Conference PyCon Russia 2018: video of all reports and presentations

    On July 22-23, the sixth conference for python programmers PyCon Russia was held . Under the cut - a lot of videos, presentations and photos. And also look at the reporting video - it briefly describes how PyConRu-2018 passed.

    Reports in Russian

    Python Core Developer , expert software developer, founder of EdgeDB, author of uvloop, asyncpg, asyncio Yuri Selivanov (Toronto) told about what is happening with Asyncio and what will happen next.

    Python Core Developer , author and active participant of many Python libraries, including asyncio, aiohttp, aiopg, aiozmq, PyCon Russia program director Andrei Svetlov (Kiev) made a presentation on “Aiohttp from the author”. Andrew spoke about the current situation, described plans for the future and gave advice on the correct application.

    The head of the PyCharm Community at JetBrains, Andrei Vlasovskiy, talked about 7 code editing techniques in the PyCharm environment that are impossible or difficult to implement in text editors. These techniques perform actions not on strings, but on Python syntax and semantic structures: variables, expressions, functions. Andrei explained whether it allows editing the code faster and what disadvantages this approach has.

    Head of Data Science at ScrapingHub Mikhail Korobov talked about how machine learning can be used to write smart web spiders. Michael also spoke about the available Open-Source components from which you can assemble such smart spiders.

    The developer in Mail.Ru Vadim Pushtaev told how they write unit tests in the Search. From small things: how to name, what is the structure of each test, etc., to big questions: how are things with TDD, how to get wet, how to deal with external systems such as databases and how they live with fixtures.

    Marina Kamalova , the developer of Alice from Yandex, explained from which python components you can create a text chat bot, what happens from the moment you receive a custom message to the moment you receive a response from the bot (NLU, NLG, ML classifiers), how to adapt the bot to different messengers and not only messengers, as well as how to increase the fault tolerance of the bot on the example of the Telegram API.

    Vitaly Davydov, CEO at Poteha Developers, discussed the example of Serverless microservice with Python.

    Alexey Kuzmin, Director of Development at DomKlik, spoke about the strengths and weaknesses of asynchronous programming, showed how this mechanism is arranged inside Python. Considered several useful libraries and tools. In conclusion, he spoke about how to correctly measure and debug asynchronous code.

    Teh.lid in Avito Hodakov Dmitry told about common problems and pitfalls when building a loaded mikroservisnogo framework, about profiling asynchronous applications, the fundamental differences between asynchronous and tornado aiohttp, and spent a fair comparison tornado vs aiohttp in conditions close to the fighting. The report will be useful to experienced Python developers who deal with asynchronous and microservices that are faced with the problems of scaling and debugging asynchronous applications.

    Evgeny Slezko, Technical Director at Marilyn System, shared his experience in implementing a service-oriented architecture in a system that has been developed in Python for more than 5 years. Why do you need it? What problems solves, and what creates? What is worth taking care at the beginning? What is the profit from the point of view of both the engineer and the management of development?

    Denis Kataev, the developer at, described with examples how SQLAlchemy works from the inside, how it simplifies the work and when it is worth using it (the spoiler is always).

    Everyone who is engaged in professional development on anything, tries to make their daily activities more comfortable. CTO in Spherical Anton Patrushev shared a great combination of tools that they found in Spherical almost from the very beginning.

    Python-developer at TsIAN Maxim Mazaev told about the principles of developing microservices at TsIAN and how they are struggling with the typical problems of their support - versioning and consistency of the API. How to change the API without breaking anything. How to control consistency through the CI system. Maxim also considered the issues of code generation and swagger-schemes.

    Usually, all participants in sports programming use C / C ++ / Java, but in the last decade, a growing number of participants use Python. Python-developer at Toptal Andrei Soldatenko (Kiev) told how to start participating in competitions using Python.

    Python-developer at Yandex, Alexander Koshelev, spoke about writing buffers to the database.

    Elena Nikitina (System) told how to start her first open-source project so that it becomes noticeable; how to refine the idea on crutches to a full-fledged project without forcing yourself; how sustainable teams are going to be and what this team will give you; how to use such a project for diversified development. This is a report for developers of any level. If you want to help others, dream of your githaba and an article on Habré, but do not know where to start, or just feel free to shy.

