JS Developer Day, different cities and communities - one holiday
In 1995, American developer Brendan Ike created the JavaScript language in just 10 days. Maybe that's why its syntax turned out to be complicated, and errors were frequent. However, the capabilities of JS have been impressive and impressive so far. For 20+ years, JS has become a library, has become a very beautiful and almost completely convenient language, spoken by thousands of developers around the world. What is not a reason to get together and remember every year how much good Ike did? But at the same time have fun and usefully spend time?

The idea of a global holiday JavaScript Developer Day belongs to Dmitry Voroby, an experienced developer from Minsk , the leader of the external community of JavaScript and Front-end developers of The Rolling Scopes. In addition, Dmitry organized a conference and a school of Rolling Scopes, as well as EPAM JSLAB Minsk.

A bit of magic in the form of social networks, word of mouth and the help of HR specialist Victoria Kosheleva - and global JavaScript Day were celebrated in 14 EPAM offices - in Belarus, Russia, Poland and Ukraine. It’s like celebrating World Women's Day or World Writer's Day for the first time in the world!

“Once the children approached me and said that they were going to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at school and that they should dress in something green,” recalls Dmitry Vorobei. - And then a thought flashed: why don't JS developers have their own holiday and their own symbolism?

And now all this has appeared in our country. Now the holiday is associated with yellow and orange flowers, and its symbols are spider monkey, rhino, mocha & bananas. Spider monkey and rhino are known to all JS engineers. In addition, the language is rich in so-called WAT features , due to which the path of a novice JS developer is similar to wandering in the wild jungle. The theme was proposed and drawn by a designer from Kiev, Kirill Shvedov . ”

How exactly did EPAM JavaScript Day go in different locations?
Let's start with Minsk, where in February one of the largest annual JS conferences - The Rolling Scopes , which was attended by more than 1000 people, died . There are about a dozen IT communities in Minsk, so the event was not supposed to let us down. Pavel Yukhnovich took over the organization,Vladimir Galushko and Olga Malinovskaya .

Pavel Yukhnovich :
“The debut JavaScript Developer Day Quiz turned out to be really unique - in a meeting format similar to a pub quiz, but not on the topic of geography, politics or history, like in Mozgoboyne, but on the topic of Front-end and JavaScript.

If people participate, for example, in FrontSpot Tech Talks to listen or talk about serious things from the world of web development, then JavaScript Day Quiz is a fan, networking and a good way to relieve the brain. We had two types of teams: consisting of both friends and strangers. But the whole charm of communities is precisely in finding friends by interests, discussing hot topics and learning something new.

In each location - from Gdansk to Saratov - the number of people wishing to participate exceeded the ability to accommodate everyone. And, of course, Minsk was no exception - here we decided to divide the event into two streams. The first is in the place where our guys from the BeerJS Minsk community usually gather . Empty seats here quickly ran out: more than 100 engineers were eager to participate in the quiz. And the second stream - for RS School students - took place in the Imaguru startup hub, where the meetings of The Rolling Scopes and Web Not Bombs communities often take place .

By the way, in Minsk there are a lot of internal and external communities. For example, FrontSpot community pleases engineers with technical currents in different locations. This year, the FrontSpot hackathon was held for everyone, the hundredth technical current died down, and the weekly Front-end digest became the favorite permanent reading for JS developers, and this is only the beginning.

But, as they say, not Front-end one! There is still a design community called Design Spot , where interesting technical currents and workshops often take place and where UX / UI specialists and hardcore JS developers can learn a lot of new and interesting things. ”

According to Brest activist of the It Shark Pro community Vasily Brutsky, “9 teams took part in Brest Pub Quiz, and these are 45 engineers. People have been very actively registering in recent days! The pub quiz itself was held by two presenters, Vladimir Demin and Alexander Kovalenko, and the judges were Alexander Orgish and Vasily Brutsky .

We managed to celebrate the holiday of the JavaScript language with the soul, and most importantly - we managed to gather so many caring professionals who are bored of living on the principle of 'work - home.' Questions on various topics included our brain after a working week, and someone was even motivated to spend the weekend reading documentation. A competition was announced for the best joke and the best explanation of complex issues. The Undefined team won, for which they received memorable prizes. ”

People managerIrina Barchuk from Vinnitsa said that their JavaScript Developer Day was a great success: “For our meeting, we chose the Cherdak creative space with panoramic views of the river and the city. Since the development of the JS community for our office is a priority, we set out to attract more external guests. 50 experienced JS engineers from Vinnitsa responded. We guessed right with the questions, and 3 hours just flew by. After the winners were awarded, the discussion continued actively. Great initiative! ”

To get to know the leaders of the Rolling Scopes personally, to ask your questions, an article as part of a community or to learn more about the movement of expert communities in Belarus, come to the EPAM Software Engineering Conference- The first EPAM conference open to an external audience. 2 out of 7 streams with reports were given to the community, the guys actively participated in the formation of a common audience. In addition to community reports, Texhibition Spots (tech-exhibition spaces) are organized - zones with master classes, thematic booths and networking.

