GhostShell announced its intention to unleash a cyber war with the Russian government

    The hacker group GhostShell announced its intention to unleash a cyber war with the Russian government and as a “greeting” published 2.5 million stolen mail addresses, passwords and various records of state, law enforcement, financial and other institutions.

    The hackers' statement was published on November 2, 2012 on the resource, which they had previously used to report hacking. The stolen information was posted there.

    GhostShell hackers explained their decision to declare war on the Russian government by saying that “Russia has been a tyrannical state for too long” and mired in corruption, and its citizens “are forced to live in isolation from the rest of the world because of politicians.” The country, according to hackers, is going through hard times, and many people are starving, while the government is finding resources to finance spies.

    “GhostShell currently has access to more Russian files than the FSB, and we really want to prove it,” the attackers write.

    The information posted consists of about 600 files collected by hackers from the websites of Russian state and commercial organizations. Basically, files contain descriptions of databases hosted on hacked servers. In the case of the government of Yakutia, hackers also posted a list of files located on their server.

    The documents published by GhostShell also contain a large number of email addresses, including those with usernames and passwords. In some cases, passwords are encrypted. The files that hackers attributed to government information contain only e-mail addresses, and they mainly refer to free email services. Also in the disseminated information you can find archives of messages left by users of UAZ sites, the online pharmacy, the Fotrline rental service, and others. The messages contain email addresses and phone numbers of senders.
    A source

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