKR “Development of the KPI-2 peripheral interface controller microcircuit for multicore microprocessors with Elbrus architecture with a total input / output bandwidth of at least 16 GB / s,” code “Processor-8”.
MCST and their own Elbrus architecture. It has nothing to do with space, but it fell into the same procurement program.
That’s probably all.
Such a development of events can negatively affect the state of the Russian aerospace and defense industry, because the annual import of electronics for the space industry is two billion dollars, and these are chips that are critical for the performance of satellites. Some officials (see the article by reference) have already begun to panic and talk about buying electronics in China, which supposedly arranged for the production of everything necessary. But I want to talk a little about which chips are developed and manufactured for the space industry in Russia. I must say right away that this review in no way claims to be complete and will relate specifically to microcircuits (and silicon), while space needs are not limited to them - passive components, microwave devices, power discrete elements and much, much more are needed, which is also partially imported, and partially developed and produced in Russia. To describe all this is an absolutely impossible task, and not really necessary, because the purpose of this review is not to describe everything that is, but to show that not everything is as bad as it seems to alarmists. The specifics of the industry are such that almost all really important information is closed, but it was still possible to dig up something interesting.
A small digression is a reminder: microcircuits for working in space should be resistant to radiation. About why this is so and how exactly radiation affects electronic devices, you can read here and here .
The main problem of using imported components in the aerospace and military industries is that these components are usually not designed to work in such conditions (that is, they are ordinary consumer goods, originally intended for irons and refrigerators). This situation developed in the nineties, when there was simply nothing else, and what was was worth more than space hardware developers could afford. That is why the terms of the active functioning of Russian satellites are still very seriously behind American or European ones. For example, the beautiful American on-board computer RAD750 (standing on the Curiosity rover) was never sold to Russia, and its analogues were not in Russia until recently. So the import problem did not arise yesterday, and it was started a long time ago. In 2007, the federal target program "Development of the Electronic Component Base and Radio Electronics" for 2008-2011 was adopted. Then the final year of the program was 2015, and soon you and I should see its results, which include the replacement of imported components in the space and defense industries by Russian developments.
There are lists of chips to be replaced, but they are, unfortunately, classified. In open sources you can find information(link to download pdf) that the number of positions in these lists is hundreds or even thousands (and these are only microchips, not to mention passive elements such as high-precision resistors, which are even more). The situation is complicated by the fact that hardware developers in the overwhelming majority of cases want to be made “exactly the same, but Russian” (that is, they are copying foreign developments up to pin compatibility), while the list can certainly be reduced several times due to development of a set of systems on a chip, common to all developers and customizable to the needs of specific users. This also includes the unification of data transfer interfaces (which is currently absent) and other fairly obvious measures. Work in this direction, as far as I know, is ongoing, but you understand
Actually, a review of developers and manufacturers of microcircuits for the space industry (and partially military, since they are quite closely interconnected) should start with production, because there are significantly fewer of them in Russia than there are developers, and it is in this area that the gap from abroad is disastrous. I will not dwell in detail on factories with design standards of more than half a micron, because they are hopelessly outdated, and some new developments are being carried out on them except from hopelessness. Nevertheless, they do a lot of things, first of all - microcircuits of a small degree of integration, power electronics, microwave, etc. But there are only four factories with more or less modern design standards.
PS Here , by the way, you can read the view abstracted from space two years ago.
The Micron Zelenograd plant (here is a post with beautiful pictures) declares the availability of technologies on its website :
1) 180 nm volumetric technology with EEPROM - a technology already well known to developers, which employs almost everyone who has this opportunity. On it, for example, chips for Moscow metro tickets are made. The presence of an EEPROM is useful for applications such as embedded microcontrollers, which are needed not only for space, but also for “civilian” applications. Design kits are available to developers.
2) 250 nm silicon on an insulator (SOI) - separate developments are already underway on this technology, but I have not heard about finished products. The technology, apparently, is a partial port of 180 nm to silicon wafers on an insulator. Design kits are available to developers.
