Events for HR in IT in September 2018: Digest of My Circle


    So, the summer is over, and now you can only remember how it was good, revising the photo tape and reports from the events. But do not hurry upset! Ahead of autumn - the time of new acquaintances and new knowledge. September already makes us happy with a rich program of events in IT HR: thanks to the conferences we have selected, online courses, trainings and webinars, you will quickly enter into a working rhythm and return the enthusiasm.

    Stay tuned for post updates, event announcements for the second half of the month will be added later.

    TechRec Family in Moscow (mitap)

    When: September 7, 18:00
    Where: Moscow, the venue is being specified
    Conditions of participation: 500 rubles.
    Organizer: IT Recruiter School

    Topics & speakers:

    • You do not need Agile! - Holy Zadorozhny, ex-CTO Diffract.IO;
    • Why technical interviews are not ok - Vladislav Kozulya, Head of the Department for Development of AZ.
    • +1 speaker, the topic is being specified.

    Details and registration

    Online conference on HR marketing Digital MarHR

    When: September 10-15, 10:00
    Where: Online
    Participation conditions: free of charge, the All Inclusive package is 3,000 rubles for individuals / 4,000 rubles for legal entities. Persons
    Organizer: MARHR

    At the conference you will receive answers to the most pressing issues, such as:

    • How to become an attractive employer for the younger generation?
    • HR brand: where to start, how to measure?
    • What channels to choose for communications?
    • How to create a content strategy?
    • How to evaluate ROI in employer brand?
    • How to automate processes?
    • How to use SMM, targeted advertising, sourcing and other tools.

    24 speakers from such companies as Mail.Ru Group, Playrix, Avito, AgroTerra, Braininglab, FutureToday, 2GIS and others participate in the event.

    Details and registration

    Candidate assessment by competence (training)

    When: September 11, 10:00
    Where: Moscow, st. Dubininskaya, d.27, p.1
    Conditions of participation: 5,000 rubles
    Organizer: “Valuable experience”

    Practical training in evaluating candidates using the competency model will allow not to waste time analyzing secondary qualities, but to focus on the main thing when taking new employees to the company.

    The use of this technology will significantly improve the quality of recruiting. After completing the training, you will be able to explore and evaluate the opportunities, candidates, identify hidden threats and difficulties.

    Details and registration

    Online Personnel Search Tools (webinar)

    When: September 11, 5:00 pm
    Where: Online
    Conditions for participation: 1,350 rubles
    Organizer: HR Digital School

    The webinar will discuss how to properly analyze potential candidates, how to look for them and how to get in touch so as not to get banned or do not run into rudeness.

    In a programme:

    • The correct analysis of the candidate in the social network.
    • How to choose a social network that is most suitable for finding your candidates.
    • Search tools in social networks: facebook, instagram, VKontakte, Linkedin + soaring in Google (Boolean Search, X-RAY).
    • A letter for an unfamiliar candidate. Formula writing.

    Details and registration

    IT HR meetup # 36. The specifics of working with expats (mitap)

    When: September 11, 19:00
    Where: St. Petersburg, Malokhchinsky Ave, 64, lit. The
    Participation: free
    Organizer: of IT Dominanta

    «the HR of IT meetup» - this informal meetings HR-s from different IT-companies. We are going to share experiences, discuss interesting and relevant issues, or just chat and meet.

    This mitap is held in preparation for the HR API 3.0 conference. Anyone interested is invited to make presentations, and if the report is interesting, high-quality and useful, it will be included in the program of the HR API 3.0 conference.

    Details and registration

    HR 3.0 - new rules of the game in the digital age (online conference)

    When: September 14, 11:00
    Where: online
    Conditions for participation: free of charge
    Organizer: Netology The

    conference was created for recruiters involved in the recruitment and selection of specialists from all industries; business owners, perplexed by the optimization of recruitment processes; HR-specialists, whose task is adaptation, motivation, involvement and development of employees.

    Main themes:

    • How to stay in demand HR-specialist;
    • How to automate key HR-processes in new conditions;
    • How to engage and motivate employees;
    • How to evaluate your contribution to the results of the company.

    Details and registration

    IT literacy for HR (educational course)

    When: September 14-15
    Where: Innopolis Universitetskaya Str., 1
    Conditions for participation: 15,900 rubles
    Organizer: Innopolis University A

    two-day refresher course for HR professionals who want to start in the most promising and fastest growing industry - information technology.

