IKEA delivery in Russia or what we have done in 3 years


    Hi Habr.

    Almost three years ago we presented on Habré our project namvezet.ru -service for the delivery of goods IKEA throughout Russia. Then it was very friendly received by users, we received a lot of comments on the work, a lot of online publications wrote about us, there was an article in the newspaper “Business Petersburg”. The experience is invaluable and, by the way, after publication on Habré we did not give any advertising specifically, people themselves learned about the service and used our services)

    Since the launch, an incredible number of copies of our site have appeared, everything has been copied: tariffs, work scheme, even design. Moreover, the site design was used to design MEGA in Samara.

    Well, okay, the introduction dragged on. Habr, thanks, you helped us a lot.

    Our first publication was so warmly received that I would like to be the first to tell you about the updates we made.

    First, some statistics.
    The company has grown, now we send about 120-130 applications per month, the average check is 83 thousand rubles, the most expensive order was 1,421,700 rubles. this is a lot of IKEA furniture, you can’t even imagine how much.

    We officially work with IKEA, we have been assigned managers to process orders.

    And yes, we started to transport to Belarus and Kazakhstan.

    Dry numbers, as they say:
    Sent goods to 216 million rubles with a
    total weight of 540 tons
    A lot of IKEA)

    Now I would like to tell you about what we have prepared for you.
    We updated the design and functionality.
    Now, on our website, a complete catalog of IKEA products has been compiled; it is current and constantly updated.

    Each user has a personal account in which you can view the statuses of their orders and even repeat orders simply by throwing the old order into the basket.
    Added the ability to pay by credit cards, in the next 2 months it will be possible to buy goods on credit.

    We finally made delivery in Moscow and it is carried out by IKEA itself as in a real online store.

    And most importantly, now you pay the cost of IKEA goods directly to the IKEA store - this is a guarantee of our honesty!

    A lot of different chips were made on the site, for example, you can pick up a basket and without registering the site will remember your order for 30 days or you can share your shopping list with friends, and they, in turn, can put your list in their basket.

    We hope you enjoy using our updated service.

    We are waiting for your comments and suggestions, if you find a mistake, write to our informer, we will quickly fix it.

    UPD By popular demand, we paint what the cost of services consists of.
    9.99%: 3% packaging according to IKEA tariff
    1% assembly according to IKEA tariff
    1% for packaging glass goods
    3.5% acquiring according to bank tariff
    We multiply our service 1.49% by the average order of 83 thousand rubles and we get 1236 rubles. this is in case of payment by credit card.
    In the case of payment by receipt of service, we earn 4.99% and this amounts to 4141 rubles.

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