Windows Azure Webinar: New and Latest Cloud Platform Updates


    Dear colleagues, we invite you to join the free webinar (online), which will be held on October 31 at 17-00 (Moscow). The webinar will be dedicated to the Windows Azure cloud platform and all the many new updates and updates to the platform that have been announced recently. Come, it will be interesting!

    The webinar will be conducted by Vladimir Yunev and Natalya Efimtseva - Microsoft experts.

    On October 31, at 17-00, connect to the webinar using the following link .

    The webinar will be conducted using the Lync collaboration system, the client for connecting to Lync conferences can be installed at the following link .

    Instead of installing, you can use the connection through a browser, for this Sliverlight must be installed in it. Just follow the webinar link .

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