To hold an event in your location, you can use the pub quiz materials prepared by The Rolling Scopes team.

The idea of a global holiday JavaScript Developer Day belongs to Dmitry Voroby, an experienced developer from Minsk , the leader of the external community of JavaScript and Front-end developers of The Rolling Scopes. In addition, Dmitry organized a conference and a school of Rolling Scopes, as well as EPAM JSLAB Minsk.

A bit of magic in the form of social networks, word of mouth and the help of HR specialist Victoria Kosheleva - and global JavaScript Day were celebrated in 14 EPAM offices - in Belarus, Russia, Poland and Ukraine. It’s like celebrating World Women's Day or World Writer's Day for the first time in the world!

“Once the children approached me and said that they were going to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at school and that they should dress in something green,” recalls Dmitry Vorobei. - And then a thought flashed: why don't JS developers have their own holiday and their own symbolism?

And now all this has appeared in our country. Now the holiday is associated with yellow and orange flowers, and its symbols are spider monkey, rhino, mocha & bananas. Spider monkey and rhino are known to all JS engineers. In addition, the language is rich in so-called WAT features , due to which the path of a novice JS developer is similar to wandering in the wild jungle. The theme was proposed and drawn by a designer from Kiev, Kirill Shvedov . ”

How exactly did EPAM JavaScript Day go in different locations?
Let's start with Minsk, where in February one of the largest annual JS conferences - The Rolling Scopes , which was attended by more than 1000 people, died . There are about a dozen IT communities in Minsk, so the event was not supposed to let us down. Pavel Yukhnovich took over the organization,Vladimir Galushko and Olga Malinovskaya .

Pavel Yukhnovich :
“The debut JavaScript Developer Day Quiz turned out to be really unique - in a meeting format similar to a pub quiz, but not on the topic of geography, politics or history, like in Mozgoboyne, but on the topic of Front-end and JavaScript.

If people participate, for example, in FrontSpot Tech Talks to listen or talk about serious things from the world of web development, then JavaScript Day Quiz is a fan, networking and a good way to relieve the brain. We had two types of teams: consisting of both friends and strangers. But the whole charm of communities is precisely in finding friends by interests, discussing hot topics and learning something new.

In each location - from Gdansk to Saratov - the number of people wishing to participate exceeded the ability to accommodate everyone. And, of course, Minsk was no exception - here we decided to divide the event into two streams. The first is in the place where our guys from the BeerJS Minsk community usually gather . Empty seats here quickly ran out: more than 100 engineers were eager to participate in the quiz. And the second stream - for RS School students - took place in the Imaguru startup hub, where the meetings of The Rolling Scopes and Web Not Bombs communities often take place .

By the way, in Minsk there are a lot of internal and external communities. For example, FrontSpot community pleases engineers with technical currents in different locations. This year, the FrontSpot hackathon was held for everyone, the hundredth technical current died down, and the weekly Front-end digest became the favorite permanent reading for JS developers, and this is only the beginning.

But, as they say, not Front-end one! There is still a design community called Design Spot , where interesting technical currents and workshops often take place and where UX / UI specialists and hardcore JS developers can learn a lot of new and interesting things. ”

According to Brest activist of the It Shark Pro community Vasily Brutsky, “9 teams took part in Brest Pub Quiz, and these are 45 engineers. People have been very actively registering in recent days! The pub quiz itself was held by two presenters, Vladimir Demin and Alexander Kovalenko, and the judges were Alexander Orgish and Vasily Brutsky .

We managed to celebrate the holiday of the JavaScript language with the soul, and most importantly - we managed to gather so many caring professionals who are bored of living on the principle of 'work - home.' Questions on various topics included our brain after a working week, and someone was even motivated to spend the weekend reading documentation. A competition was announced for the best joke and the best explanation of complex issues. The Undefined team won, for which they received memorable prizes. ”

People managerIrina Barchuk from Vinnitsa said that their JavaScript Developer Day was a great success: “For our meeting, we chose the Cherdak creative space with panoramic views of the river and the city. Since the development of the JS community for our office is a priority, we set out to attract more external guests. 50 experienced JS engineers from Vinnitsa responded. We guessed right with the questions, and 3 hours just flew by. After the winners were awarded, the discussion continued actively. Great initiative! ”

To get to know the leaders of the Rolling Scopes personally, to ask your questions, an article as part of a community or to learn more about the movement of expert communities in Belarus, come to the EPAM Software Engineering Conference- The first EPAM conference open to an external audience. 2 out of 7 streams with reports were given to the community, the guys actively participated in the formation of a common audience. In addition to community reports, Texhibition Spots (tech-exhibition spaces) are organized - zones with master classes, thematic booths and networking.

To hold an event in your location, you can use the pub quiz materials prepared by The Rolling Scopes team.