3) 180 nm SOI - declared in 2012, in practice nothing new has been heard about it for quite some time. That is, it is in development, but when it will be ready for design is not very clear. In any case, I have not found such information anywhere.
4) 90 nm volumetric. Most recently, Micron licensed Cadence physical verification software for this technology. No mention of specific developments on it has yet been found, only general words that they are underway.
5) More recently, in the news, mentions of 65 nm technology have appeared, but everything is still at the level of test crystals there. Serial production is promised this year .
An important thing that is worth noting is a quote from the Mikron site: “More than 50 companies from 12 countries of the world acted as suppliers of equipment and materials, partners for creating infrastructure.” This is something that is often overlooked when speaking about overcoming the import ban on domestic production - a huge number of spare parts and consumables are also imported, and a ban on their import can be more effective than a ban on importing finished microcircuits. I hope that this will not happen in the near future, and that there will be money and resources to organize the production of consumables in Russia.
Angstrem (and Angstrem-T), Zelenograd
1) 1.2 microns silicon on sapphire (KNS) - technology for thousands of years, but it is still in demand (apparently by conservative military customers for chips with high radiation resistance, for which reliability and verification of decisions is more important than their timeliness).
2) 0.6 μm, bulk silicon, silicon on sapphire, silicon on the insulator, the possibility of manufacturing EEPROM, BiCMOS, IGBT. Apparently, a good process for power electronics.
3) “Created” technologies with design standards of 350-250 nm.
4) “Created” technologies with design standards of 130, 110 and 90 nm.
The history of the "creation" of technologies at Angstrem is long, difficult, and not yet resolved. The process and equipment of 130 nm were purchased from AMD, 90 nm - from IBM. Every year for five years they have been saying that everything will be on the verge, but so far nothing.
Regarding radiation resistance, the Angstrem website, by the way, has written the most delirious nonsense about the fact that their silicon on sapphire is the only suitable technical process in Russia and that practice has shown the impossibility of manufacturing radiation- resistant circuits using technologies less than 250 nm. Let's see what happens when they launch 130 and 90 nm :-) They are unlikely to learn physics, but the presence of production practice can have a positive effect on the understanding that in the states chips for space are already being designed at 45 nm, and in Russia at 65 (though foreign) .
Scientific Research Institute for System Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow The
factory of the NIISI RAS is located on the territory of the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow and has technologies with design standards of 500, 350 and 250 nanometers on bulk silicon and SOI plates. Initially not intended for large-scale production and is positioned as a “research factory of the Academy of Sciences”. Most of the microcircuits manufactured here were developed by NIIIS, but the factory also works with external customers, for example, the Voronezh NIIET, which manufactures its radiation-resistant microcontrollers here.
There are no other details, and the last open publications about the factory date from almost the time of its opening.
Integral, Minsk
Minsk "Integral" is considered by our military and other authorities to be a domestic enterprise with all the ensuing circumstances. Interesting, isn't it?
The main technologies of Integral are old, with design standards of 0.8 microns and more, however, in the past few years, Belarusians have independently designed and launched 0.5 and 0.35 micron technologies on bulk silicon and SOI. They have only three metals (which is not enough for a microprocessor), however, Integral develops on them SRAM microcircuits with a capacity of 1 Mbit and high radiation resistance, as well as analog microcircuits.
The reports from scientific conferences also featured technologies of 0.18 microns and 0.5-0.25 microns BiCMOS, flash memory (the only one in the CIS?) And FRAM.
The vast majority (if not all) of the development on its technology, "Integral" conducts independently.
That's all. Looks a little sad, don’t you? Yes, radiation-resistant electronics for space do not always require the same design standards as ordinary ones, and a lag of several generations is not very scary (the Curiousity rover at 250 nm works fine), but still new BAE systems are developed using 45 nm technology, and we have not yet reached the commercial development of 90 nm. On the other hand, five years ago there was practically nothing of this, and today Russian factories have very real opportunities to provide cosmonautics with microelectronics of their own production.
