Evernote speaks Russian for 4 years!

    On April 2, 2009, exactly 4 years ago, we launched Evernote in Russian. This was the first experience of localization of a still very young service (Evernote - as you know it today, appeared on June 24, 2008). We responsibly approached the debut in the international arena by translating the web client and all Evernote applications that existed at that time. We also took care of the support of the Russian language with our handwriting and printed text recognition technology.

    Today, Evernote is used by more than 1.5 million people in Russia and the CIS countries, and this figure continues to grow. We are very grateful to everyone who made our service a part of their lives.

    Today we would like to talk about the highlights of our four-year history. We hope that it will be interesting for our old users to remember, and for new ones to learn how Evernote has been developing all this time.

    April 2, 2009. Evernote spoke Russian

    By April 2009, more than 900 thousand people had used Evernote, we managed to get several awards, including winning the Crunchies 2009 in the Best Mobile Application nomination (per client on iPhone), and thought about entering the international market. Evernote is a company with Russian roots, its founder and many employees speak Russian, so the decision about the first country for localization was made unanimously.

    It’s worth discovering a little secret: we were completely ready to launch already on April 1, but decided not to risk it and wait another day - we couldn’t joke with the first international launch.

    June 25, 2009. Collaborative notebooks appear in Evernote The

    ability to open your notebooks to other users and to the world has become a key event for the Evernote service. Our collaboration and knowledge sharing functions are constantly evolving, for example, today we have a full-fledged knowledge management product for small and medium-sized businesses - Evernote Business .

    The new feature has gained popularity among users who have begun to share a wide variety of information with others. Today on the Internet you can find many open notebooks. For instance,vegetarian recipes , materials management , materials selections for nerds , advice to travelers , to improve the productivity of the recommendations , vacancies and tips for Mac users .

    July 29, 2009. The emergence of the Evernote translator community

    We would not be able to make Evernote so accessible to users in their native languages ​​if it were not for the help of volunteers. Fans of Evernote enthusiastically took up the translation of the service into many languages, and volunteers from Russia made a lot of efforts.

    December 16, 2009. Evernote for Android Exit

    Barely Appearing, Evernote for Androidbecame one of the most popular applications of our service and today is one of the products selected by the editors of Google Play.

    Now the Android application is the most frequently used Evernote client in Russia. It accounts for a third of all calls to the service. The second place is shared by the web client and application for Windows (14% each), and closes the top three Evernote for iPad (10%).

    July 14, 2010. The Appearance of the Evernote Gallery


    Shortly after the launch of Evernote, we introduced to the community of developers an open and free API that allowed everyone to add Evernote functionality to their applications, services and devices. The number of solutions on the Evernote platform grew rapidly, and we decided to create a place to demonstrate the best partner products by introducing the Evernote Gallery.

    We are very pleased that today there are Russian applications there, such as ABBYY Text Grabber + Translator and Exlibris FB2 .

    November 11, 2010. Quarterly premium subscription for Russian users

    In addition to the standard options for purchasing a premium subscription for 1 month and 1 year, especially for Russian Evernote users we have provided an additional payment option for a period of 3 months. This option is still available in the store of our partner Softkey.

    February 18, 2011. Creating a Russian-speaking Evernote Support Community

    For a long time, the official forum for communication between Evernote users and discussion of emerging problems has been the English-language forum. For Russian-speaking users, we launched a separate platform where they could talk about their difficulties, help others and ask questions to our employees.

    Today , more than 6 thousand users are registered in the support community , who created about 3500 discussions and left over 11 thousand comments.

    April 27, 2011. Meeting with developers in Moscow

    Many talented developers live in Russia, and we really want them to expand the capabilities of their products through integration with the Evernote platform.

    In April 2011, we gathered developers in Moscow (Digital October Center) and toldabout promoting partnership solutions, our API capabilities and the annual Evernote Devcup Developer Championship .

    June 16, 2011. Exit Evernote for Windows Phone 7

    At Evernote, we always aimed to create full-fledged clients for various platforms, and by 2011 we had 13 versions of Evernote in our account. The Fourteenth Evernote App for Windows Phone ! By the way, we recently updated it to version 3.0, significantly redesigning the interface and adding a number of useful features.

