September 20, Moscow - metap for analysts

    Hi, Habr!

    We thought here and decided to do a mitap for analysts and their sympathizers. Speaking in AnalyzeIT MeetUp will be about the role of analysts in teams and not only. We start at 19.00, the location of Bolshaya Polyanka, d.2 / 10, p. 1 (Corporate Innovations Hub) . Participation is free, the main thing is to register in advance. The link to registration and reports of participants - under cat.

    All speakers are guys from Alfa-Bank.

    07.25-19.50 Andrei Abramov - The role of the analyst in the product team.

    What is the role of the analyst in Alfa Bank?
    What allows us to move in development so quickly?
    How does an analyst affect development speed?
    Due to what we were able to transfer more than 50% of lending operations to our customers in remote channels?
    How did we earn almost 90 million risk-free rubles for the bank in a month, and where is the analyst here?

    10.20-20.35 Alexey Lobzov, Anna Onuk - Analyst as a member of a cross-functional team.

    Why should team members develop cross-functional competencies? How to start analytics? And where does this lead? The report will address these and other issues, as well as examples from the practice of analysts of remote channels.

    20: 45-21: 10 Ekaterina Kotova, Kirill Kapranov - Documentation is somewhere near ... with the code.

    What is the advantage of maintaining documentation next to the code? How does this affect product quality and development speed? What is a cross-feed and what is it eaten with? We tried to deal with these issues, and now we want to tell you about it.

    21: 20-21: 45 Denis Malyshev - From layouts to technology.

    What is the secret of agile team success? What allows you to plan a task in a limited time? How does the analyst help the team understand the task? The report will tell you what problems the team faces when planning and how to solve them.

    In breaks - coffee and pizza.

    On the day of the event on this page we will post the online broadcast.

    And you can register here .

    Have a nice day.

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