ADCSpb # 11. IOS developers meeting in St. Petersburg

    February 11 at 18:30 in St. Petersburg will host the eleventh meeting of the Apple Developers Community.
    Like the last few meetings, we will organize it together with our friends from JetBrains.

    If we usually make reports for the mass mobile developer, then this time we decided to organize a meeting for professionals with serious content. In a programme:


    • “ReactiveCocoa and MVVM” - Yuri Buyanov, e-Legion
    • “IOS Development Gems in AppCode” - Alexey Ushakov, JetBrains
    • “Debugging applications with dtrace” - Stanislav Krasnoyarov, Redsteep
    • “Objective-C Runtime in Examples” - Alexey Storozhev, e-Legion

    As always, participation is free, you only need to register on the event page .

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