Tizen DevLab and Hackathon in Moscow

    Tizen DevLab and Hackathon in Moscow!

    Trainings and hackathons entirely devoted to Tizen have already taken place in several cities of Russia. Soon Moscow will be added to this list! The announcement of this event is dedicated to the message. Also, it will be a little about the results of the Tizen-hackathon , which was held in Novosibirsk.

    To begin with, the Mobile World Congress took place in Barcelona at the end of February, after which the latest news about Tizen appeared: publication of the appearance of Obsidian - an interface for Intel's Tizen , Tizen IVI for NEXCOM devices , ZTE smartphone on Tizen with an Intel processor. The most resonant news was the “smart watch” Samsung Gear 2, more about which representatives of the company itself already wrote on Habré: 1 ,2 . In addition, just the other day, the Tizen SDK for Wearable became available - a developer kit for wearable devices on Tizen, including for smart watches. The main message: the platform lives and develops, therefore Tizen trainings and hackathons are more relevant than ever!

    And in Moscow, the event can be said to be unique. Firstly, the most complete team of Tizen trainers in Russia will gather: representatives of Intel (Kirill Chuvilin), FRUCT (Mark Zaslavsky) and three Samsung employees (Denis Voloshko, Renat Nyazhemetdinov and Kirill Danilov). Denis first joined us at an event in Novosibirsk.
    Denis Voloshko - Samsung
    Project Manager at Samsung Electronics Russia. Passionate mobile pro and gadgets maniac.

    All trainers have their own skills, which we will share during Tizen DevLab, and which will be useful to hackathon participants.

    Secondly, this time the training and the hackathon will be held in different places, and we hope that it will be more convenient for the participants. #TizenDevLab - on Friday in the Ural Business Center (Skolkovo) , and #TizenHack - on the weekend in the very center of Moscow, in Lightbox Studio Red October .

    And thirdly, the event is open, and participation is free, but registration is required, which can be done on the home page.
    March 28-30, Moscow - DevLab + Hackathon

    Now, according to the tradition that has already taken shape, I will tell you a little about the last such event, which took place in the IT towers of the Novosibirsk Academgorodok. Without exaggerating, we can say that it was the most frosty (such weather already stood out in the middle of February) event on Tizen, but in a warm atmosphere. At the Hackathon, we saw very versatile projects: working with the internal structure of the Tizen platform, and actively using the device’s API, and the competent use of tools from project partners .

    Prizes (in the lists of links to video presentations of ideas):
    February 14-16, Novosibirsk - DevLab + Hackathon

    Projects that won second and third places clearly demonstrate the possibility of using Unity3D and GameMaker: Studio to create games for Tizen. Or porting if you already have working projects.
    All videos of the Hackathons' performances are compiled in a YouTube playlist .

    See you at Tizen Events!

    Follow the news of Tizen in our hub , Twitter and VKontakte group .

    Kirill Chuvilin,
    Ex-manager of the Russian Tizen community at Intel Corporation

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