Yandex-money began to spend part of Internet payments on a plastic card poison as withdrawal from an ATM

    Good day to all.
    Since for an adequate time (almost a week) it was not possible to wait for an answer from the support of the Poison, and the beat on the creation of the ticket came regularly, I am writing here to warn the public about such a (rather strange) feature.
    One bank allows me to replenish the account with the plastic of another bank, such payments have always been for me without extra. commissions.
    I make the payment as usual: name, #, exp, CSV, as a rule a small amount is blocked, to check that the card is mine and here ... An
    amount that is much more than a few rubles is debited from the account.

    I go to the Poison and see "Well, nothing," I thought. “Maybe processing has blocked more.” I enter the blocking amount on the processing site: 107.74 - incorrect, 7.74 - OK.
    Комиссия: 100,00 руб.
    Детали платежа
    Снятие наличных с банковской карты Яндекс.Денег
    REGISTRATION,**********, RU
    Сумма в валюте платежа: 7.74 RUB
    Сумма в рублях: 107.74 руб.

    Номер транзакции: 20000******74

    After a while, 7.74 returns to balance.

    That is, the blocking of seven with kopecks of rubles of poison / TKS was carried out as a cash withdrawal with the appropriate commission.

    It always seemed to me that cash withdrawal implies the presence of an ATM, a person with a pin in his head and a card at a distance of no more than a few meters from each other, and a strange ATM, with rubles and copecks ...

    In general, the card begins to slowly win its free ...
    This sadly.

    In fairness, I note: payments in the direction of the stick, and another well-known processing - no change.
    Of course, a line recently appeared in the FAQ that “some banks go through” fall under “withdrawal from an ATM”, but this is not a payment, it’s a regular lock.

    And yes, it’s important. This is by no means a complaint about Poison (which I have been using for a long time and will use), this is a desire to be more careful.

    I wish you all the absence of such surprises!

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