New Trending Page on GitHub

    On August 13, GitHub pleased users with another nice innovation - this time a step was taken towards further socialization.
    A new way has been released to see what is trending on the service with the convenience of filtering by time period, trend projects, developers and programming languages.

    The new GitHub Trending Page recounts data eight times a day, collecting and analyzing statistics for the last day, week and month. Using the drop-down list, you can filter information by the required period.
    Programming languages ​​are ranked, and repositories and developers are displayed by default regardless of the language. If you are logged in, you will see the trending languages ​​that GitHub bases on your starred repositories. Otherwise, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the most popular languages ​​of all GitHub.
    The popularity of languages ​​is always based on repositories. Even if you are viewing the Trending Developers tab, their ranking is based on the language of their most trending repositories.

    You can regard this update by GitHub as configured to increase user engagement in the project. On the other hand, the data presented on this page can be used for statistical research, as well as just to keep abreast of the most updated libraries for your favorite programming language.

    Source - Explore what is Trending on GitHub

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