Now about the developers. There are many more than manufacturers, but until recently it was normal practice to produce chips developed in Russia somewhere abroad, for example, in Taiwan (TSMC), in Germany (XFAB) or in Israel (Tower). At a time when there was nothing better than 0.8 microns in Russia, even the military turned a blind eye, believing that "developed in Russia" = "Russian." Now the times have changed somewhat, and Russian developers are increasingly making their products at Mikron (that is, there are not only chips for the metro there).
It should also be noted that the vast majority of Russian microelectronics developers are somehow tied to budget money and large orders, especially space or military ones, and there are few purely commercial orders. On the other hand, a significant share of the profit of several enterprises (for example, VZPP-Mikron and Angstrem) is made up of exports. However, I digress from the main topic of the review, so I will limit myself to the observation that the products presented below are far from all that is produced, and for many companies the space theme is not the main one.
Milander, Zelenograd
CJSC PKK Milander, based in Zelenograd, is a company with twenty years of history and, more important for us, with the most detailed website among all Russian microelectronic companies. Here it was possible to find this:
1645RU2T - 64Kbit static RAM (SRAM). In serial production since 2008.
1645RU5U - Static RAM (SRAM) with a capacity of 4 Mbps. OCD ends in 2014.
Judging by the years of production, the first microcircuit is produced using some completely old technology, the second - 180 nm (probably on the Micron).
According to the link (warning, traffic), you can find pictures of radiation-resistant 8-bit microcontroller 1886VE10 (analog pic17), information about which is why the site is not present.
Technology - Micron 180 nm, in terms of resistance, a full stuffing of ring transistors and multi-transistor memory elements. There is no exact data in the public domain, but a chip with such protection methods must withstand a nuclear explosion, not like a long-term flight in space.
1645RT2U is a one-time programmable ROM (antifuse) with a capacity of 256 kbps. OCD was commissioned in 2013.
Here you can see how it looks. Design standards, judging by the open crystal, 680 nm.
5576РТ1У is a one-time programmable ROM (antifuse) with a capacity of 1 Mbit. The design and development work was commissioned in 2013. Design standards are most likely 180 nm (Mikron technology).
For other Milandra microcircuits, radiation resistance has not been declared, however, for example, in the news on the website you can find the following line: “Parameters of resistance to special factors for the 1310PN1U microcircuit have been updated (significantly improved).” 1310 is an inductive power converter for which radiation resistance is not declared. If all microcircuits supplied with the fifth reception have at least some resistance to radiation, then Milander has a rather wide range of microcircuits for interfaces, power management and ADC / DAC.
The promising development of Milander is their first radiation-resistant and fault-tolerant microprocessor. It does not yet have its own designation and is presented at various conferences under the name " Processing-13". (link to download pdf) Click here for a presentation on the processor device and its design in terms of radiation resistance. There are interesting and controversial solutions there, but it looks impressive (with the exception of the joint work of the cores, perhaps).
The processor is a dual-core ARM Cortex-M4F with separate core modes and hardware duplication. The clock frequency is 100 MHz, SRAM 32 kB, ROM 128 kB, a wide range of interfaces and analog peripherals.
“Processing-13” will be produced at the German factory XFAB.
SPC "Elvis", Zelenograd
Elvis is currently actively promoting its own products in the space industry, actively cooperating with the Mikron plant in terms of technology and with the Submicron Research Institute in the production of space equipment. Elvis also participates in the international working group on the development of the SpaceWire data transfer standard, which the European Space Agency and, possibly, Roscosmos will be transferring to in the near future.
The trial swallow of Elvis in terms of aerospace applications is a memory chip 1657RU1U (SRAM 4Mbit), manufactured using foreign technology of 250 nm.
I wouldn’t like to ulcerate, but on the detailed page with information about the microcircuit (there would be more such ones) in the radiation resistance parameters you can find this: “total accumulated dose 330 krad, KTZ 500 krad”, and in the parameters recorded in the factors according to GOST (below tables), the figure is different. Which one - I will not say, because this GOST is secret, in contrast to the similar standards of our American sworn friends. In addition, there are rumors that the tests of the first microcircuits were carried out according to some specially trained methods, so there are some doubts that everything works really well.
