TechEd Russia 2012 - the largest Microsoft online conference!

    Friends! Today, a grand event in the world of the most modern technologies begins - the TechEd Russia 2012 conference opens !

    And with it begins the online broadcast at 10:00 Moscow time. All days of the conference - November 27 and 28 - stay with us. 9 rooms on the air, a huge number of Microsoft experts and partners, even more reports. Do not miss the opening of the conference with Scott Guthrie, corporate vice president of Microsoft's server and tool division, and Kirill Tatarinov, vice president of Microsoft Business Solutions, Nikolai Pryanishnikov, president of Microsoft Russia. During the 2 days of the conference, Microsoft experts and partners will show all the latest developments on the Microsoft platform and cutting-edge devices.


    See you online!

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