Why Joomla Fails in Russia

In this article I want to talk about CMS Joomla, leaving a holivar overboard, which CMS is better, I will tell you about why Joomla, with all its popularity in the West, is still not recognized in Russia.

With all the advantages and disadvantages of Joomla, on the forums you can often see the statements “Joomla sucks”, etc. As a rule, statements of such a plan come from the ignorance of the person who writes such a review. With the same confidence, the student can say that sucks Yii or Drupal, only because they have never seen them or could not properly master them. However, there are not so many such statements about Yii and Drupal, and they are respected in Habré. So let's see what the problem is.

And so why is CMS Joomla, perhaps one of the most popular systems in the world, not recognized in Russia?

First, let's turn to the story: It will be a short link to the wiki .

We look, the whole history of Joomla is a jump from one branch to another , since I caught both mambo and joomla 1.0 and all subsequent branches, I can say that every jump from branch to branch sifted out part of the Joomla community. Forks were created, attempts to update the old branches, but all this did not lead to anything. While the same WP almost all of its history passed smoothly and almost painlessly.

I think that the worst thing for the Joomla community in Russia is precisely the transition from Joomla 1.0 to Joomla 1.5, then there was a very big split and the release of the Joostina fork, the consequences of this split, I think, are still going through. Although the fork itself has actually died due to the fact that its developers have changed priorities.

The next problem is the lack of public activity in the community itself.. If we say the Drupal community regularly lights up at all kinds of conferences and has a fairly strong lobby, in every way promoting its CMS, then the Joomla community has almost no such activity. Ask why? I will give you the answer, I do not know. Despite the fact that there are sufficiently strong studios that make sites using Joomla, they are not interested in promoting this system among businesses. Rather, the approach reigns, the client should not think about what kind of cms he has. The community itself is busy with its problems and the release of the next galaxy of webmasters, with different qualifications. And the promotion of CMS is almost not involved.

Low frame quality- This is probably the cornerstone of Joomla's bad reputation. In reality, the community who releases such a number of people who think they can make sites that simply marvel at it. I’ve been creating websites for more than 10 years, I’ve mastered many tools for developing them, I don’t declare with such confidence that I can develop a mega-portal alone in a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, every second graduate of the Joomla community is either trying to create their own mega-portal, or trying to sell their services to create such portals. What we have as a result is a site of mediocre quality, on a template (since the truth that you have to pay for everything, a person at this level of development cannot reach), with errors in structuring, in general, is a typical craft on the knee, by a person who first made his homage. Comments about

This problem implies the following - a freebie, the opinion that Joomla is free , it just excites schoolchildren, although she also doesn’t leave her uncle adults, but the opinion that everything should be free is free and in large quantities, ruins the system. The first is because people don’t learn using constructors, the second is because the abundance of “warez”, which is often infected, affects epidemics of sites, people just don’t understand (because of low qualifications) that they will pay for something , or “shell”, or at least a bunch of links on the site.

To summarize, I want to say that Joomla is good enough as a CMS, it is balanced enough and can probably provide everything that you can imagine now. This is a native bootstrap, this is its own “framework”, and a fairly broad and flexible API, and of course a bunch of various extensions and integration, plus high security, the code recognized as the best among open source CMS. It probably has everything, but in Russia there is such a situation that:
  • Tops do not want to convey the benefits of the system to the final business.
  • The lower classes cannot do this due to either limited resources or insufficient experience and other reasons.

I do not urge anyone to use Joomla CMS, I just think that this article will be interesting both to people who have never used the system, and to people who use this CMS, but run into alienation from the business or colleagues in the creation shop sites.

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