1892VM8YA- A dual-core processor with a general-purpose core (compatible with MIPS-32) and a digital signal processing kernel. The clock frequency of 80 MHz, 480 MFLOPs for calculations with floating point, a wide range of interfaces - total quite serious machine turns out. The technology, like the previous memory circuit, is 250 nm CMOS (foreign).
Elvis is currently developing several similar processors based on 180 nm and 250 nm SOI micron technology, but the results have not yet gone into series. The newly developed Multibort chipset was recently presented at the New Electronics exhibition, and on the Elvis website I found this document (download link pdf)
The set contains more than twenty microcircuits with the year of the beginning of release until 2014: microprocessors, ADCs, controllers of external devices and switches, allowing to completely organize the data transfer network on board the spacecraft.
After working out solutions at foreign factories, Elvis makes all promising microcircuits completely in Russia at Mikron (design standards of 180 and 90 nm).
NIISI RAS, Moscow The
Institute of System Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NIISI RAS) has the largest experience among Russian developers of processors for space (since 2001) and produces a series of microprocessors with the COMDIV command system (which has some similarities with MIPS32). ( Wikipedia link , read the sources at the bottom of the page).
5890BE1T (KOMDIV32-S) is a 32-bit microprocessor with an integrated interface controller, 33 MHz, 500 nm SOI technology. Judging by open sources, it has long and successfully flies in spacecraft control systems.
5890VM1T is a 32-bit microprocessor with increased resistance to single failures. 33 MHz, 500 nm THD.
5890VG1T is a two-channel interface controller for the MIL-STD-1553 interface.
1900ВМ2Т (Reserve-32) is a 32-bit microprocessor with hardware tripling at the level of core components and protection against single failures. Clock frequency 66 MHz, technology 350 nm.
Static RAM (SRAM) 1 Mbps, access time 30 ns. SOI technology 350 nm.
The four processors mentioned above are mass-produced, and for 2014 and 2015, it announced the launch of four more processors.
1907ВМ014 - 32 bits, frequency 100 MHz, technology 250 nm. On the chip is the system controller, SpaceWire, Ethernet and the MIL-STD-1553 interface.
1907ВМ038 - 32 bits, frequency 125 MHz, technology 250 nm. On the chip are SpaceWire and Serial RapidIO interfaces.
1907ВМ044 - 32 bits, 66 MHz, 250 nm, built-in system controller, triple cores and increased resistance to single failures, SpaceWire.
1907ВМ028 - 64 bits, 150 MHz, 250 nm, built-in system controller, two cache levels (the others have one), Serial RapidIO, Ethernet.
All NIIIS processors based on SOI technology have sufficient absorbed dose resistance, sufficient for space applications, have no thyristor effect, and special measures have been applied (for all but 5890BE1T) to increase resistance to single failures (Hamming cache codes , special SRAM cells, hardware trimming at the level of component blocks of the processor core).
Here is another interesting article from the authors from NIISI in the American scientific journal Transactions on Nuclear Science - about a kind of radiant 32-bit K32R processor based on SOI technology.
In addition, NIISI also has such an OCD: “Development of a 128-bit high-performance microprocessor based on 0.25 micron SPS / SED structures compatible with the COMDIV architecture for digital signal processing systems,” code “Scheme-10”. That is, it is no longer 32 or 64 bits, but as many as 128. Work began in 2012.
STC "Module", Moscow
"Module" produces DSP processors with its own original architecture and computing modules based on its and other processors, including for space applications.
Main proprietary microcircuit of the “Module” DSP Neuromatrix (L1879VM1). Clock frequency 40 MHz, technology 0.5 microns (Samsung).
Micro assembly 2605VG1T - MIL-STD-1553 interface logic and transceiver with built-in memory.
1895BA1T is the logical part of the MIL-STD-1553
interface channel controller; 1879BA1T is the interface controller for connecting the computing processor with the MIL-STD-1553
interface NIIMA "Progress", Moscow
NIIMA "Progress" is one of the leading developers of GLONASS receivers and transmitters.
