Russian Post Operational Headquarters Stops Post Collapse

    A message with such a heading appeared on the official website of the Russian Post . Quote from the site (with error correction):
    On Saturday, April 13, an emergency meeting of the operational headquarters of the FSUE Russian Post was held, which was created for the speedy elimination of the collapse with international departures at the airports of the Moscow hub. The meeting was held at the main center of the main mail traffic in Moscow.

    It was led by Alexander Timofeev, head of the Directorate for the Organization of Production Processes of the Russian Post, who had just returned from a meeting of the Universal Postal Union. He reported that there he managed to reach agreements with leading postal operators of the world on a more rational mode of entry into our country, with the redistribution of their mail to other Russian cities and a reduction in the burden on the postal service, airports and customs of the capital.

    Situation on 04/13/2013:

    1. 90 tons of international mail were exported from Sheremetyevo to other processing points. there is a slight decrease in arrival mail - by 23 tons.

    2. From Domodedovo, 100 tons of mail were sent for processing to Moscow and Samara. 83 tons are in operation, the daily balance is 14 tons.

    To strengthen the sending and export of processed mail, the transport of the federal postal service from Samara and Novosibirsk was brought in, the staff was increased by a third.

    3. Negotiations were held with countries of the world postal union on changing the logistics of entering the country.

    In order to reduce the load on Moscow airports, where 90% of the entire international Post of Russia is now arriving, an agreement was finally reached in the negotiations that lasted for 3 years. Now mail flows will be redirected from Southeast Asia to Novosibirsk. Scandinavian countries agreed to use flights to Pulkovo instead of Sheremetyevo.

    America, England, Israel and Italy sent their mail via flights arriving at Vnukovo Airport.

    And finally, I will give another interesting quote from the message:
    Russian Post 2 years ago warned that a collapse would occur due to international Internet commerce and prepared for it by opening and at its own expense equipped technically, including customs equipment, several new terminals. however, the customs service did not take the warnings seriously and did not resolve its personnel issue. Relevant documents and letters confirming this are attached. and so far this issue has not been resolved. the squares stand idle while the country is waiting for its parcels, and MMPO Moscow is suffocating in colossal volumes, working at the limit of the building's technical resources.
    The confrontation in the field of transferring responsibility to each other continues. But we see that the Russian Post is already taking real measures to get out of this situation. I hope these are not just words and they will be able to unload all their IMSEs as soon as possible and, in the future, evenly distribute the load between them.

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