A new war for Vkontakte has begun. Durov threatened with dismissal

    The creator of Vkontakte, Pavel Durov, today through the Vedomosti newspaper accused the UCP fund of pressure and threats.

    “Your aggressiveness at the stock level has a very negative effect on the atmosphere in the team. “I have to make an effort not to lose the team,” he told Vedomosti. - Several key employees have already left, unable to withstand the pressure. They [UCP representatives] do not believe anyone and are always paranoid in their search for a catch. If I didn’t know that they were financiers, I would assume that I am dealing with FSB officers. ”

    Read further the comments of the parties on the Vedomosti.ru website: www.vedomosti.ru/tech/news/16948841/raskol-vo-v-kontakte#ixzz2gTgqoEzR

    Later in the afternoon, UCP representative Yuri Kachuro told Forbes that the fund has a lot of questions for Durov, from the answer to which he evades:

    “We have reasonable suspicions that he deliberately misleads the shareholders and employees of VKontakte.” After the launch of the Telegram messenger and the active work of Digital Fortress (DF), we as a shareholder of VK sent a letter to Pavel asking us to answer specific questions about these projects. We were surprised that Pavel did not develop the messenger inside VK, as Facebook, for example, does, and for some reason brought him into a separate business controlled by him personally. There is a clear conflict of interest. In particular, we wanted to make sure that these projects will not compete with VK and do not use VK resources. ”

    Read further the development of history and comments of the parties on Forbes.ru: www.forbes.ru/sobytiya/biznes/245653-konflikt-vkontakte-ucp-dopuskaet-otstavku-durova

    Later that afternoon, Durov additionally commented on the situation in the public of the publication “Zuckerberg will call”:

    “Telegram is not connected in any way with VKontakte either financially or technologically - and this has been shown / confirmed many times. The whole point is not in it - every month the point of pressure from the gentlemen of the racketeers changes to something new. But they can hardly succeed; at least squeeze the company quietly, as they are used to, will not work. To be extremely precise, the Digital Fortress nonprofit fund is based on the money I received from selling part of my share of VKontakte in 2007 and 2010. All this is easily verified and cannot be a serious subject for any claims from the new shareholder of VKontakte. ” Nikolai Durov [the developer of the protocol Telegram works on] has been working for VKontakte since 2007 concurrently, and has the right to deal with any third-party projects that he likes.

    Bonus for those who are not in the know: How the founders of Vkontakte lost control .

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