Google Hadoop Review (dataproc)

Some time ago I activated a free trial for Google under their cloud, I didn’t solve my problem, it turned out Google gives $ 300 for 12 months for a trial, but contrary to my expectations, other limits are imposed as well as the budget limit. For example, it is not allowed to use virtuals more than 8 vcpu in one region. After half a year, I decided to use the trial budget for acquaintance with dataproc, the pre-installed Hadup cluster from Google. The task is to try to estimate how easy it would be for me to run a project on Google’s Hadup, is there any sense in it or is it better to focus on your hardware and think through administration. I have a vague feeling that the modern iron and bigdat stack should already easily adapt to dozens or hundreds of gigabytes of small databases, brutally loading if not all of the data, then the overwhelming part of the cluster memory.

In short, dataproc was impressed with the ease of launching and configuration, against the background of Oracle and Cloudera. At the first stage, I played with one node cluster at 8 vCpu, the maximum that a completely free trial allows. If you look at simplicity, then their technologies already allow a Hindu in 15 minutes to start a cluster, load sample data and prepare an ordinary BI tool, without any intermediate sub-windows. Any deep knowledge about Khadup is no longer required.

In principle, I saw that a wonderful thing for a quick start and for the sane money you can run a prototype, evaluate what kind of hardware you need for the task. However, the larger cluster, in dozens of nodes, will obviously eat significantly more than rent + a couple of admins looking after the cluster. Far from the fact that cloud will look cost effective. At the first stage I tried to evaluate a completely micro version with one node cluster 8 vCpu and 0.5 TB of raw data. In principle, the spark + hadoop tests on clusters are larger and more complete on the Internet, but I plan to test a bit larger version later.

Literally in an hour, I nagugl scripts creating a cluster of hadup, setting up its firewall and setting up the thrift server, which allowed jdbc from a home Windows to connect to the spark sql. Another two or three hours I spent on optimizing the default settings spark and loading a pair of small tables about 10 GB in size (the size of the data files in Oracle). I pushed the tables into memory (alter table cache;) and it was possible to work with them from my Windows machine from Dbeaver and Tableau (via spark sql connector).

By default, Spark used only 1 executor on 4 vCpu, I edited spark-defaults.conf, put 3 executers, 2 vCpu each, and for a long time could not understand why I really only have 1 executer. It turned out that I did not edit the memory, the other two yarn simply could not allocate memory. I put 6.5 GB on the executer, after that, as expected, all three began to rise.
Then I decided to play with a bit more serious volumes and a task closer to DWH from the TPC-DS tests. To begin with, I officially generated the tables with a scale factor of 500. It turned out to be about 480 GB of raw data (text with separator). The TPC-DS test is a typical DWH, with facts and dimensions. I did not understand how to generate data immediately on google storage, I had to generate a virtual disk on disk and then copy it to google storage. Google, as I understood it, thinks that Hadup works fine with google storage and the speed there promises a little better than if the data were inside the cluster on HDFS. At the same time, a part of the load goes from HDFS to google storage.

Having connected via Dbeaver, I converted text files to SQL commands into parquet-based tablets with snappy packaging. 480 GB of text data were packed into 187 GB parquet files. The process took about two hours, the largest table took 188 GB in the text, 3 spark executers in the parquet turned them in 74 minutes, the size of the SUV was 66.8 GB. On my desktop with about the same 8 vCpu (i7-3770k), I think “insert into table select * ...” into an 8k block table would take a day, and how many data files would be even scary to imagine.


Next, I checked the functionality of the BI tools on such a config, built a simple report in Tableua.


As for queries, Query1 from the TPC-DS test

WITH customer_total_return 
     AS (SELECT sr_customer_sk     AS ctr_customer_sk, 
                sr_store_sk        AS ctr_store_sk, 
                Sum(sr_return_amt) AS ctr_total_return 
         FROM   store_returns, 
         WHERE  sr_returned_date_sk = d_date_sk 
                AND d_year = 2001GROUPBY sr_customer_sk, 
SELECT c_customer_id 
FROM   customer_total_return ctr1, 
WHERE  ctr1.ctr_total_return > (SELECTAvg(ctr_total_return) * 1.2FROM   customer_total_return ctr2 
                                WHERE  ctr1.ctr_store_sk = ctr2.ctr_store_sk) 
       AND s_store_sk = ctr1.ctr_store_sk 
       AND s_state = 'TN'AND ctr1.ctr_customer_sk = c_customer_sk 
ORDERBY c_customer_id

executed in 1:08, Query2 with the participation of the largest tables (catalog_sales, web_sales)