    August 18, 2011. Evernote acquires Skitch, makes it free and launches Android version

    In 2011, we announced a new stage in the development of the company - the advent of a whole family of Evernote applications. Our first step in this direction was the acquisition of Skitch , a convenient tool for adding notes and comments on images. At that time, it was a paid application for Mac. Skitch is now free, integrated with Evernote, and has versions for Android, Windows, iOS, and Windows 8 Touch.

    November 16, 2011. Exit Evernote Clearly

    Continuing to develop the Evernote family of applications, we introduced a new extension for browsers (first Chrome, and then Firefox) - Evernote Clearly, which allows you to clear the text of an article on the Internet from distracting web elements and make it easier to read. In addition, users can customize the presentation of the text, as well as highlight key points in the article and save it in Evernote.

    December 7, 2011. Exit Evernote Hello and Evernote Food

    Working on the convenience of adding certain types of information to Evernote, we paid special attention to the two most popular categories of entries: culinary impressions and contact details. Special applications have been developed for them: Evernote Food and Evernote Hello .

    Food serves as a convenient place to save and view recipes and impressions of memorable dinners, as well as search for restaurants. Hello is a great solution for saving data about all the people you meet.

    May 3, 2012. The first e-book about Evernote in Russian.

    Many books have been written about Evernote, both electronic and paper, but most of them are in English and Japanese. The first book on improving productivity with Evernote in Russian was the work of Gani Sultanov, "How to Feed an Elephant . "

    7 May 2012. Evernote acquires Penultimate

    Another addition was the Evernote family of applications Penultimate, a popular handwriting application on the iPad. We integrated it with Evernote, making it possible to search for handwritten notes and synchronize them. Penultimate has also recently become free.

    August 24, 2012. Evernote and Moleskine create a joint notebook.

    Moleskine notebooks have long been cult among creative people due to their quality and design. These notebooks had only one drawback - they remained paper, but the Evernote Smart Notebook fixed it. Notepad pages have a special markup that simplifies the recognition of handwritten notes using Evernote, and allows you to reliably save digital copies of your texts. Working with notebooks is supported in mobile applications for iOS and Android.

    Due to the rush demand for notebooks, they traveled to Russia for a rather long time, but in January they nevertheless appeared on the Russian market. More recently, the Indinotes.com store has offered a 10% discount for Evernote users, which you can still take advantage of.

    September 13, 2012. Evernote Experts

    In Russia, we launched the Evernote Experts program , which allowed us to identify active and experienced users of the service and create conditions in which they could share their knowledge.

    We are grateful to Angelica Medvedeva (travel), Armen Petrosyan (productivity), Daria Hubert (healthy nutrition), Marina Eliseeva (time management) andEugene Vyskub (entrepreneurship) for taking the time and opportunity to share their experiences with others. In the near future, we plan to replenish our expert program with new interesting participants.

    You can also ask your question to the Evernote Expert or discuss one or another aspect of using the service in the relevant field in our VKontakte group .

    October 26, 2012. Evernote for Windows 8 Touch

    Evernote for Windows 8 Touch has been available on the Windows Store since the first day of the application store and offers users an organic interface for this platform in combination with the main features of Evernote.

    December 4, 2012 Million users in Russia
    In December, the number of Evernote users from Russia overstepped the million mark and continues to grow. This is a very significant milestone for us, since we have always considered Russia as one of the key countries, to which, in addition, we have historically developed a special relationship.

    February 28, 2013. Launching Evernote Business in Russia

    Since 66% of our users use Evernote for business purposes, we took care of creating comfortable conditions for storing and exchanging information within small companies and teams and introduced Evernote Business .

    The new product has incorporated all the functionality of the basic service and premium subscription Evernote, and also offered a number of new features created specifically for small and medium-sized businesses. Since the launch of Evernote Business, more than 3,000 companies and teams around the world have armed themselves to increase the productivity of their employees and effectively disseminate important information within the company.

    “We have come a long way together, and yet we are still at the very beginning.” Our team continues to work so that you can use external digital memory even more conveniently and efficiently on all devices and in all areas of life.

    We want to once again thank all our users for choosing Evernote, helping us to make the service better and recommending it to our friends and colleagues. We hope that we will do the further history of Evernote together!

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