Distribution of the number of Russian employees by salaries based on a large online survey on a non-specialized platform
At http://otvet.mail.ru a survey was conducted "What is the most common (common and frequent) salary in your city?" with the following answers: "1 thousand rubles or below", "2 thousand rubles.", "3 thousand rubles.", "5 thousand rubles.", "7 thousand rubles.", "10 thousand. rubles. "," 15 thousand rubles. "," 20 thousand rubles. "," 30 thousand rubles. "," 45 thousand rubles. "," 60 thousand rubles. "," 80 thousand rubles. "," 100 thousand rubles. "," 120 thousand rubles. "," 150 thousand rubles. Or higher. "
On 2018-08-29, 769 people answered, the most common answers were “15 thousand” (184 people) and “20 thousand” (207 people). According to the survey, the most common salary in Russia was 19 thousand.
In connection with the possible "cheating" of votes and possible irresponsible answers, a distribution was made, from which all respondents with the title "student" were excluded. “Pupils” - accounts with the least number of questions, answers and points - are more likely to be participants in cheating and irresponsible answers than other accounts, since such an account is easiest to create as your second or third account. According to the results of the survey without "students" the most common salary in Russia was 16 thousand.
The dependence of the salary was built at the peak of distribution on the number of answers. As the number of answers increased, wage fluctuations at the peak decreased and for 760 respondents were within plus or minus 250 rubles relative to the average value. Hence it was concluded that the number of respondents is sufficient.
The survey results were compared with the results of a similar survey of April 2017 . It was concluded that the most common salary for 1.5 years did not change, compared with 2017-04, by 2018-08 the number of people with a salary of 80 thousand rubles decreased, the number of people with a salary of 60 thousand rubles decreased, the number of people with a salary decreased 40 thousand rubles, the number of people with a salary of 20 thousand rubles has increased.
The survey results were compared with Rosstat data (the most common salary is 21 thousand) and Navalny data (the most common salary is 12.5 thousand) and it was concluded that the differences are not super-large (all salary intervals are approximated by mid-point intervals).
The results for the answer "150 thousand rubles or more" were excluded, because, firstly, residents of Russian cities in which the most common salary is above 150 thousand rubles are negligible; secondly, there was no option to answer "get a score and see the results of the survey", so many chose a deliberately improbable answer "150 thousand or higher" to answer at least something and see the results.
Due to the fact that there were a lot of answers "1,000 rubles or less", another survey was conducted: "Russians survey. How many unemployed job seekers among your acquaintances (pensioners, self-employed, housewives are not unemployed)?" ( https://otvet.mail.ru/question/210143174 ), which I will write later.
So, according to the survey: the most common salary in Russia is 16 thousand rubles, the most common salary in cities is about 51% of respondents lying in the range from 10 to 25 thousand rubles, and otvet.mail.ru is an excellent platform for conducting polls.