Colobot Gold - opensource version of Colobot


Hi Habr. Despite the fact that a lot of time has already passed since the transfer of the source codes of this wonderful toy to the PPC community (Polish Portal of Colobot), there were still no articles on the hub about how the fate of the creation of Epsitec came about after falling into the hands of enthusiasts.

If for some reason you have not heard about this game, then there is a wonderful article on Habré . Well, I’ll talk about what has been done and what is planned to be done as part of the Colobot PPC.


Official site of developers . The forum is mostly in Polish, but from the information that is in the English section it becomes clear that the work is going slowly but surely. PPC also says that it is not planned to make Сolobot 2 and Сolobot Gold commercial projects.

Work done

On June 24, 2013, the Colobot Gold project entered the alpha test phase. The goal of the project is to update and improve the original game. There are many changes, work is ongoing. You can get acquainted with all this business on GitHub . From the main - the game now runs on the OpenGL-powered engine and it has become multi-platform. Many textures have been converted to higher resolution textures. New features have been added to the CBOT language (in-game programming language), new game levels, as well as the Russian translation. This suggests that the Gold version will not only be a version of its predecessor with improved graphics, but will also have advanced functionality, which is good news.


There are many plans for the game - the release of Colobot 2, adding new features and game mods, new colonization bots to the game, expanding the player’s abilities. The development of Colobot 2 is planned to begin after the completion of work on Colobot Gold. Ideas for a new game are still being discussed. The development will most likely be carried out in a separate repository, full code refactoring is planned.

In addition, it is planned to release a version for Android. There are ideas about support for texture packs and other functionality for modding. (The author of the article most of all dreams of multiplayer, but not a word about him, although who knows what Colobot 2 will be ...).

It’s also worth mentioning that the guys want to drop their project on Steam Greenlight.

How to start the game?

For those who already want to try the game, the site regularly laid build a stable and developed versions of the game for Windows and GNU / Linux. Instructions for building the development version of the game for Windows, BSD-like systems, as well as for MacOS can be found on GitHub. Theoretically, the game can be compiled for any platform.

I offer instructions for those who want to run on Linux a development version of the game with the latest changes. A list of dependencies can be found here .

git clone --recursive --branch=dev
mkdir colobot/build && cd colobot/build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/some/install/path
make install

To start the game, use the command:

cd /some/install/path/games
./colobot -language ru -datadir share/games/colobot/


Nowadays, free-to-play games, the essence of which is a monotonous poking on the screen, without the need to use the brain, in-app-purchase, DLC and other evil - a project like this needs help more than ever. You can help with the code, work with resources, improve translation, search for bugs, you can also support the project with finances (you need money for the same Greenlight). This can be done through the official site .

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