WITH wscs 
     AS (SELECT sold_date_sk, 
         FROM   (SELECT ws_sold_date_sk    sold_date_sk, 
                        ws_ext_sales_price sales_price 
                 FROM   web_sales) 
         UNION ALL 
         (SELECT cs_sold_date_sk    sold_date_sk, 
                 cs_ext_sales_price sales_price 
          FROM   catalog_sales)), 
     AS (SELECT d_week_seq, 
                Sum(CASEWHEN ( d_day_name = 'Sunday' ) THEN sales_price 
                      ELSENULLEND) sun_sales, 
                Sum(CASEWHEN ( d_day_name = 'Monday' ) THEN sales_price 
                      ELSENULLEND) mon_sales, 
                Sum(CASEWHEN ( d_day_name = 'Tuesday' ) THEN sales_price 
                      ELSENULLEND) tue_sales, 
                Sum(CASEWHEN ( d_day_name = 'Wednesday' ) THEN sales_price 
                      ELSENULLEND) wed_sales, 
                Sum(CASEWHEN ( d_day_name = 'Thursday' ) THEN sales_price 
                      ELSENULLEND) thu_sales, 
                Sum(CASEWHEN ( d_day_name = 'Friday' ) THEN sales_price 
                      ELSENULLEND) fri_sales, 
                Sum(CASEWHEN ( d_day_name = 'Saturday' ) THEN sales_price 
                      ELSENULLEND) sat_sales 
         FROM   wscs, 
         WHERE  d_date_sk = sold_date_sk 
         GROUPBY d_week_seq) 
SELECT d_week_seq1, 
       Round(sun_sales1 / sun_sales2, 2), 
       Round(mon_sales1 / mon_sales2, 2), 
       Round(tue_sales1 / tue_sales2, 2), 
       Round(wed_sales1 / wed_sales2, 2), 
       Round(thu_sales1 / thu_sales2, 2), 
       Round(fri_sales1 / fri_sales2, 2), 
       Round(sat_sales1 / sat_sales2, 2) 
FROM   (SELECT wswscs.d_week_seq d_week_seq1, 
               sun_sales         sun_sales1, 
               mon_sales         mon_sales1, 
               tue_sales         tue_sales1, 
               wed_sales         wed_sales1, 
               thu_sales         thu_sales1, 
               fri_sales         fri_sales1, 
               sat_sales         sat_sales1 
        FROM   wswscs, 
        WHERE  date_dim.d_week_seq = wswscs.d_week_seq 
               AND d_year = 1998) y, 
       (SELECT wswscs.d_week_seq d_week_seq2, 
               sun_sales         sun_sales2, 
               mon_sales         mon_sales2, 
               tue_sales         tue_sales2, 
               wed_sales         wed_sales2, 
               thu_sales         thu_sales2, 
               fri_sales         fri_sales2, 
               sat_sales         sat_sales2 
        FROM   wswscs, 
        WHERE  date_dim.d_week_seq = wswscs.d_week_seq 
               AND d_year = 1998 + 1) z 
WHERE  d_week_seq1 = d_week_seq2 - 53ORDERBY d_week_seq1;

executed in 4:33 minutes, Query3 in 3.6, Query4 in 32 minutes.

If someone is interested in the settings, under the cut are my notes on creating a cluster. In principle, there are only a couple of gcloud commands and setting up HIVE_SERVER2_THRIFT_PORT.

вариант one node cluster:
gcloud dataproc --region europe-north1 clusters create test1 \
--subnet default \
--bucket tape1 \
--zone europe-north1-a \
--single-node \
--master-machine-type n1-highmem-8 \
--master-boot-disk-size 500 \
--image-version 1.3 \
--initialization-actions gs://dataproc-initialization-actions/hue/ \
--initialization-actions gs://dataproc-initialization-actions/zeppelin/ \
--initialization-actions gs://dataproc-initialization-actions/hive-hcatalog/ \
--project 123

вариант на 3 ноды:
gcloud dataproc --region europe-north1 clusters \
create cluster-test1 --bucket tape1 \
--subnet default --zone europe-north1-a \
--master-machine-type n1-standard-1 \
--master-boot-disk-size 10 --num-workers 2 \
--worker-machine-type n1-standard-1 --worker-boot-disk-size 10 \
--initialization-actions gs://dataproc-initialization-actions/hue/ \
--initialization-actions gs://dataproc-initialization-actions/zeppelin/ \
--initialization-actions gs://dataproc-initialization-actions/hive-hcatalog/ \
--project 123

gcloud compute --project=123 \
firewall-rules create allow-dataproc \
--direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default \
--action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:8088,tcp:50070,tcp:8080,tcp:10010,tcp:10000 \ --target-tags=dataproc

at master node:
sudo su — vi /usr/lib/spark/conf/
change: export HIVE_SERVER2_THRIFT_PORT=10010

sudo -u spark /usr/lib/spark/sbin/

To be continued ...

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