Live Broadcast: A Practical Font Course. Lecture cycle. Lecture number 2

  • Tutorial
So, I go to a course of lectures on fonts. Last Saturday I was at the first lecture - I liked it very much. The lecturer has been teaching graphics for 15 years - he can read not as charismatically as we would like, but very informative. Personally, these lectures are interesting to me in particular for streamlining the perception of font information around, and for general development in general, I highly recommend it.

When: April 20 at 12.00 in Kiev.

The topic of this lecture: “Theory of graphics: from point and line to image”

Broadcast will be here:

Link on the channel:

There will be no lecture recordings, so whoever succeeds takes a look. Spend Saturday morning to good use!

Information about the lecturer:
Vitaliy Stepanovich Mitchenko - Honored Worker of Ukraine, Associate Professor, lecturer at the Department of Graphic Arts NAOMA (over 15 years), Diploma recipient and winner of numerous exhibitions and competitions in calligraphy, typography and book art.

The main purpose of the course: the study and understanding of font culture, the development of basic font tools.
You will analyze the design, form and style of letters, words, texts; disassemble - how bad and good fonts differ; Learn about the features of using uppercase and lowercase characters, letter-to-letter, letter-to-line and line-to-line distances. A lot of attention will be paid to the successful selection of the font for a specific task; building font compositions, etc.

About the course on the website of the design school:

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