Lumia 920 and Lumia 820 in Moscow

    Yesterday I was at a joint presentation of Nokia and Microsoft in the SHELK loft, I saw a cut of two Steve bosses: Elop and Ballmer. I hoped that it would be possible to get a device for the test, but, alas, it did not work out so far. I think he can just buy a Lumia 920 the other day, but we'll see until I promise, because a couple of purchases on eBay have already been planned: a holder and mini-stages for a smartphone - they are much more relevant to me now. Anyway, I still managed to take a couple of photos on the Lumia 920 and for comparison on the Nokia 808 PureView, and throw them into my laptop. I can confirm that the user part of the Lumia 920 disk is seen in Win7 as an external flash drive. But first things first.


    Fairy Chronicle


    So, at about half-past five in the evening, it-journalists and just friends of Nokia and Microsoft started flocking to Savinskaya in the SHELK loft. It is noteworthy that no badges were issued at the entrance, that is, only those who could get to the party through the cardons of different levels of face & pro control one of the organizers knew by sight. I didn’t notice any excitement around the expected arrival of VIPs. The hall in which the presentation was to be held was closed, but the doors of the reception hall were open. Here, journalists and company employees drank, had a bite and talked about the future of the it industry. In general, it was very spacious, pleasant and productive.









    Official part

    And then everyone was called in a hitherto closed hall, where the official part of the presentation began. Some very ordinary Stephen Elop and Stephen Ballmer appeared on the scene, they introduced each other, and then for a long time and as always, the head of Microsoft spoke very actively, telling about all the advantages of the new mobile OS. After it was replaced by Stephen Elop, sitting during the speech of his colleague on the sidelines with some absolutely calm and even ordinary expression on his face. During the speech, CEO Nokia Nokia already Ballmer sat aside and studied the guests standing in front of the stage. Then they solemnly shook hands and with the red and yellow Lumia 920 posed for a minute in front of the cameras of the cameras and invited smartphones.

    This solemn part was completed and Nokia and Microsoft employees came on the scene and showed and told the audience about the new mobile OS, the new flagship smartphones Nokia, as well as several applications for working with the camera. On this, the official part was completely completed and several demo zones began to work in the hall, in which employees of Nokia and Microsoft employees demonstrated new products to those who wanted. In one of the demo zones I recorded this video:

    Short test

    At some point, I managed to lend the Lumia 920 for a short while and went out with her to the balcony to take a few shots first at her and then at the Nokia 808 Pureview. Here is the result. The settings in both cameras were automatic.

    Lumia 920:

    Nokia 808 Pureview:

    Lumia 920:

    Nokia 808 Pureview:

    I will not impose conclusions, but it seems to me that the camera 808 is not much inferior to 920 in terms of light sensitivity. I expect to check the rest of the camera parameters when I have a device for a longer time. However, even without a detailed test, it’s obvious that as a Lumia 920 smartphone it’s several goals better than 808. But I’m unlikely to exchange my N9 for Lumia 920 ...

    PS: all the photos, except those marked in the test as Lumia 920, were shot on the Nokia 808 Pureview! I do not cease to admire this machine!

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