Video reports from the conference LoveQA. First part

    A few weeks ago, on February 15th, we held our first conference for LoveQA testers. Thanks to all those who came and who watched the online broadcast. We have video reports and we are happy to share them with you. Today we post the first 4 reports and publish the rest at the end of the week.
    If you still have any questions, then you can ask them in the comments to the post.
    Photos from the conference on FB and Vkontakte .


    “Is there life after release?” Our experience in testing mobile applications »
    Alexander z3us Hosta & Nikolai Kozlov, Badoo.

    “Continuous delivery in a large Internet project”
    Vladislav vchernov Chernov, Badoo

    “AIDA. The evolution of automation of work with Git, JIRA and TeamCity »
    Alexander mecommayou Ilyin & Oleg oleko_dundich Oyamäe, Badoo

    Continuous Integration in Processing
    Artyom Nikitin, Qiwi

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