IT industry for the people: TechTrain Festival in St. Petersburg

    Hello! My boyfriend is a developer, and in the evenings, when he comes home from work, we have dinner together, and then we don’t go for a walk / to the cinema / to watch the bridges spread (summer is the same). He sits down at the computer and saws something in his repository on the githaba, because "look, I have 4 months all green every day, finally!" But it's not scary, because on the weekend (if you are lucky with the weather) we are still “going out”.

    This is what I? Every day off is valuable, and therefore, when a meeting / conference falls on a Saturday or Sunday, one girl programmer is sad in the world.

    Note: I sometimes find myself this girl too. And here again, September 1-2, TechTrain . Is it a lost weekend?
    I submitted that I did not work in the Group. What would I do at the festival?

    And now he buys TechTrain tickets and is going to go there on the last weekend of the summer. Naturally, I was upset - I don’t have anything to do at the IT festival, because I don’t know anything about pipelines and distributed systems. Desperate, I go to the festival website and see the first speaker ... Goblin. The one that films on cassettes voiced. I remember how, in early childhood, it was from him that I learned about the word "padla" (I just watched the first Star Wars with Queen Amidala / Padme). And here in front of me is a photo of Dmitry Puchkov and a description of his report : “reconnaissance with one of the festival’s speakers”. It seems not so scary.

    I went to read more. Abdulmanov from Mosigra. Who on Habré does not know Milfgard? I love his posts. About Vladivostok so unexpectedly hooked - the atmosphere of the city itself is so transmitted, as if she had been there herself. At the festival, Sergey will talk , of course, about games: action, intellectual and social games, gamification of real things, the first simple games of ancient cultures. Nothing incomprehensible, everything is interesting, she would love to listen.

    What do Meryl Streep, Henry Ford and Albert Einstein have in common? Denis Mishunov writes that all of them, despite their successes in professional life, suffered from various problems. Denis will tellnot about development, but about developers. About perfectionism, processing and impostor syndrome. According to the latter, by the way, I once passed the test. It seems to be suffering from time to time. Again, interesting, too, would go to listen to the report. But I thought that the festival is only for advanced IT specialists, and I definitely don’t have a place there.

    “Why dreaming is one of the most important skills.” So why? This is part of the title of the report by Ivan artificial intelligence changes education, business and society. In the description of the report there is a good example about twin sisters who read the same number of books a month, while the first sister’s shelves are full of unread books, and the second one buys just as many books as it has time to read. This example is an allusion to incredible amounts of information that we generate and do not have time to process. Also, be sure to go listen.

    I also caught Oleg Bartunov’s report on the path from a simple astronomer to a world-famous developer. And, probably, would have listened to the report of Roman Elizarov"Why do we need another programming language?" The first thing you think about when looking at the title of the report - really, why? Do you need him? He probably needs it, because Roman just works with Kotlin - he definitely has something to tell (and three years ago, Kotlin for me was just an island on which Kronstadt is located).

    Yes, not all the reports were clear to me (not all, to be honest). And in general, I thought TechTrain would be similar to other conferences of the Group that I hadn’t been accepted to before (I still wouldn't understand anything). And the festival, it turns out, not only for IT people? In general, if many reports are clear to me as well, why should an engineer with experience go to this festival? I went to my “engineer with experience” and started asking what he had forgotten about.

    The first report he noted isabout the architecture of the software product from Mikhail Druzhinin. He said that he would definitely listen, because everyone seems to be talking about architecture, but very few people can say something specific. Again, if there is plenty of literature on other topics, then the most characteristic problems that lead to the very bad architecture, and the ways to solve them, are not written as much as we would like.

    Still, despite the fact that the guy is a javist, he occasionally still has to deal with the front. And in general, it is interesting to find out what javascriptters are doing now, so he said that he would definitely come to listen to the report by Ilya Klimov - he will just “take a walk” into the life of a modern JS developer. But on the report of Vitaly Friedman, most likely, will not work, - after all, it does not work with responsive user interfaces. Although it would be nice to know how to save on airline tickets (I was already interested here!).

    Well, be sure to go listen to Yevgeny Borisov. This time, not about Spring (but no one bothers to ask during the breaks), but about Spark's capabilities : how it works, what tasks it can perform, how to use it correctly.

    In total, there are 24 reports in the program, it is better not to tell all of them, it’s better to read on the site .

    Not a single report

    “So,” I thought, “let's say I found some interesting reports. But the festival is going on for two days, what will I do for the rest of the time? ”If you search, you can still find something interesting. Having dealt with a rather confusing site, I found the “Exhibition” section, and the magic word “Entertainment” caught my eye.

    First of all, I would like to look at the interactive exhibition “The Brain: the Universe Within Us” . I never reached this exhibition with my feet, but now I can finally learn all the secrets and possibilities of the brain. I hope the guys will bring cat ears, which can be controlled by the power of thought.

    More will be nastolki from Mosigra. Everything is very difficult with my desktops: as long as I get into the rules of the game, while I remember all the nuances, all the enthusiasm and desire to play disappears (the guys who explained the Munchkin rules to me for an hour and a half, sorry!). Therefore, it is so important for me that someone help me with all the instructions - after Abdulmanov's posts, I have no doubt that all the rules will be laid out for me, they will teach me everything and will not give up in trouble. After the festival I will not start programming, but I hope that I will become closer to the world of nastolk.