5512BP2F - a system on a chip with a microprocessor core and a base matrix chip, programmable for the needs of the user. Technology 180 nm ("Micron"), processor operating frequency 150 MHz, arithmetic coprocessor 50 MHz. The processor core - “Quark” of the KM211 company
“VLSI with MP core SnK Almaz-9” - the same set of peripherals with a different core and KNI technology 240 nm (“Micron”) to increase radiation resistance. Completion of OCD in 2014.
Design center “Soyuz”, Zelenograd
DC “Soyuz” is developing analog-to-digital base matrix crystals based on the “micron” THD 0.24 micron technology. The completion of the development work is scheduled for 2014 and 2015
5400BK1T, 5400BK2U - general purpose. 110k digital gates, 50k “analog” transistors, 56 op-amps, 56 comparators, 6 ADCs, 6 DACs, a voltage source and other units
5400TR014 - precision. 110k digital gates, 10k “analog” transistors, 3-op-amp, 2 ADC, 2 DAC, 2 UVC, voltage source, etc.
PS The base matrix crystal is a microcircuit of base cells without several top layers of metallization, with the help of which the cells can be connected in the way necessary for the customer. A kind of antediluvian analog FPGA. Still in demand, which is typical.
NPK Technological Center MIET, Zelenograd
NPK Technological Center MIET works with Mikron and has its own factory with design standards of 1.5 microns, where they successfully make radiation-resistant microcircuits of small degree of integration and basic matrix crystals, as well as semi-custom VLSI based on these BMKs - controllers of interfaces, external devices, transceivers, etc.
"Multiclet", Ekaterinburg
Ural Company "Multiclet" , developing its own original processor architecture, has announced the release in 2015, the radiation-quad microprocessor. There are no other details yet, as I understand it, production is planned abroad. A post on existing processors - here .
CTC "Electronics", VZPP-S, VZPP-Mikron, Voronezh
Voronezh enterprises are fragments of the once huge NPO "Electronics" and the Voronezh semiconductor device factory (VZPP). Its individual parts continue to work now, but it’s rather difficult to separate who does what, because there is very little information, and the data in the datasheets partially overlap. In order not to spray, I will list three enterprises - KTTS "Electronics" and two incarnations of the Voronezh semiconductor device factory - VZPP-S (s is the assembly) and VZPP-Mikron .
The main products of all three enterprises are FPGAs and microcircuits with a small degree of integration. With the second, everything is more or less clear: these are probably discrete elements of power electronics and logic microcircuits of the 1504, 1505 series, etc., produced probably from the Soviet times (at the corresponding design standards). Surprisingly, it is a fact: according to the Mikron site, the main source of income of the VZPP-Mikron is export, and the site of the VZPP-Mikron itself is generally English-speaking.
FPGAs are more and more interesting because they are obviously intended for import substitution of Altera products with which they are software compatible. Apparently, KTTS Electronics is developing them.
The capacity of the two FPGAs indicated on the websites is 50k and 200k gates; they are produced at the German factory XFAB. A few more FPGAs that are resistant to radiation are now being developed on the basis of Mikron technology.
NIIET, Voronezh
Another Voronezh enterprise operating for the space industry is OJSC NII Electronic Engineering ( NIIET ).
NIIET develops a wide range of microcontrollers (8-bit MCS-51, AVR, 16-bit MCS-96, C166), DSP (analogues of Texas Instruments), ADC / DAC and others. Production, judging by the declared capabilities of the enterprise - on XFAB.
There are three radiation-
resistant microcircuits in the enterprise catalog: 1830BE32U / 1830BE32AU - 8 bits, 12/16 MHz, 256 bytes of RAM (hardware-tied!), No ROM, functional analog of Intel 80C51FA
1874BE05T - 16 bits, 20 MHz, 488 bytes SRAM, functional analogue of Intel 196
All radiation-resistant microcircuits, unlike ordinary analogs, are produced in Russia, at the NIISI RAS factory using 0.5 micron SOI technology.
