The book "System Engineering for Dummies": an electronic version of the book for everyone

    The forces of IBM Corporation published the most interesting book, System Engineering for Dummies. First of all, this book is offered to the attention of the Habrasociety, where the maximum concentration of IT specialists who are interested in the publication (here it is worth making a remark - the book exists not only in paper but also in electronic version, and this is just the electronic version is brought to your attention).

    The book itself is intended for accelerated immersion in such an area as systems engineering - because now there are many who would like to master this area of ​​activity.

    The book will help you get an initial idea of ​​systems engineering, as well as the development of integrated intelligent solutions and products using systems engineering tools.

    In addition, the book will help to quickly conquer certain segments of the market, respond quickly to changes, create high-quality competitive products with minimal costs.

    Here are the main points mentioned in the book:

    - what is systems engineering
    - how to use innovative systems to develop innovative intelligent products
    - how to reduce time to market, be able to quickly respond to market requirements
    - how to develop high-quality products, staying within budget and planned terms
    - how to reduce costs

    In order to download the book, you just need to follow this link and fill out a short form .

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