    Course program:

    • IT literacy for HR. Basic concepts
    • Overview of the IT Labor Market
    • Career tracks in IT
    • IT recruitment
    • The specifics of the interview IT professionals
    • Practice and case studies

    Details and registration

    HR-Breakfast 2.0. Difficulties in the selection of sales managers (business breakfast)

    When: September 18, 10:00 am
    Where: Moscow, Kaluzhskaya metro station / Vernadsky Prospect
    Conditions for participation: free of charge
    Organizer: Wanted: Profi

    The meeting will discuss tools, test tasks, lifehacks and all the nuances that make it possible to solve the problem of hiring sales managers as much as possible efficiently.

    Event speakers:

    • Boris Nikolaenko - Sales Director at CallTouch;
    • Ekaterina Firsova - HR in Parallels;
    • Tatyana Afonina - HRD in Cloudpayments;
    • Valeria Efanova - Recruiter at Flocktory;
    • Gulnara Tazetdinova - Commercial Director in My City;
    • Julia Perchikova - HRD at

    Details and registration

    Successful protection of the HR project (webinar)

    When: September 18, 6:30 pm
    Where: Online
    Participation conditions: 700 rubles
    Organizer: “Valuable experience”

    The webinar will discuss how to “sell” a new idea to a manager and how to substantiate with concrete examples that you can use HR processes support the company's strategy and ensure its implementation.

    Details and registration

    Recruitment in IT (online course)

    When: September 19 - October 31, 19:00
    Where: online
    Participation conditions: on request
    Organizer: LABA

    The course will be useful for recruiters with no experience in IT or for those who want to improve their level, as well as talent seekers who have recently moved to IT.

    Course program:

    • Introduction to IT Recruiting
    • How to find a good Python developer
    • How to find a good PHP developer
    • How to find a good C ++ developer
    • How to find a good Java developer
    • How to find a good frontend developer
    • Features of different languages ​​in frontend
    • How to find a good mobile app developer
    • How to find a good DevOps
    • How to find a good developer of artificial intelligence
    • How to find a good tester and project manager
    • Selection process

    The course is led by Nadezhda Nedorezova - Head of Recruitment, Rambler & Co, certified network JCI coach.

    Details and registration

    How to use My Circle 100%: Secrets and Tips (webinar)

    When: September 20, 15:00
    Where: online
    Participation conditions: free of charge
    Organizer: “My circle”

    What are we going to tell about?

    • Presentation of the company on "My Circle";
    • Service assessment companies;
    • Search in the database of applicants;
    • Work with vacancies;
    • Salary service - how to find out any salary in the IT market;
    • Discounts and special offers;
    • Coming soon - what awaits us in the future?

    Details and registration

    MACS ON AIR (open lecture)

    When: September 20, 19:30
    Where: Moscow, st. Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya, d.10, p. 4
    Participation conditions: free of charge
    Organizer: Moscow Advanced Communications School

    Topics for discussion:

    • Overheated market of IT-specialists. Market capacity in the world and in Russia. Key trends.
    • The most popular professions in the IT field. Where is this taught?
    • Channels of attraction: how to dial the desired "number".
    • Career in IT and life-long learning.

    ⠀ Invited
    to participate in MACS ON AIR:
    • Maria Parfenova, Chairman of the Board, QIWI Bank;
    • Vera Solomatina, HRD SAP CIS;
    • Valentina Vatrak, HRD Megaphone.

    Details and registration

    Formula for writing and promoting a job in social networks (webinar)

    When: September 25, 5:00 pm
    Where: Online
    Conditions for participation: 1,350 rubles
    Organizer: HR Digital School

    In the webinar program:

    • The formula is a good job. Examples of working / non-working vacancies.
    • Features of the creation of texts for social networks and the algorithm of their distribution.
    • Rules for writing and writing a job. Formula "simple and effective"
    • Tools for visualizing vacancies: the amount of text, visual elements, the ratio of elements in terms of the rules of social networks and the perception of candidates.
    • Tools for the promotion of vacancies and the formation of coverage: hashtags, hyperlink references to the company, targeted advertising, groups, opinion leaders.

    Details and registration

    About event organizers

    If in our digest you did not find any events for HR-specialists in the field of IT, which will be held in September, please add them in the comments!

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