    I remember, by the way, how in childhood I loved to play table hockey. It stopped only after the figures of the majority of the players finally fell off the mounts and the glue no longer saved (so often we played and thrashed the puck so hard). Recently tried a kicker. Of course, I do not play as often as I did in my childhood, but with pleasure I go to the stand of FREEFOS , in addition to the tables they will also have a master class on kicker.

    Continuing the theme of childhood memories: the festival will host an exhibition of retrocomputers RetroTech Squad . The guys were already on Joker last year, they brought a lot of retro games, and on TechTrain you can also be nostalgic.

    Rubik's cube everyone can collect? I have not learned this way (more precisely, a couple of times it all worked out for me, but that was a long time ago and not true).Speedcubes will show a master class in the assembly of the cube (here it is, my chance to regain my former greatness), and also hold a speed assembly tournament - it's time to prove yourself.

    The festival will also come Sintez Event , to immerse us all in the world of virtual reality.


    While I am presenting how I collect the Rubik's cube and study virtual reality in the time left after the reports, my boyfriend thinks which communities he will go to (what’s already about 20 on their website). Both days of the festival the guys will hold mitapes, raffles, master classes on their stands, and specifically for their reports two separate tracks in two halls are allocated. 24 reports for two days. In addition to the main halls, there will also be a demo zone at the exhibition - a small stage for those community reports that were not included in the main tracks. Schedule can be viewed on the site closer to the dates of the festival.

    So, on TechTrain already go:

    Golang Peter - Meetings of the Russian-speaking developer community on Go. They will hold two master classes: for beginners and on optimizing the application on a live example, and also organize Gopher Gonki.

    DotNetRu is a group of independent .NET developer communities from all over Russia. They unite people around the .NET platform to promote the exchange of experience and knowledge, hold regular meetings, share news and best practices in the development of software products. There will be a round table, gifts, a quiz and a master class. is a Russian Java developer community that holds open meetings in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The festival will come with a report.

    GDG St. Petersburg - organize meetings, invite engineers directly from Google, and also give each community member the opportunity to show themselves as a speaker. They want to build a friendly community where everyone can share their ideas and find support in their endeavors. Will bring several reports.

    PiterPy Meetup - Petersburg mitapas about Python. They try to do it informally, it is interesting and useful: reports, panel discussions, meetings. The guys do not care whether you are a beginner or a developer with 20 years of experience, they are glad to everyone. They promise a workshop and panel discussion.

    COMAQA is a testing automation community. They will conduct a series of review reports for different levels of students: from school graduates and students to IT-professionals.

    Kotlin SPB User Group is a St. Petersburg community that organizes meetings for all types of development in Kotlin. Will make presentations at the stand.

    PiterJS is a monthly mitap around javascript, Node.js and everything connected with it. They disseminate practices and development patterns, share their experience in using tools, techniques and principles, talk about the pain and pleasure of JavaScript programming. There will be round tables, barcamps and reports on the stand.

    Positive Development User Group is a Moscow community of IT specialists who seek to create secure applications. They will hold several workshops on the basics of developing secure applications, security of smart contracts, and security of mobile and banking applications.

    JDI Team is a community of test automation optimizers. The guys themselves sawing 5 frameworks for different types of tasks. They will come to the festival with reports, workshops and demonstrations.

    Tver.IO is the Tver IT-community, conducts meetings, organizes courses, actively leads discussions in the Slack-chat. At the stand you can listen to the lecture "Education in IT: what the modern engineer lacks."

    Embox is an open and free OS for embedded systems. Will hold mitap, show demos. It is interesting to see who will be on the stand of the open source OS.

    Atlassian User Group - regular meetings for anyone interested in Atlassian products. A workshop will be made at the festival, where in 30 minutes you can write your own plugin, ready for use and publishing on the marketplace.

    Digital banana - courses and activities on IT and Gamedev for schoolchildren 10-17 years old. Here they find friends, create teams and launch the first IT projects. The festival will come with contests and games.

    Riga AI, Machine Learning & bots - exchange knowledge and experience on various technologies of artificial intelligence and machine learning in Latvia. They are in the top 5 meetings in Latvia by the number of users. They will make a presentation on creating successful IT communities.

    WordPress St. Petersburg - WordPress meetings in St. Petersburg, creating an “ecosystem” in the city for users, programmers and newcomers to WordPress. At any time, you can come to the guys at the booth and talk about WordPress, get answers to your questions and ponder interesting ideas.

    Podlodka Podcast is a weekly audio show about mobile development and everything connected with it. The format of the issues is a complete immersion in the subject with a guest guest (interesting and eminent professionals in various fields). They will do a blitz interview with the participants of the festival and hold a couple of mitaps.

    Ural Testers Club is a community and offline platform for testers of Yekaterinburg. At the stand will conduct business games "Ships", "Cashier of the XXI century" and a survey with prizes.


    As you can see, if you carefully delve into what will be on TechTrain , you can find a lot of interesting things. It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced engineer, an IT student or in general you are a part of “sympathetic” in IT. Reports, communication, entertainment, stands of large IT-companies will not be bored.

    And I can only recommend you to buy tickets in July, because in August it will be a bit more expensive.

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