    Sergey Karpovich and Vadim Berezkin from told how to make a search engine convenient for users: about the available tools and how to customize the usability, quality and relevance of internal search using the example of Elasticsearch and Python. The report will be useful to developers of search engines for sites and portals.

    This year we held the Core Development Panel for the first time. Three Python Core Developer: Yuri Selivanov (EdgeDB, Canada), Andrey Svetlov (aiohttp, Ukraine) and Christian Heimes (Red Hat, Germany) answered questions from the audience.

    Kostya Esmukov, Mikhail Penkov, Mikhail Elovskikh, Dmitry Orlov and Denis Kataev spoke at the Lightning Talks.

    Reports in English

    Christian Heimes (Hamburg) - Python Core Developer since 2007, Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat , a member of PSF - gave a talk on “SSLError, now what?”, In which he briefly spoke about the basic cryptographic primitives, handshake protocol, internal device certificates and public key infrastructure From the report you will learn about best practices, debugging tools and methods for diagnosing TLS / SSL, and how to manage certificates.

    Yelp Tweekle , one of the Swagger / OpenAPI developers, Stephan Jaensch (Hamburg) gave a talk on “Type annotations with larger codebases”, in which he told how to start using annotations, how to get the most out of annotations and how to avoid problems start using them.

    Melanie Warrick (San Francisco) - Senior Developer Advocate on Google Cloud - talked about Reinforcement Learning.

    Alejandro Saucedo (London), Development Manager at Eigen Technologies , CTO at Exponential, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Specialist, gave a presentation on Industrial Data Pipelines with Python and Airflow. This report will use practical examples to figure out how to set up machine learning using Airflow.

    Donald Whyte (London), senior software engineer at Engineers Gate, spoke about Engineers Gate High Performance Data Processing in Python. "This talk explains how to use the volume of data and data quickly. We show an example dataset being processed using numpy / pandas. "We’ve been able to meet these requirements for several times to seconds."

    An engineer at Ling Zhang (London) gave a presentation on “NLP to Discover Rich Insights from Massive Noisy Text”. “In this talk, we’ve received a rich, actionable insights for a government entity. We reduce time from month to minute. We’re using scicit-learn-and-learn-and-for-by-theory.

    Kate Heddleston (San Francisco), a software engineer at Shift Technologies (a trading platform for buying and selling used cars), where she is involved in python projects, founder and CEO at Opsolutely (a platform that helps engineering teams deploy infrastructure in the cloud), made a presentation “Technical Debt and Python”.


    All reports can be viewed on the channel IT-People on YouTube.

    Almost all presentations of reports are collected on Yandex.Disk .

    See photos from the conference in the VKontakte group , Facebook and Yandex . Photos .

    Subscribe to our social networks and you will be the first to know about the news. We write infrequently and in the case.

    This year, for the first time in Russia, three Python Core Developer companies spoke at the conference: Yury Selivanov (EdgeDB, Canada), Andrey Svetlov (aiohttp, Ukraine) and Christian Heimes (Red Hat, Germany)

    Several reviews from social networks

    Alejandro Saucedo Review:
    The #PyConRu Photos are out! What is a huge pleasure taking part on this great conference! ML and Data Pipelines! Looking forward to the next conference! #LetsDoThis

    Review by Alexander Menshikov:
    PyCon Russia 2018 was a great success! He spoke great to interesting people, Vision technology from is super. I’ll come up with something else interesting for the next year. I’m taking a little merch to the contest for Far Eastern guys. Alexander Polomodov's

    great review with analysis of reports:
    “I was at Pycon 2018 Russia this year and I liked it :) A
    decent level of the conference, provided not only by the organization of the event, but also by interesting reports that you don’t meet so often these days.”

    Thank you for being with us! See you at PYCONRU-2019!

    Thanks to our sponsors who make the conference possible: the gold partner - JetBrains , the silver partners - MediaScope , Kaspersky Lab , Marilyn , Megafon , the positive wave sponsor - TsIAN , the technical partner - , the bronze sponsor - Yandex , the water sponsor - Avito and the afterparty sponsor - Sirena-Travel .

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