In the table of promising radiation-resistant developments for the next two years, there are almost a dozen items, the most interesting of which are the DAC family, two DSPs and a microprocessor with SPARC architecture (an analogue of LEON3 processors widely used both in Europe and Russia, whose deliveries to Russia have recently stopped ) What is surprising by the way is that this processor does NIIET, and not for example the Moscow center of SPARC-technologies (MCST). Apparently experience in designing radiant-resistant products turned out to be more important than experience in designing SPARC.
And the last company on the list isMinsk Integral plant The Integral special-purpose
product line includes static and dynamic memory (the largest is 1 Mbit, both SRAM and ROM), small microcontrollers, interface microcircuits, BMPs and FPGAs, as well as power and discrete devices. The vast majority are on older technologies. Here are a couple of examples: 1655РР1Т - 256 kbps flash memory, sampling time 150 ns, recording time 10 ms. 1659RU1T - SRAM 256 kbps, sampling time 50 ns. SOI technology. 1666RE014 - FRAM 1 Mbps. 1881VG4T - 8-bit microcontroller (AVR) with built-in flash memory, SRAM and analog peripherals. Clock frequency 4 MHz. 1880BE1U - 8-bit microcontroller (MSC-51) with built-in 10-bit ADCs. Clock frequency 24 MHz.
1451BK2U - analog base matrix crystal.
5577CX3T is a one-time programmable FPGA for 2000 equivalent gates.
Everything is not as bad as it seems (and how it could be). There is a lot of work to create domestic electronics for military and space applications, and it is quite possible to do without American chips in the foreseeable future.
Still lagging behind, though not as catastrophically, as in "ordinary" microelectronics. Now, however, the question is not about catching up and overtaking, but about not being left with nothing. The question, however, is still not idle, because if someone on the other side of the border closes the supply of not ready-made chips, but supplies for the Micron plant, then everything will be covered with a copper basin.
The situation is complicated by the fact that consumers of electronics do not want to switch to domestic developments (and they can be understood, because, unfortunately, in terms of quality and especially technical support and documentation, Russian developments did not lie next to imported ones), and when they switch, they want to receive copies, which greatly inflates the number of chips that need to be developed. In order for Russian chip developers to be able to provide developers of on-board systems with everything necessary, a lot of work still needs to be done.
This may complete the review, but I have a small postscript about what else awaits us in the coming years. The vast majority of the works presented in the review are funded from the budget, which means that information can be found on the public procurement website. If you google it for a subject called “Processing-13,” you will find an extremely interesting document from May 2012 (link to download the file).
It has a lot of interesting things, for example, a closed competition, the Department of Conventional Arms Industry of Ammunition and Special Chemicals, where the works have no formulations, but only names. There is the work “Enhanced experimental-morphological and medical studies of composite bone-plastic materials for the effective regeneration of bone tissue” and there are several dozen works on radiation-resistant elemental base, which should be completed in 2014 and 2015. And this, I remind you, is one public procurement for May 2012.
We are interested in the procurement lots 110/11-ФЦП1-12.04ок, 111/11-ФЦП1-12.04ок, 112/11-ФЦП1-12.04ок, 117/11-ФЦП1-18.04ок .
OCD “Development of radiation-resistant SoC, which implements a fault and fault-tolerant 32-bit RISC processor with redundancy on a chip and a set of interfaces”, code “Processing-10”.
OKR “Development of a radiation-resistant three-core microcircuit of a signal microprocessor with six SpaceFiber ports”, code “Processing-11”. We see SpaceFibre - we say “Elvis”
OCD “Development of a high-performance 32-bit processor architecture SPARC V8 with increased resistance to ATS, four ports SpaceFibre, two ports CAN 2.0 B, integrated controllers PCI 2.2, Ethernet and USB 2.0”, code “Processing-12 "- and here is LEON from NIIET.
OCD "Development of a special resistant 32-bit RISC processor based on ARM architecture for equipment of special resistant telemetry, on-board computer, radar corrector of autonomous navigation systems KMOP-KNI with design standards 0.25 ... 0.3 μm", code "Processing-13" is " Milander ”, I wrote about the processor above.
OCD “Development of a radiation-resistant DSP microcontroller for electric drive control”, code “Processing-14” - this, it seems, is NIIET.
OCD “Development of a set of radiation-resistant VLSI for building CIS equipment, telemetry of spacecraft service systems”, code “Processing-15”.
OKR “Development and manufacture at the domestic production of microcircuits of special resistant mask ROM with a capacity of 8 ... 16 Mbit”, code “Serif-6”.
OKR “Development and manufacture at the domestic production of radiation-resistant VLSI SOZU with an information capacity of 4 Mbit with increased speed”, code “Sifting-8”.
OKR “Development and development of LSI RAM with ferroelectric (FRAM) memory elements with a capacity of up to 1 Mbit”, code “Serif-9”. Wow what. I wonder who does? Ferroelectrics are generally not susceptible to radiation and can work in space for a very long time. The only pity is that it is very slow.
OCD “Development of a 128-bit high-performance microprocessor based on 0.25 micron SPS / SOI structures compatible with the COMDIV architecture for digital signal processing systems”, code “Scheme-10”. DIVISION IS NIISI.
OKR “Development of a constructive-technological basis and a library of standard elements with technological standards of 0.25 μm SOI, ensuring the achievement of extreme levels of radiation resistance of at least 6 Units”, code “Scheme-12”.
OKR “Development of SF blocks of mass-produced microprocessors and microcontrollers of the 1867, 1830, 1874 series for radiation-resistant SOI technology”, code “Scheme-13”. These are the controllers of NIIET, copies of Intel's. So they will do radiant-resistant versions at Mikron or NIIIS.
OCD "Development of a non-volatile radiation-resistant one-time user-programmable logic matrix with a capacity of 30-50 thousand fans", code "Almaz-5".
OKR “Development of a number of radiation-resistant BMK: BMK-400 and BMK-1000”, code “Almaz-6”. This is the Soyuz design center, almost certainly. Those two BMK above.
OKR “Development of a number of radiation-resistant LSIs of a digital frequency synthesizer”, code “Digital-16”.
OKR “Development of an analog key microcircuit with a frequency band of at least 1 ... 2 GHz”, code “Digit-17”.
OCD "Development and development of special resistant DC-DC voltage converters", code "Power-7". Here are two examples that are very far from microprocessors. That is, another element base is being developed, which is very good.
OKR “Development of a radiation-resistant quadrature modulator for the operating frequency range 30-40 GHz”, code “Vysotka-13”.
OCD "Development of powerful radiation-resistant high-speed microwave switches, modulators, phase shifters and protective devices on pin diodes on SiC for dm and cm wavelength ranges", code "Vysotka-14".
OKR “Development of a model range of specialized VLSI for use in unified nodes of the SC service equipment”, code “Scheme-11”. Isn't that a "Multibort"?
OCD “Development of a series of optoelectronic devices designed for operation in extreme conditions, based on wide-gap semiconductor structures, multilayer heterostructures and their compounds”, code “Optron-4”. I don’t know who does this at all, in the review above there is definitely not. Maybe Svetlana? www.svetlanajsc.ru/index.php/ru
OCD “Development of a complex functional VLSI of a 16-bit micro-converter with built-in hardware implementation of information encoding / decoding algorithms”, code “Complexity-12”.
OCD “Development of a VLSI kit of the“ system on a chip ”type for a low-power Glonass / GPS navigation receiver”, code “Complexity-13”. This is almost certainly NIIMA Progress.
OCD "Development of a set of chips for controlling explosive devices of small-caliber ammunition", code "Complexity-14." But purely military development.
OKR “Development of the KPI-2 peripheral interface controller microcircuit for multicore microprocessors with Elbrus architecture with a total input / output bandwidth of at least 16 GB / s,” code “Processor-8”.
MCST and their own Elbrus architecture. It has nothing to do with space, but it fell into the same procurement program.
That’s probably all.